Agenda and minutes

Clay Cross Town Deal Board - Friday, 18th June, 2021 9.00 am

Contact: Damon Stanton  01246 217011

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor J Kenyon (NEDDC), Alison Westray-Chapman (Interim Head of Economic Development DCC) and Melanie Phythian (Department Business, Energy and Industry Strategy).


Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.



There were no interests declared at this meeting.


Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of the Clay Cross Town Board held on 30 April 2021.


RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the last meeting of the Clay Cross Town Board held on 30 April 2021 be approved as a correct record.


Terms of Reference - Working Groups pdf icon PDF 307 KB

To agree the Terms of Reference for the Clay Cross Town Board Working Groups – to follow

Additional documents:


The Clay Cross Town Board received a report which updated Board Members on the establishment of a number of working groups and sought approval for their associated terms of reference.


Board Members heard that following the appointment of consultants Amion to prepare detailed business cases for the ten projects identified by the Clay Cross Town Board, the Board requested that working groups were established to oversee the projects.


It was proposed that a total of five new working groups were established to join the two already in place. The five additional working groups proposed were:


·         Clay Cross Creative

·         Clay Cross Rail Station Feasibility

·         Communications and Community

·         Low Carbon

·         Town Centre Regeneration

The Head of Economic Development, Regeneration and Housing Delivery confirmed that the Board remained in control of the process, and that the working groups would not make decisions. Board Members noted that a scoping document would be an early task for the established groups, and that Board Members could act as sponsors and feedback the work of the groups to the Clay Cross Town Board meetings.


The Board requested a community engagement report which would help supplement the existing Youth Board so that all groups in the community could be included.


Board Members agreed to accept the terms of reference as outlined in the report, but that an amended terms of reference would be brought back to the Board at the September meeting. A formal scoping document which clearly outlined the remit of the working groups would be determined when the working groups commenced in July, with those documents being circulated to Board Members at the end of that month.


RESOLVED – That the working groups and their respective Terms of Reference are approved. 



Amion - Business Case Development Consultants

To receive a presentation from Amion.


The Clay Cross Town Board received a presentation from Peter Alford (Amion – Business Case Development Consultants).


The presentation outlined a number of themes including an introduction to Amion and the team; the Towns Fund – Process; Business Cases; Purpose and Key Requirements; Projects – Overview and Status; and next steps.


The Board was reminded that there were ten projects planned at a total of £74.15 million which included low carbon housing, a creative hub, rail station feasibility, and a Sharley Park Community Hub. It was stated that a social value element would form an integral part of the case’ strategic element.


The Board discussed the housing allocation being reduced from £1.5 million to £0.6 million. This was agreed with the Chair and Vice Chair.


The Clay Cross Town Board requested that a Gantt chart be produced and provided to the working groups for each business case. Board Members would also receive a copy of the presentation after the meeting.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.



Update on Submission

Verbal Update from Karl Apps, Head of Economic Development, Regeneration and Housing Delivery.



The Head of Economic Development, Regeneration and Housing Delivery informed the Board that following the Business Case Assurance going out to tender, discussions had taken place with Chesterfield Borough Council and Broxtowe Borough Council about a partnership to procure a framework. It was stated that this would reduce the overall cost as opposed to procuring the service on our own. The Board agreed to proceed with the proposed partnership.


RESOLVED – That the update be noted.



Any Other Business


The Clay Cross Town Board heard that there was the potential for the Board to bid into additional funding from the Cultural Development Fund, where the Towns Deal Fund for creative space could be used as match. The bid was for between £2 million to £5 million for capital works around cultural space.


The Head of Economic Development, Regeneration and Housing Delivery advised that he would produce a briefing paper on the funding and circulate to Board Members via email requesting approval to express an interest.



Date of Next Meeting

The next scheduled meeting is to be held on 17 September 2021.


The date of next meeting was scheduled to take place on 17 September 2021.