Committee details

Clay Cross Town Deal Board

Purpose of committee


The Clay Cross Town Deal Board has been formed by the Council to develop an Investment Plan for the Government’s potential Town Fund allocation to Clay Cross.


The Government announced in September 2019 that 101 towns had been invited to develop proposals for a multi-million pound Town Deal, and Clay Cross had been included in the list. In November 2019, the Government released the Towns Fund Prospectus, which set out detailed instructions for the 101 towns. View the prospectus online.


The Clay Cross Town Deal Board will serve as an advisory function and will be the vehicle through which the vision and strategy for the Town will be defined.  The board will produce a Town Investment Plan, which will inform the Town Deal proposals and include the amount of investment to be secured through the Towns Fund.  The role of the Town Deal Board is to:


1) Develop and agree an evidence-based Town Investment Plan

2) Develop a clear programme of interventions

3) Co-ordinate resources and influence stakeholders



Contact information

Support officer: Torin Fuller.

Phone: 01246 217375
