Contact: Damon Stanton 01246 217011
No. | Item |
Welcome Minutes: Councillor Renwick welcomed all to the meeting and introduced herself as Chair for the meeting in the absence of Gary Golden.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies had been received from Gary Golden (Worcester Bosch).
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made.
Copper Meeting Update Minutes: Karl Apps provided an update.
Copper Consultancy had been selected as part of the Town Hub Co-ordinator support and have reviewed the phase 1 consultation approached. They described it as a robust process and are pleased with the approach that has been adopted. Copper also reviewed the planned phase 2 consultation approach and believe it to be a good engagement process. The consultants did state they wished other Town’s had adopted a similar approach to consultation.
Flow Chart Update Minutes: Karl Apps provided an update to the flow chart.
Some changes had been made to the flow chart to reflect the extended consultation period (3 weeks to 4 weeks) with the final submission to Government 31 October 2020.
Stage 1 Consultation Summary Minutes: Peter Tooher provided a summary of responses to the survey.
389 responses had been received to the survey.
There was a clear sense of improvement required to the town centre, leisure facilities, improving the A61, improving the pedestrian environment and more facilities for young people.
Councillor Morley was concerned in respect of the communication method used for the survey. As a resident of the area covered by the Investment Plan he had not received a postcard and from making enquiries with numerous residents was not aware that anyone else had received any communication.
Peter Tooher confirmed that 3000 leaflets had been distributed but he would check with the distributers for any problems encountered. A further leaflet drop was due to be distributed 31 July.
Councillor Kenyon asked if the responses gave a broad representation of Clay Cross. Peter Tooher would provide a breakdown.
Councillor Dale asked if the questionnaire had covered the surrounding areas of Clay Cross such as Grassmoor as he felt it was important to get the views of the wider area. Peter Tooher replied that the leaflets had been distributed within the towns fund area with adverts posted on Facebook and press releases done. Peter Tooher has agreed to send copies of the questionnaires to Parish Clerks in wards that are liable to use Clay Cross as a primary shopping area. Karl Apps agreed to provide Peter Tooher with the contact details of relevant Parish clerks.
Baseline Summary and Logic Model Minutes: Peter Alford asked for any comments from the group to be sent to either Peter Alford or Karl Apps. The logic model is a requirement of the Investment Plan.
Andy James commented that in terms of outcomes lots of work has been done between Sharley Park Leisure Centre and North East Derbyshire.
Allison Westray-Chapman informed that Derbyshire County Council had an emerging recovery strategy and plan which should be included.
Councillor Kenyon commented that the approach to surface car parking must not be an anti-car plan.
Councillor Renwick asked the group to read and comment on the model.
Project Synopsis Draft Minutes: Peter Tooher gave an update on the proposals for areas in the IP.
Former Constabulary Building and Former Methodist Church
Proposed to reuse these buildings as a creative hub for arts and artisan workshops. DCC willing and able to relocate the countryside service.
Andrew King commented this would appear to be a quick win and could kick start the regeneration of Clay Cross.
Melanie Phythian commented that Ashfield District Council are developing a makers space and could be worth contacting them.
Peter Tooher suggested developing the group to take forward and working with Creative Arts. Julie Richards would be happy to support.
There were numerous opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Market Street/Bridge Street
To create a mixed use commercial, retail, leisure development with upper floor residential space sand a small ‘market space’ events area. Need to understand how to engage private sector.
Andrew King informed the area is one of the tunnel vents for the Midland Mainline and could possibly make something of that as start of the heritage trail.
Councillor Morley informed that Clay Cross Parish Council own quite a bit of land in this area and there are two vents in Market Street.
There are also some challenging landowners in the area and how could the Board effectively take control of the land.
Peter Tooher had had conversations with some landowners regarding relocation/reprovision. Work with Iceland would be required for their relocation. There would also be the option of CPO powers.
Councillor Dale commented on the small provision of 23 car parking spaces is this sufficient? Overall there is plenty of car parking in Clay Cross at the moment but whether it is in the right area needs to be considered.
Andrew King informed there was a lot of surface parking which was not good use of space, was there any possibility of underground parking? All potential options on the table.
The town centre needs to be flexible.
DCC said there was a possibility of the relocation of the bus station.
Bridge Street/Smithy Street
This would be a complimentary project to Market Street. Looking to bring in residential development and leisure activity. There is an opportunity to make better use of Tesco carpark. This would be picked up with Tesco to aid connectivity.
Clay Cross Training, Learning and Enterprise Hub
An element of this work would be the demolition of the former [primary school. There would be a creation of the training hub and lightly develop around existing educational building.
Peter Alford informed that discussions had been taking place with stakeholders and beginning to get a view of training facilities and enhancing the quality of existing facilities. The project will accommodate a Worcester Bosch training facility and integrate skills and training delivery from Chesterfield College. The project would also factor in the relocation of the Social Centre.
Julie Richards commented that this was potentially a fantastic opportunity and really relevant to Clay Cross. There was an opportunity of additional funding from the D2N2 recovery strategy. ... view the full minutes text for item CXTB/31/20-21 |
Draft Consultation Material Stage 2 Minutes: It was proposed to distribute the leaflet to all addresses in Clay Cross with the headlines of previous consultation. This would be supported by a press release and posters across the town. There would also be a single exhibition board in various locations encouraging people to complete the survey.
The consultation to last for four weeks with the final draft ready by the end of September.
Peter Tooher is in talks with Tesco’s Community Liaison Team to be able to reach a captive audience. Karl Apps would enquire if there was any capacity within the Partnerships team to offer assistance.
Any comments to be forwarded to Nexus within the next three weeks.
Any Other Business Minutes: Karl Apps had monitored the feed from the meeting and made notes of the chat.
Councillor Renwick thanked all for attending.