Peter Tooher gave an update on the proposals for areas in the IP.
Former Constabulary Building and Former Methodist Church
Proposed to reuse these buildings as a creative hub for arts and artisan workshops. DCC willing and able to relocate the countryside service.
Andrew King commented this would appear to be a quick win and could kick start the regeneration of Clay Cross.
Melanie Phythian commented that Ashfield District Council are developing a makers space and could be worth contacting them.
Peter Tooher suggested developing the group to take forward and working with Creative Arts. Julie Richards would be happy to support.
There were numerous opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Market Street/Bridge Street
To create a mixed use commercial, retail, leisure development with upper floor residential space sand a small ‘market space’ events area. Need to understand how to engage private sector.
Andrew King informed the area is one of the tunnel vents for the Midland Mainline and could possibly make something of that as start of the heritage trail.
Councillor Morley informed that Clay Cross Parish Council own quite a bit of land in this area and there are two vents in Market Street.
There are also some challenging landowners in the area and how could the Board effectively take control of the land.
Peter Tooher had had conversations with some landowners regarding relocation/reprovision. Work with Iceland would be required for their relocation. There would also be the option of CPO powers.
Councillor Dale commented on the small provision of 23 car parking spaces is this sufficient? Overall there is plenty of car parking in Clay Cross at the moment but whether it is in the right area needs to be considered.
Andrew King informed there was a lot of surface parking which was not good use of space, was there any possibility of underground parking? All potential options on the table.
The town centre needs to be flexible.
DCC said there was a possibility of the relocation of the bus station.
Bridge Street/Smithy Street
This would be a complimentary project to Market Street. Looking to bring in residential development and leisure activity. There is an opportunity to make better use of Tesco carpark. This would be picked up with Tesco to aid connectivity.
Clay Cross Training, Learning and Enterprise Hub
An element of this work would be the demolition of the former [primary school. There would be a creation of the training hub and lightly develop around existing educational building.
Peter Alford informed that discussions had been taking place with stakeholders and beginning to get a view of training facilities and enhancing the quality of existing facilities. The project will accommodate a Worcester Bosch training facility and integrate skills and training delivery from Chesterfield College. The project would also factor in the relocation of the Social Centre.
Julie Richards commented that this was potentially a fantastic opportunity and really relevant to Clay Cross. There was an opportunity of additional funding from the D2N2 recovery strategy. The digital infrastructure is critical. In respect of timescales was there going to be individual working groups and priorities given to individual projects?
Peter Tooher informed that the Training and Skills working group was already meeting and other groups would be established.
Further work is required on actual costs and funding from other sources.
Sharley Park and Sharley Park Leisure Centre
Talks are being held regarding the provision of a cinema/bowling alley. Some infill site would be looked at through the 1 public estate. Leisure was key in the responses received from the survey. This area would focus around sports and leisure. The library would be located in the town centre and not within the leisure centre.
There is a longer term proposal for a district heating facility to be located at the leisure centre. Andy James expressed a concern on the energy project at the leisure centre. Peter Tooher informed the boiler runs off hydrogen and not dissimilar to proposals for leisure centres. Andy James thought it would be beneficial for Peter Tooher to attend the next meeting of the Sharley Park Steering Group.
Councillor Kenyon asked if there was a way of sequencing the infill housing and parking, having parking for say 10 years with permission for residential use after.
Consideration could be given to a joint access between Sharley Park and the Community Hospital to improve connectivity. Janine Foxhall was keen to develop this consideration.
Councillor Renwick commented this would be a good tie in to leisure and wellbeing.
Andy James suggested it would be a good idea to do a presentation to the Town Board at a future meeting.
Green Infrastructure – Kenning Park/Sharley Park Leisure Centre
Proposals for a measured mile around Kenning Park, disc golf course which already has connections in Clay Cross. Sport England had proposals for an artificial turn football pitch at Sharley Park. Peter Tooher commented that the owner of the Bret Club interested in the future use of the area. If the library was relocated then an alternative use for the building could be allocated to a model railway as there had been discussions with an enthusiast.
Derbyshire County Council would like to relocate the library as it doesn’t have a large footfall at present. This could link to digital suite and training.
A61 Market Street/High Street traffic management
Encourage Derbyshire County Council to work up what this is to look like and be more pedestrian friendly and enable traffic to move through strategic route. Remove unnecessary traffic from heart of centre. There is an opportunity for greater connections to adult education centre. Councillor Kenyon asked if there was an approach to heavy goods vehicles not using this route as cars getting cleaner and quieter. Andrew King commented that there had been an increase in the speed and flow of traffic along Market Street and it should be encouraged that Market Street be used less.
Town wide low carbon travel
Not taking through as a separate workstream but embed the strategy in other projects.
Councillor Kenyon commented that electric charging points and electric scooters should be embedded into plans.
Pedestrian/cycle link
This would draw all assets together in the scheme.
Railway Station
Discussion are continuing with HS2 but it is likely to be towards 2030 before construction takes place and runs a real risk of being aborted work. An alternative would be to investigate the possibility of a station on the Derby line.
It is proposed that in terms of the bod to refer to the potential of a station. Possibility of seeking funding for a joint feasibility study with Network Rail.
Clay Cross Depot
This site is opposite Tesco and picked up in the OPE work. This site was originally intended for short terms leases to companies but has now turned into long term. Although not looked at in this scheme the Council will have to address regardless as it carries significant liability.
District Heating Network
This is a potential project for Clay and given Clay Cross’ history would be an exciting development. The project would be potentially solar and hydrogen powered.
Alan King requested that all projects bear in mind the need for accessibility for disabled and not just physically disabled. Signage needs to be key.
Councillor Renwick said there was still lots of work to do but couldn’t wait to see the next stage.
The Board agreed to proceed with projects to the next stage.