Agenda and draft minutes

Clay Cross Town Deal Board - Friday, 12th July, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: MR 1&2, District Council Offices, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield S42 6NG

Contact: Alan Maher  01246 217391

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.



Councillor Rouse declared that she was a member of the Planning Committee and Clay Cross Parish Council.



Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 279 KB

To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of the Clay Cross Town Deal Board held on 22 March 2024.



Members gave thanks to the previous MP Lee Rowley for his hard work and dedication.


RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the Clay Cross Town Deal Board held on Friday, 22 March 2024 be noted.



Governance Toolkit Review pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Tris Burdett, Programmes Manager – Programme Management Team


The Board received a summary of findings from the Clay Cross Town Deal Governance Toolkit Review. The Board heard that the toolkit was developed as an internal assessment, to help get the best from the Town Deal Board. Members heard that the toolkit looked at four thematic areas which were core to good governance and a high-performance board.

Board were given an overview of how they had exceeded many of the minimum requirements which demonstrated that governance of the Board is robust and fit for purpose. Potential areas for improvement were identified and further work is required to either explore or action the recommendations.

Members heard about the strengths which the review had highlighted, which included the Terms of Reference. Areas for improvement were also shared, which included, further consideration to attract representation from the community/voluntary sector, if beneficial.

Board were made aware of the need for openness in relation to publishing information on the Lead Authority’s website. This included reports, terms of reference, Board members profiles and minutes.

Members were provided with the minimum expectations for engaging with partners. This included identifying and overcoming barriers to engagement. Furthermore, Members heard about the minimum guidance, to ensure that all funding decisions made were impartial where possible, and for the Section 151 (S151) Officer to scrutinise and sign-off agreed data/relevant reports.


The Board discussed managing expectations, seeing through outputs and being mindful of how the project was being marketed. They also highlighted the need for effective communication and engagement with the community.


Members shared that Inside Limited had been on site for a number of weeks now, engaging with businesses in the area. They also discussed the ongoing messages to partners, the use of social media, and the willingness to engage with people in person.





  1. That the Board notes the summary of findings following the Governance Toolkit Review.


2.     That the Board agrees for the project delivery team to work with the Chair to consider and implement the identified areas for improvement, as set out in section 2 of this report.



Programme Dashboard pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Tris Burdett, Programmes Manager – Programme Management Team


The Board received a programme update on all of the Clay Cross Town Deal

projects to date. They heard that certain key milestones had been reached, these

included he Sharley Park Leisure Centre structure having been demolished and construction work which was progressing on the Clay Cross Active building.

Work continues with Inside Ltd to confirm the scope, and deliverables of the Town Centre regeneration work in readiness for formal contract signing, which was expected July/Aug 2024.


Members heard that NEDDC was now in possession of Block A and works associated with the discharge of the pre-commencement planning conditions have started. The Low Carbon Challenge Fund had received twelve applications and ten expressions of interest. Members heard that the Clay Cross Town Deal projects were progressing well.


Board were given an overview of the programme risks for the Clay Cross Town

Deal project and what mitigations had been put in place to address these. Some

of the risks associated with the programme included: rising costs, a risk of failing

to purchase or agree the workplan on externally owned assets within the time

frame, and the risk of failing to meet the outputs/outcomes as specified in the

business cases which are closely monitored.


Members were provided with an update on Clay Cross Active. They heard that the demolition of the old superstructure has taken place. As well as this,

leases for TAG Active, Soft Play and the Fitness Suite equipment have now been agreed, and cubicles, IPS, landscaping, decoration, metalwork, and flooring packages are being procured. An open date target is in place.


Members were given an overview of the top risks associated with Clay Cross

Active and the mitigations that had been put in place to address these. Some of

these risks were delays to the project caused by adverse weather, National Grid's failure to commit to a programme with the potential risk of a significant delay to the required 'power on' date because of offsite electrical reinforcement works, and changes continued to be made by the client and operator, throughout the design and construction phases. Failure for the DNO is still a risk but reassurances have been offered.


Town Deal Board heard that preliminary works for the A61 entrance to the car park have been approved, and that FHP have been appointed to promote the units. DCC Cabinet has been moved to 25th July, so the outcome from the Block B decision will be decided next week.


Members shared that S278 is in review, and that it sits with DCC to publish in the press and start the consultation. They also noted that Clay Cross library information had been approved. Concerns around the delivery of learning outputs were highlighted, along with the risk in uptake of units.


Board heard that the Low Carbon Challenge Fund had been approved, and energy audits of businesses across Clay Cross had begun. The risk of a low uptake of the scheme was shared, which would have an impact on the  ...  view the full minutes text for item CXTB/45/22-23


Learning Outcome and Skills Delivery Presentation

James Borkoles, University of Derby


Town Deal Board were updated on the progress of the Learning Outcomes and Skills Delivery. It was highlighted that there were two key spaces: a creative space and a learning hub. The annual capacity of the hub is 544 from the facility being up and running, with an aim of 252 learners per year, 320 learners being enrolled in a programme which did not need to be formal and could include access to work, basic functional skills, Maths and English.


Members heard there are no concerns in meeting the targets, and they will be collaborating closely with employers ideally from the Clay Cross. Considerations for accessibility to the hub will be given, and there will be a reliance on technology and the speed of broadband to enable suitable training delivery.


Partners currently involved include the library service, who will be offering signposting and access levels skills. There will be a blend of delivery at a further education level, and the adult community education service, and Chesterfield College will be offering a full range. Programmes will be available from level 1 and Chesterfield College provide training up to level 4, and occasionally level 5. Additionally, Derby university can offer levels 4-7. Programmes can also be offered via the hub or remotely, and include programmes such as engineering, business, marketing, nuclear skills, and health service training.


Basic employability skills will be provided, including, interview presentation, communication skills, how to present yourself, and core functional skills incorporating English and Maths. The university have been conducting some work around Maths, and the reasons for poor engagement. Additional training will be available around preparing for volunteering.


The training will largely depend on what is required locally, and if there is a need for apprenticeships, this will be available at level 2 through to level 7. Apprenticeship levy funding is available, and transfers can be arranged for businesses who cannot afford or do not have access to the levy.


Members discussed open partnership working and keeping the Clay Cross community together. This included working with Trade Unions and the DWP and what this would look like. Additionally, it was explored how the apprenticeship levy worked and if it could be transferred between public organisations, and if UKSPF could be tapped into for funding.


The Board clarified that funding for Clay Cross is Capital funding, to ensure that the library and adult education work together and that the correct infrastructure is in place. It was suggested that the Hub be renamed to a Centre due to the number of hubs currently in place. Members wanted there to be a reach out to people in all areas to share that there are ways to develop their employability skills.


RESOLVED – That the Clay Cross Town Deal Board noted The Learning Outcomes and Skills Delivery Presentation.



Risk and Finance

Tris Burdett, Programmes Manager – Programme Management Team


The Board heard the report for Finance and Risk, including information around the lowest quotes receiving being substantially more than what was expected. Due to this, some things have had to be halted in the business plans. We cannot go above the budget but if anything changes, the works which have been halted will be addressed. Once the build had begun there would be a little more certainty, and it was requested that a cost contingency breakdown be shared along with the possibility of CCTV being installed.


RESOLVED – That Town Deal Board:


1. Noted the risks involved with the programmes and the mitigations that had

been put in place to address these.



Any Other Business


Louise Jones MP shared that she is aware that she has come in at the delivery stage. Context will change due to the change of government. She will ensure that what comes in will compliment what is already planned or in place. Any question, or opinions needed please reach out.



Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Clay Cross Town Deal Board will be held on 27 September 2024 at 10.00 am.


The next meeting of the Clay Cross Town Deal Board will be held on 27 September 2024 at 10.00 am.