Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 18th October, 2022 1.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Alan Maher  01246 217391

No. Item


Election of the Chair of the Meeting


In the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, Planning Committee agreed that Councillor H Liggett chair the meeting. 


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions

To receive any apologies for absence and notices of substitutions from Members.


Apologies were received from Councillor D Ruff, who was substituted by Councillor P Antcliff, Councillor M Jones, who was substituted by Councillor T Lacey and Councillor K Rouse, who was substituted by Councillor S Pickering. Apologies were also received from Councillor P Elliot, Councillor A Powell and Councillor J Ridgway. 


Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


Councillor H Liggett declared an interest in Item 5, NED/22/00057/FL, North Wingfield, as a Member of the Rykneld Homes Limited (RHL) Operational Board. She indicated that she would remain in the meeting during the discussion of this item and participate in the Committee’s determination on it.


Councillor W Armitage and Councillor S Pickering both declared an interest in Item 5, NED/22/00057/FL, North Wingfield, as tenants of Rykneld Homes Limited (RHL), although not in the area covered by the Application. Councillor W Armitage and Councillor S Pickering both indicated that they would remain in the meeting during the discussion of this item and participate in the Committee’s determination on it. 




Minutes of the Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of Planning Committee held on 20 September 2022.   


The minutes of the meeting, held on Tuesday 20 September 2022, were approved as a true record. 


NED/22/00380/FL - KILLAMARSH pdf icon PDF 750 KB

Proposed change of use from shop and house to a nine-bed Home of Multiple Occupation (HMO) (Amended Title) (Amended Plans) at 205-207 Sheffield Road, Killamarsh.


(Planning Manager – Development Management)


Members were reminded that Committee had deferred consideration of this Application, for the change of use from a shop and house to a nine bed Home of Multiple Occupation (HMO), at 205-207 Sheffield Road, Killamarsh, at its meeting on 20 September 2022. Committee agreed the deferral so that additional information on fire safety, the travel requirements of the HMO residents and possible additional parking as a result of the development could be obtained and taken into account in determining the Application.


In this context, the report to Committee explained that the Applicant had now submitted a Travel Plan for the site. The Plan provided information on the number of locations within walking distance, those within cycling distance and those which could be reached by public transport. 


Members were also informed that the Highway Authority had clarified the status of its draft Derbyshire Street Design Guidance, setting out parking standards for Houses in Multiple Occupation. It confirmed that the Guidance was still subject to discussion and had not yet been adopted by the Highways Authority. Consequently, Planning officers did not feel that it could be taken into account when deciding on the Application.


Finally, the report explained how clarification had been sought about the proposed fire safety arrangements for the development. Members learned that the Applicant had now submitted a Fire Safety Plan for the HMO. This provided information about what specific arrangements would be put in place if the Application was approved. In this context, Committee heard that the Fire and Rescue Authority had considered the proposed Fire Safety Arrangements Plan for the site and had recommended that a Domestic Sprinkler System for the site also be installed.


Planning Committee considered the Application. It took into account the relevant Planning Issues. In particular, the Principle of Development and its location on an Unallocated Site within the Settlement Development Limits (SDL) for Killamarsh. It considered National and Local Planning Policy, including Local Plan Policy SS7, which permits development on those sites within Settlement Development Limits that have not been allocated within the Local Plan or a Neighbourhood Plan.


Committee also took into account other relevant planning policies. These included Policy WC4, requiring that proposals for retail and other town centre uses in the District’s Centres contribute to their vitality and viability and Policy ID5, requiring that development proposals which would result in the loss of social infrastructure facilities, such as local shops, not be permitted, unless the service was no longer needed or could be provided in an alternative way.


Members discussed the Application and reflected on all the information which they had now received. Some Members highlighted the scale of the development and the number of people to be accommodated in the HMO. Some Members remained concerned that the proposed facilities would not meet the accommodation needs of its residents. Continuing concern was also expressed by some Members about the proposed emergency safety measures and whether these would be adequate.


Committee discussed the likely travel requirements of the HMO residents.  ...  view the full minutes text for item PLA/45/22-23


NED/22/00057/FL - NORTH WINGFIELD pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Demolition of 16 dwellings and erection of 72 new residential dwellings (Major Development) (Amended Plans) at Whiteleas Avenue, North Wingfield.


(Planning Manager – Development Management)



The report to Committee explained that an Application had been submitted for the demolition of 16 dwellings and the erection 72 new residential dwellings at Whiteleas Avenue, North Wingfield. As required under the Council’s Constitution, the Application had been referred to Planning Committee for determination; as it had been submitted on behalf of Rykneld Homes Limited, the Managers of the Council’s Housing Stock.


Planning Committee was recommended to approve the Application, subject to the conclusion of a Section 106 Agreement. The report to Committee explained the reasons for this.


Members were reminded that the Application was for a major development and that it would be located on a site which had previously been used for housing. Much of this former housing had been dilapidated and had now been cleared. Officers felt that the site would be an appropriate location to build additional and replacement housing. In particular, they had taken into account how the development would make a significant contribution towards increasing the amount of affordable housing in the District.


The report explained that the proposed housing would be of good design and would be in keeping with the surrounding area. It would be a sustainable development and that the proposed mix of tenures would help meet the requirement for affordable, mixed ownership and open market dwellings in the local area. The officers had concluded that the Application should be approved, subject to specific alterations and with an appropriate Section106 Agreement (an agreement reached between the Council and Developer to carry out social and physical infrastructure improvements to help offset the impact of a development).


Before Committee considered the Application, it heard from G Ward the Agent for the Application. No one had registered to speak against the Application.


Committee considered the Application. It took into account the Principle of Development and the location of the proposed development on an unallocated site within the defined Settlement Development Limits for North Wingfield. It considered Local Plan Policy SS7, which sets out when developments on such sites would be appropriate. It took into account Local Plan Policy LC2 on the requirement for affordable housing across the District as a whole and the benefits of this to the local area and community.


Members reflected on the need for an appropriate Section 106 Agreement to mitigate the impact of the Development and the specific requests for financial contributions as part of this agreement which had been made.


Members discussed the Application. Some Members asked for and received confirmation that there would be no flood risk on the site. Members were informed that concerns had been raised by Derbyshire County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) about possible flood risks on a specific part of the site. In response, two plots had now been withdrawn from the proposed development, which had removed the risk.


Members also heard how the layout of the plans had been amended slightly to reflect officer concerns on separation distances and garden sizes from some of the plots and the  ...  view the full minutes text for item PLA/46/22-23


NED/22/00423/FL - RIDGEWAY pdf icon PDF 374 KB

Construction of single storey side extension and single storey rear extension to outbuilding (Conservation Area) (Amended Plan) at 1 Sloade Lane, Ridgeway

(Planning Manager – Development Management)



The report to Committee explained that an Application had been submitted for the construction of a single storey side extension and a single storey rear extension, to an Outbuilding at 1 Sloade Lane, Ridgeway. The location for the Application was in a Conservation Area and it involved an Amended Plan.


The Application had been submitted by the partner of a North East Derbyshire District Councillor. As required by the Council’s Constitution it had been referred to Planning Committee for determination.

Planning Committee was recommended to approve the Application, subject to conditions. The report to Committee explained the reasons for this.


Officers made clear that existing, poorly designed buildings, would be removed if the Application was approved, which would benefit the site as a whole. In their place, the new extensions would help ensure the productive use and long term maintenance of the distinctive and historic main building. Finally, the changes would also allow the building to meet the needs of the occupier, who had only limited mobility, and their carer.


Members were informed that no one had registered to speak on the Application.


Committee considered the Application. It took into account the Principle of Development and the location of the site outside of any established Settlement Development Limits in an area designated as part of the Green Belt and within the Moss Valley Conservation Area. Committee considered the relevant Local Plan Policies requiring that developments within the Green Belt should not be detrimental to the visual amenities of the Green Belt or conspicuous by virtue of their siting, design or materials of construction.


Committee took into account the relevant Local Plan Policies. These included Local Plan Policy LC5, requiring that new extensions be in keeping with the property and street scene and create good design which was well-related to its site and surroundings in terms of their style. It also considered Local Plan Policy SDC12, requiring that new development protect the amenity of existing occupiers and creates a good quality of amenity for future occupiers.


Members discussed the Application. They reflected on how the extensions would help meet the needs of the occupant with only limited mobility. They considered the impact on the main building of the Application and how the removal of the existing poorly designed outbuildings would help improve its setting. Members also reflected on what impact the proposed development might have in terms of ensuring the long term use and maintenance of the main building.


At the conclusion of the discussion Councillor D Hancock and W Armitage moved and seconded a motion to approve the Application. The motion was put to the vote and was agreed.






(1)  That the Application be conditionally approved in accordance with officer recommendations;


(2)  That the final wording and content of the conditions delegated to the Planning Manager (Development Management)




1            The development hereby permitted shall be started within three years from the date of this permission.


2         The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with  ...  view the full minutes text for item PLA/47/22-23


Matters of Urgency

To consider any other matter which the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency.

