Committee details

Planning Committee

Purpose of committee

The Planning Committee is responsible overall for the granting and refusal of planning applications, listed building consent and other regulatory functions relating to planning of the Council.


The planning committee meets every four weeks throughout the year to consider the more complex or major planning applications.


The committee decision will be published online and can be accessed here by entering the Planning Application Reference Number. If you are not able to access the information, please call Planning Support on 01246 217159 or 217172.


Speaking at Planning Committee


The Council has established this procedure to make sure that arguments for and against an Application are heard by the Planning Committee in a balanced way. There are clear rules about who can register to speak at Planning Committee meetings on an Application. These are set out below.  


Applicants and Agents

The Applicant and the Agent can register to speak on their Application. Please note that only one Agent and one Applicant will be allowed to speak.


The Ward Member

A local North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC) Ward Member can register to speak on an Application located in their Ward.


The District Council Member who called in the Application (if not a Planning Committee Member)

The North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC) Member who referred an Application to Planning Committee can register to speak on it.


The Local Parish Council.

The local Parish or Town Council for the part of the District covering the Application can register to speak on it. Please note that only one representative of the Parish Council will be allowed to speak on an Application.


The Member of Parliament

The Member of Parliament for the part of the District covering the Application can register to speak on it.


Those supporting the Application.

Three people, who have previously submitted a ‘representation’ to the Planning Service on an Application, can register to speak in support of it. This will be done on a first come, first served basis.  Those who do register to speak will be asked to consult other possible supporters and the other speakers, in order to reflect their views and to agree among themselves what issues they intend to speak on. It is important that speakers do not simply repeat the points which have already been made. Please note that if you do register to speak then we will share your email contact details with the other speakers supporting the Application.


Those opposing the Application.

Three people who have previously submitted a ‘representation’ to the Planning Service on an Application can register to speak against it. Those who do register to speak will be asked to consult other possible objectors, in order to reflect their views and to agree among themselves what issues they intend to speak on. It is important that speakers do not simply repeat the points which have already been made. Please note that if you register to speak then we will share your email contact details with the other speakers objecting to the Application.


What will happen at the meeting.

All speakers will have three minutes to address the Committee. After they have addressed the Committee, they may be asked questions by the Committee Members. Once they have answered these questions they cannot participate further in the meeting, although they will be welcome to remain in the meeting.


Speakers may choose to the address the Committee in person at the meeting, or remotely through an Electronic Conferencing System. Please note that the public parts of Planning Committee meetings are live streamed on YouTube and recordings are placed on the Council’s website.


Those registered to speak will be contacted prior to the meeting to explain the arrangements for on the day and to confirm whether they wish to address the Committee in person, or remotely using the Electronic Conferencing System. But if there is anything that you are not sure of or need advice on then please email: or phone 01246 217391 for help.


The Chair of the Planning Committee will consider additional requests to speak on a case-by-case basis and on the advice of the relevant Governance, Legal and Planning Officers. Please note that you can also submit written representations, which will form part of the evidence taken into account by the Committee when considering the Application.


How to Register.

To register to speak you must use the Council’s Online Registration System.


If you have any difficulties in using the Online Registration System then, again, please email: or phone 01246 217391 for help.


Contact information

Support officer: Amy Bryan.

Phone: 01246 217391
