To approve the secondment of Bryan Harrison,
Senior Regeneration Officer and Urban Designer NEDDC to BDC for two
days a week up to the end of May 2016. Working under the line
management of Allison Westray-Chapman, Joint Assistant Director
Economic Growth, to provide regeneration framework and expertise to
support the development of the Regeneration Frameworks for Bolsover
To approve the reciprocal arrangements to second Paul McGrath,
Senior Economic Development Officer BDC to NEDDC for two days a
week up to the end of May 2016. Working under the line management
of Allison Westray-Chapman, NEDDC Joint Assistant Director of
Economic Growth, to provide expertise on major sites and
infrastructure developments, including the former Coalite site,
Biwaters and The Avenue. The cost of the secondment will be based
on a like for like exchange. The salaries are broadly similar not
necessitating financial reimbursements.