Proposed change of use from shop and house to a nine-bed home of multiple occupation (HMO) (Amended Title) (Amended Plans) at 205-207 Sheffield Road, Killamarsh.
(Planning Manager – Development Management)
The report to Committee explained that an Application had been submitted for the change of use from a shop and house to a nine bed Home of Multiple Occupation (HMO) at 205-207 Sheffield Road, Killamarsh. The Application involved Amended Plans and Amended Title. It had been referred to Committee by local ward Councillor, S Clough, who had raised concerns about it.
Planning Committee was recommended to approve the Application, subject to conditions. The report to Committee explained the reasons for this.
Members were informed of the building’s current role as a convenience store. The change of use, it was explained, would not have an adverse impact on Killamarsh Town Centre. This was because the shop was located at the edge of the town centre, rather than in its core, and there were nearby business offering similar services to it. Officers recognised that the HMO would not have its own designated parking, but they did not believe that this would exacerbate on street or other parking problems. Most of its residents, they contended, were not expected to have cars; but would rely instead on the nearby good public transport links. The proposal had been assessed against the relevant standards, which had indicated that it would provide an acceptable level of amenity to its residents and not have an adverse impact on neighbouring businesses or households. The proposed conversion, officers concluded, would be in line with Council’s Development Plan policies and so should be approved.
Members were informed that no one had registered to speak on the Application.
Planning Committee considered the Application. It took into account the relevant Planning Issues. In particular, the Principle of Development and its status as an Unallocated Site within the Settlement Development Limits (SDL) for Killamarsh. It considered National and Local Planning Policy, including Local Plan Policy SS7, which permits development on those sites within Settlement Development Limits which have not been allocated within the Local Plan or Neighbourhood Plan.
Committee took into account other relevant policies. These included Policy WC4, requiring that proposals for retail and other town centre uses in the District’s Centres contribute to their vitality and viability and Policy ID5, requiring that development proposals which would result in the loss of social infrastructure facilities, such as local shops not be permitted, unless the service was no longer needed or could be provided in an alternative way.
Members discussed the Application. They reflected on the scale of the development and the number of people to be accommodated in the HMO. Some Members questioned whether the proposed facilities would, in practice, be adequate for the residents. They sought and received clarification that the proposed conversion would be in line with the proposed standards. Some Members also sought clarification on what emergency safety measures would be put in place as part of the conversion and especially the fire escape arrangements to be used by residents.
Members discussed the potential impact of the conversion on the local area. Some Members sought clarification on what the likely travel requirements of the HMO residents would be. They asked for clarification on whether these requirements had been adequately assessed. Concern was also raised about the lack of on-site parking for the conversion. Members queried whether the Highways Authority had produced a draft Parking Standard for Housing in Multiple Occupation, which officers were asked to clarify. Some Members felt that, if appropriate, this Standard should be taken into account when the Committee considered and determined on the Application.
At the conclusion of the discussion Councillor D Ruff and Councillor D Hancock moved and seconded a motion to defer further consideration of the Application, until additional information could be provided to the Committee about the fire safety arrangements, the likely travel requirements of residents and how these would be met and the possible additional parking requirements that would be created as a result of the development.
The motion was put the vote and was approved.
That Application NED/22/00380/FL is deferred, so that an appropriate clarification of the information about fire safety, how the travel requirements of the HMO and possible additional parking as a result of the development be reported to and taken into account be the Committee, when considering and determining on the Application.
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