Agenda and minutes

Clay Cross Town Deal Board - Friday, 5th August, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: George Stephenson Room, Coney Green Business Centre, 103 Wingfield View, Clay Cross, Chesterfield S45 9JW

Contact: Asher Bond  01246 217373

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Dale, Councillor Barker, Councillor Renwick, L Rowley, L Hickin, J Dethick and J Battye.


Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.



There were no declarations of interest at this meeting.


Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 210 KB

To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of the Clay Cross Town Board held on 1 July 2022. 



RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the Clay Cross Town Deal Board held on 1 July 2022 were agreed by the Chair and seconded by Councillor Kenyon.


Governance Update pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Councillor Charlotte Cupit – Deputy Leader and Vice-Chair.

Additional documents:


Board noted the contents of the Governance and Terms of Reference Update report.  The report recommended:


1.            To approve the revised Terms of Reference for the Clay Cross Town Board


2.            To commence a refresh of the stakeholder engagement and communications plan.


Town Board discussed the issue of meetings being quorate and also problems of Town Board clashing with other meetings.




1.    To note the contents of the report.

2.    To announce at the beginning of each meeting the attendees and whether the meeting is quorate.

3.    Governance to identify alternative dates for Clay Cross Town Board.

4.    Councillor King to email the three other local authorities who also have Town Boards and obtain a list of their meetings for Governance.



Risk Register and Delivery Programme pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Report from Richard O’Donoghue – Town Centre Regeneration Manager


Board heard an update from the Town Centre Regeneration Manager on the Risk Register, which has had new risks included.


Board were presented with a revised Delivery Programme which confirmed currently on programme for SRF to be submitted. 


RESOLVED:  Board noted the report. The Town Centre Regeneration Manager to circulate the Risk Register, once all information has been made available.


SRF Update

Verbal update from Richard O’Donoghue – Town Centre Regeneration Manager


Board received a verbal update on the SRF. 


RESOLVED: A Board meeting to be held potentially w/c 22 or 29 August (date to be agreed once options are available) to discuss the SRF.  The meeting will include the consultant and be held in Clay Cross if possible. 


Sharley Park

Presentation from Chris Mills – Assistant Director of Leisure


Members received a presentation from the Assistant Director of Leisure on Sharley Park.  This included an overview, history and a programme of the works.  Members noted the name will be changed to Clay Cross Active, with Sharley Park kept in as a reference.

Once NEDDC’s October Cabinet meeting approves the 2 year programme, contractors will commence on site in January 2023.

The road access to Sharley Park was discussed, specifically due to potential increase in attendees and traffic to the updated facility.  It was suggested re-approaching Clay Cross Hospital to discuss a shared access.

Jim Seymour agreed to relook at the planning application to check if any ancilliary works can be included in the walking/cycling facility.




1.    Board received the presentation.

2.    Jim Seymour to report back on ancillary works for the walking/cycling facility

3.    A further approach to be made to Clay Cross Hospital to discuss shared access





Any Other Business


No issues were raised. 


Date and Time of Next Meeting

Friday 9 September at 9.00 am


Board agreed to keep the revised start time of 10.00 am and the date of the next meeting to be kept fluid as discussed at item 6.