Agenda and minutes

Clay Cross Town Deal Board - Friday, 26th June, 2020 9.00 am

Contact: Damon Stanton  01246 217011

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Martin Thacker MBE JP (Leader and Vice Chair), Councillor Tony King (Derbyshire County Council), Tim Allen (Historic England), Joe Battye (Derbyshire County Council), Andy James (Sport England), Warren Manning (Derby University), Graham Marshall (Prosocial Place), Melanie Phythian (BEIS), Julie Richards (Chesterfield College), Angela Stansfield (DWP), Jane Tricker (Homes England).



Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


No declarations of interest were made.


Note minutes of Board Meetings held on 24 January 2020, 28 February 2020, 20 April 2020, and 15 May 2020 pdf icon PDF 247 KB

To note the minutes of the Clay Cross Town Board held on 24 January 2020, 28 February 2020, 20 April 2020, and 15 May 2020.

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to the Minutes of the Board meetings held on 24 January 2020, 28 February 2020, 20 April 2020 and 15 May 2020. 


It was AGREED that the minutes be noted.



Officer Progress Report pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To consider attached.

Presented By: Gill Callingham

Additional documents:


The Director of Economic Growth presented a report giving an update of progress since the last Board meeting.


An overview of the Town Investment Plan (TIP) was provided and a flowchart had been included within the report to show the stages of the TIP.  This would be used to keep the Board informed of where the TIP was within the process.  


Guidance on the TIP was also provided.  This was intended to enable the Board to finalise the TIP and work with MHCLG to agree our Town Deals. 


It was advised that officers had met with the Towns Hub Policy Advisor for our TIP and a number of messages came from that meeting, including:


·         The TIP needs to be wider than the funding ask

·         What can we offer as part of the TIP

·         Bring together community with the TIP

·         Proposals should be short, medium and long term

·         Link into the regional aspiration i.e. D2N2 and the Local Industrial Strategy

·         Projects that are ready to commence can be submitted with the TIP i.e. planning permission in place, funding in place or allocated

·         Projects should be ambitious


The Director of Economic Growth advised that at the moment our bid was in the “up to £25m” pot of funding.  If we wanted to be in the “up to £50m” pot then we would have to be more ambitious with our proposals.



Districts Meeting Update

Verbal update.

Presented By: Gill Callingham


It was stated that the District should be investing heavily into the green economy and that a major part of the bidding process was about decarbonisation and low carbon. 


The Plan could include support to local businesses to lower carbon footprint and embedding low carbon thinking in the whole Plan.


There were 3 dates for opportunities to submit bids – July, October and January. 


Gill Callingham advised that we were aiming for the October submission date.



Nexus Progress Report pdf icon PDF 262 KB

To consider attached.

Presented By: Peter Tooher

Additional documents:


Peter Tooher gave a presentation to support the Progress Report which provided the Board with an update on the project.


The Board was given an overview of the actions to date and work in progress. 


·         Site visit undertaken with NEDDC/Nexus Planning and Buttress Architects

·         Draft Communication Strategy has been prepared and supporting material. 

·         Stakeholder engagement

·         Documentation review and baseline research work

·         Prepared paper on Investment Plan Framework, based on guidance from MHCLG


Peter Alford advised that guidance had now been received and the Framework was now progressing. 


A vision and strategy should be based on evidence of the local needs and priorities.  Engagement and public consultation was required.  Work was being undertaken on some baseline analysis.


We need to look at how we respond to the current crisis within a long-term plan as this will also set out aspirations for change over a ten year period.


It was stated that there had to be a balance between ambition and deliverability, and look at strategic interventions that deliver tangible change.


Investment needed to be able to deliver sustainable change and respond to environmental changes. There was also a need to focus and build on joint working and partnerships between public, private and community sectors. 


The town centre needed to be the focus of activity and prioritisation.


The TIP would be set out in two sections – context, strategy, engagement/planning and projects.


The evidence base needed to be presented in a way that showed a proper process had been followed.


The TIP will be subject to review against set criteria, with only one opportunity for resubmission.


The Towns Hub would be a key resource and should provide support of the preparation of the TIP through providing guidance and feedback.


We were currently at the first stage of the TIP, the next stages will be submission followed by agreement to Heads of Terms.  Business cases will then need to be submitted within a 12 month period.


Peter Tooher gave an overview of the interim baseline findings.


·         Clay Cross is a key location for significant growth

·         The town centre lacked a centre point however there were development opportunities to be able to do this

·         Currently there was a disconnect between the town centre, key assets and areas of growth, but there was scope to improve the links

·         Traffic and congestion from the A61 detract visitors to the town centre so need to look at options for traffic management and public realm improvements.  Pedestrian links need improving

·         Community and other key assets i.e. Coney Green, Egstow Park, Health and Education facilities, and open spaces are spread across the town, and these need to be better connected by creating cycle and pedestrian routes


Going forward we need to think about socio-economics of the area and the impact on Covid-19.


Rachael Lister gave an overview of the market analysis work that had been undertaken.


·         Gaps had been identified in housing provision. In particular smaller, starter homes and apartments to rent

·         There was potential interest from leisure operators  ...  view the full minutes text for item CXTB/12/20-21


Logo Designs pdf icon PDF 451 KB

To consider attached. 

Presented By: Gill Callingham

Additional documents:


The Chair thanked Chesterfield College for their work on the logo designs.


The logo designs were presented to the Board and views on preferred options were sought.  It was agreed that Board Members were to submit their preferred option to Karl Apps by the close of business. 



Communications Strategy pdf icon PDF 221 KB

To consider attached. 

Presented By: Peter Tooher


The Communications Strategy had been prepared by Nexus Planning with the assistance of NEDDC, and provides an outline of how stakeholders will be communicated and engaged with throughout the development of the TIP. 


Peter Tooher advised that the first phase of consultation would run from 26 June to 10 July.  Consultation would be focused around the website, which went live today (26 June), and would be updated regularly.


Post cards would be delivered to residents over the weekend and would direct people to the website and provide contact details.  Posters will also be placed at key areas i.e. local shops. 


A press release would be issued.


There will also be questions on social media pages, asking the community of Clay Cross what they love about the town and what would they change. 


The Board noted the work done to date.                                                 



Any Other Business


Cllr Morley commented that following the approval of planning permission for a well-known fast food establishment, this would help bring younger people into the area. 


Cllr Renwick thanked Nexus Planning for all the work they had done over the last couple of weeks.