Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Nicola Calver
No. | Item |
Election of Chair of the Council To elect the Chair of the Council for the 2021/22 municipal year. Minutes: One nomination was received for the position of Chair of the Council for the 2021/22 Municipal Year.
Councillor Alex Dale spoke to Council in support of his proposal for Councillor M E Thacker MBE to be duly elected as Chair of the Council for the ensuing Municipal Year. Councillor C Cupit seconded his proposal.
RESOLVED – That Councillor M E Thacker MBE be elected Chair of the Council for the 2021/22 Municipal Year.
Address of Gratitude to Members by the Newly Elected Chair of Council The newly elected Chair of the Council will thank Members and explain their charitable and other priorities for the municipal year. Minutes: Councillor M E Thacker MBE spoke to Council thanking Members and the Leader and Deputy Leader for their kind words and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Council heard about the strength of the Office of Council Chairman, and how it had the power to bring communities together. The Chair assured Members that he would carry out the role with diligence.
The Chair informed Council that through his Charity appeal he would be supporting Ashgate Hospicecare. Members heard that Ashgate Hospice provided specialist palliative and end of life care, supporting adults and their families across North East Derbyshire.
Members noted that the Chair would be launching a talent competition with a chance to win a cash prize, trophy and the opportunity to perform at a Chesterfield FC match day at the Technique Stadium. Tickets for a grand prize draw would also be going on sale with a chance to win some unique prizes.
The Chair looked forward to the upcoming Municipal Year and thanked Members for placing their trust in him.
Address of Gratitude to the Outgoing Chair of Council Thanks will be given to the outgoing Chair of the Council for her fundraising events during the 2020/21 municipal year. Minutes: The Chair for the previous Municipal Year, Councillor P Antcliff, was presented with a past Chair’s badge and an album, recording her year in office.
Councillor M E Thacker MBE thanked Councillor P Antcliff for the grace and dignity she had shown throughout her time as First Citizen of the District, especially given the challenging circumstances of taking office during a Pandemic.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor A Dale, echoed the Chair’s words and congratulated Councillor P Antcliff on the money she had raised for her charity appeal.
The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor N Barker, and Councillors H Liggett and D Ruff also thanked the former Chair for her hard work and determination during a difficult year.
Councillor P Antcliff thanked Members for their kind words and explained that although the year had been challenging, it had been a great honour to have been Chair of the Council. Council heard that nearly £4,000 had been raised in support of her charity appeal to benefit Alzheimer’s Research and the Deaf Children’s Society.
Councillor P Antcliff gave her best wishes to the Chair of Council for the 2021/2022 Municipal Year, Councillor M E Thacker MBE.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors J Barry, S Cornwell, B Hill, C D Huckerby and J Kenyon. |
Declarations of Interest Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any items on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time. Minutes: Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.
No declarations of interest were made at this meeting. |
Minutes of Last Meeting PDF 232 KB To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the attached Minutes of the Council meeting held on 8 March 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED - That the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 8 March 2021 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair, subject to a clarification that Councillor J Lilley attended the meeting on 8 March 2021. |
Election of Vice Chair of the Council To appoint the Vice Chair of Council for the 2021/22 municipal year. Minutes: Two nominations had been received for the position of Vice Chair of the Council for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year.
Councillor A Dale spoke to Council in support of his nomination for Councillor D Ruff. This was seconded by Councillor C Cupit.
Councillor N Barker also spoke to Council in support of his nomination for Councillor B Hill. This was seconded by Councillor T Reader.
RESOLVED – That Councillor D Ruff be appointed Vice Chair of the Council for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year.
Appointment of Civic Chaplain Minutes: Council heard that the traditional role of the Civic Chaplain was to offer spiritual, pastoral, moral support and guidance to the Council Chair, Councillors and employees. In resurrecting the role, the intention was to ask the Chaplain to assist at times of celebration, mourning and local or national reflection.
Reverend Nick Green of St John’s Church, Walton spoke to Members about the honour and privilege that had been bestowed upon him as the Council’s Civic Chaplain, and signed the declaration of office.
Appointment of Civic Cadets Minutes: The Chair informed Members that Cadet Oliver Bates and Cadet 1st Class Lilly Wright, had been appointed as the Council’s Civic Cadets for the Municipal Year 2021/22.
Appointment of Cabinet - TO FOLLOW PDF 206 KB The Leader will announce Cabinet for the 2021/22 municipal year. Minutes: The Leader advised Council of the Cabinet Members and their Portfolios for the forthcoming Municipal Year. This was confirmed as:
Councillor A Dale Leader and Portfolio Holder for Overall Strategic Leadership
Councillor C Cupit Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services
Councillor M Foster Portfolio Holder for Council Services
Councillor J Kenyon Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Transformation and Climate Change
Councillor P Parkin Portfolio Holder for Finance
Councillor A Powell Portfolio Holder for Housing, Communities and Communications
Councillor C Renwick Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth
RESOLVED – That Council notes the Cabinet for the 2021/2022 Municipal Year.
Appointments to Committees and Advisory Groups/Proportionality - TO FOLLOW PDF 491 KB To decide on the appointment of Members to Committees and Advisory Groups for the 2021/22 municipal year. The attached document sets out the nominations received to-date Additional documents:
Minutes: A list of appointments to Committee and Advisory Groups had been circulated.
RESOLVED – That the Council approves the appointment of Members to Committee and Advisory Groups for the 2021/2022 Municipal Year.
Appointments of Chairs and Vice Chairs - TO FOLLOW PDF 22 KB To decide on the appointment of Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs for the 2021/22 municipal year. The attached document sets out the nominations received to-date. Minutes: A list of appointments of Chairs and Vice Chairs of Committees had been circulated by the Majority Group. Councillor A Dale proposed and Councillor C Cupit seconded the nominations.
Councillor N Barker proposed two amendments to the nominations. This was to appoint Councillor P Kerry as Vice Chair of the Standards Committee and Councillor K Rouse as Vice Chair of Planning Committee. This was seconded by Councillor T Reader.
On being put to a vote, the amendments were defeated.
RESOLVED – That the Chairs and Vice Chairs for Committees as circulated by the Majority Group for the 2021/2022 Municipal Year be approved.
Scheme of Delegation - TO FOLLOW PDF 316 KB Minutes: Members considered a report of the Joint Head of Corporate Governance and Monitoring Officer, requesting for Council to approve the Scheme of Delegation as outlined in Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution.
The Monitoring Officer advised that it was a requirement under Council Procedure Rule 1.1 of the Council’s Constitution that the Annual Meeting agreed the Scheme of Delegation. The Scheme also outlined proper officer provisions.
RESOLVED– That Council’s Scheme of Delegation as set out in the Council’s Constitution be approved.
Review of the Council's Constitution - TO FOLLOW PDF 507 KB Report of the Joint Head of Corporate Governance and Monitoring Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: Council gave consideration to a report of the Joint Head of Corporate Governance and Monitoring Officer, detailing proposed amendments to the Council’s Constitution as part of the annual review for adoption.
The Constitution was the Council’s Rule Book, setting out how the Council operated and how it was to make its decisions. Councilapproved the latest version of the Constitution at the Annual Meeting inMay 2020. Further, the Council was required by law to prepare and keep an up-to-date Constitution, and ensure that all procedures to befollowed were efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.
Under the guidance of the Monitoring Officer, the Standards Committee had undertaken an annual review of the Constitution to ensure that it was up-to-date and in line with legislation. Each of the areas of review had been set out in detail, along with a rationale for the amendments proposed within Appendix 1 to the report and a track changes version of the Constitution detailing all amendments was attached to the report at Appendix 2.
Councillor J Birkin raised concerns in regards to the membership of the Clay Cross Town Board as outlined in the Terms of Reference. Due to the Chair’s prior involvement with the Board, it was explained that the membership of the Board was set by National Government.
(1) The amendments to the Constitution detailed at Appendix 1 and set out in Appendix 2 be approved.
(2) That delegated power be given to the Monitoring Officer to make changes to the Constitution arising from any new legislation, administrative errors or conflicts in interpretation.
Appointments to Outside Bodies - TO FOLLOW PDF 134 KB The document identifies those bodies to which the Council may appoint and the number of seats available on each body Minutes: RESOLVED – That the appointments to outside bodies for 2021/2022 be approved.
Operation of Urgency Rules and Thresholds for Key Decisions PDF 337 KB In accordance with the Council Procedure Rules, the Annual Meeting is required to set thresholds for Key Decisions. The attached document sets out the existing arrangements for adoption. Minutes: Council considered a report of the Joint Head of Corporate Governance and Monitoring Officer, which advised of Decisions taken under Special Urgency Rules in the past 12 months and the revised financial limits for the Key Decisions.
Council was required under legislation to report instances where Special Urgency Rules had been utilised in respect of Key Decisions. This was where it was impractical to give the requisite notice of Key Decisions before they were made.
Council noted that no decisions had been taken under Special Urgency Rules.
Council also had a constitutional requirement to advise of those occasions when it had taken decisions where call-in provisions had been waived. The Council had not taken any such decisions in the previous 12 months.
Council noted that it was a requirement at its Annual Meeting to review the thresholds for Key Decisions. The current thresholds for Key Decisions were recommended to continue and were as follows:-
· Revenue (income, savings or expenditure) £100,000; · Capital (income or expenditure) £250,000.
RESOLVED– That Council:-
(1) Notes that no decisions have been taken over the past 12 months under Special Urgency Rules.
(2) Notes that no decisions have been taken over the past 12 months under Urgency provisions in the Council’s Scrutiny Rules.
(3) Agrees that the financial thresholds for Key Decisions be maintained at £100,000 (Revenue) and £250,000 (Capital).
Chair's Urgent Business To consider any other matter which the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: There was no Chair’s urgent business to be considered at this Annual Council meeting.