Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 14th May, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Alan Maher  01246 217391


No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions

To receive any apologies for absence and notices of substitutions from Members.




Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


Councillor K Rouse declared an interest on Item 4.NED/24/00275/FL - CLAY CROSS as a Member of the Clay Cross Town Deal Board. She indicated that she would leave the meeting at the appropriate time and would not participate in the Committee’s consideration or determination of the Application.


Minutes of the Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 307 KB

To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of Planning Committee held on 23 April 2024.        


The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 23April 2024 were approved as a true record.


NED/24/00275/FL - CLAY CROSS pdf icon PDF 986 KB

Modifications to an existing public car park, including the provision of a  new access from High Street (A61) (Conservation Area) at the Masterplan site, covering Land, Roads and Buildings to the North and West of Broadleys, Clay Cross.


(Planning Manager – Development Management)



Councillor K Rouse left the meeting during the Committee’s consideration of the Application.


The report to the Committee explained that an Application had been submitted to modify the existing Public Car Park, including the provision of a new access to it from the High Street (A61) at the Masterplan Site, covering land, roads and buildings to the North and West of Broadley’s, Clay Cross.


The Application had been referred to the Committee by the Planning Manager (Development Management) for determination because of the strategic importance of the proposed development.


Planning Committee was recommended to approve the Application. The report to Committee explained the reasons for this.


Officers believed that the modifications would contribute to the overall regeneration plans for the Town Centre and to the Council’s Local Plan objective to ensure that Clay Cross maintains its place as the main social and economic focus for the south of the District. 


The modifications would allow vehicles to access the existing Car Park directly from the High Street. This would help to improve transport connectivity and the local economy, by making it easier for passing trade to visit retail and other businesses. The car park would also be upgraded to include disabled parking, which was closer to the town centre, and charging points for electric vehicles.


Although some of the surrounding grassed area would be lost as a result of the development, officers felt that this loss would be minimal. Most of the grassed areas and two mature trees would be retained under the proposals. Moreover, the development would also preserve the significance of the nearby Grade II listed building and respect the character of the Clay Cross Conservation Area.


Officers had concluded that the proposals accorded with the Council’s Development Plan. As there were no amenity or other issues that would outweigh this, they felt that the Application should be approved.


Before the Committee considered the application it heard from Local Ward Member, Councillor G Morley and R O’Donoghue, the agent for the Application.


Committee considered the Application. It took into account the site’s location partially within the Clay Cross Conservation Area and partially in an area designated in the Local Plan as town centre. It considered the relevant Local and National Planning Policies. These included Local Plan Policy SS1, requiring all developments to contribute to sustainable development, Local Plan policy SP2, on the role of Clay Cross in the south of the District and Local Plan Policy WC4, requiring developments to contribute to the vibrancy and economic health of the town centres.


Committee also took into account Local Plan Policy SDC5, on Development within Conservation Areas, Local Policy SD6 on Development affecting Listed Buildings and Local Plan Policy SD12 on High Quality Design and Place Making. In addition, Committee took into account the Clay Cross Regeneration Framework 2025, the Clay Cross Character Statement 2010 and the ‘Successful Places’ Design Guidance 2013


Members discussed the report.  Some Members asked for clarification on the allocation of spaces within the car park and  ...  view the full minutes text for item PLA/98/23-24


NED/23/00189/FL - GRASSMOOR pdf icon PDF 604 KB

Residential development of the former Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Highways Storage Depot to erect 5 detached two-storey dwellings and creation of a new access (Amended Plans) at Highways Storage Lane, Chesterfield Road, Grassmoor.


(Planning Manager – Development Management)



Councillor K Rouse rejoined the meeting at this point.


The report to the Committee explained that an Application had been submitted for a residential development of 5 detached two storey dwellings and the creation of a new access on the site of the former Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Highways storage depot at Highways Storage Lane, Chesterfield Road, Grassmoor.  The Application involved Amended Plans.


The Application had been referred to Committee by Councillor C Cupit, who had raised concerns about it.


Members were reminded that the Application had been deferred at the last meeting of the Committee, so that the issues which had recently been raised by the Lead Local Flood Authority could be addressed.


Planning Committee was recommended to approve the Application. The report to Committee explained the reasons for this.


The Application site was within the Settlement Development Limits for Grassmoor, where new residential developments would be acceptable in principle. These dwellings would complement the surrounding street scene and also respect the countryside ‘edge’ in this location. Officers contended that subject to suitable conditions the development would not have an unacceptable impact on highway safety. Although there would be some residential cumulative impact on the wider road network, this would not be severe.


Committee heard that the necessary additional information had been supplied to address the issues raised by by the Local Lead Flood Authority (LLFA) on the outfall from the site and expected surface water discharge. Members were informed that following on from this the LLFA had been re-consulted and had raised no objections to the proposed development, subject to conditions.


Officers had concluded that the proposals would accord with the Development Plan. As there were no technical or other issues that would outweigh this, they recommended that the Application should be approved.


Before the Committee considered the Application it heard from Local Ward Member, Councillor M Durrant and the Applicant C Hubbuck.


Committee considered the Application. It took into account the site’s location on land previously used for a County Council Depot, within the Settlement Development Limit for Grassmoor. It considered the relevant Local and National Planning Policies. These included Local Plan Policy SS1 on Sustainable Development, Local Plan Policy SS7, on the development of unallocated lad within settlements defined within Settlement Development Limits. Committee also considered Local Plan Policy SDC12, on High Quality Design and Place Making, Local Plan Policy SDC 11 on Flood Risk and Drainage and the overarching aims of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Members discussed the report. They considered the flood concerns which had been raised, both in terms of the site and on the highway. They were informed of the changes which had been made to original proposals and the impact which these changes would have. They discussed the Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) that had been carried out, which had concluded that a carefully designed surface water drainage scheme would be implemented to mitigate any flood risk. They reflected on the flooding which had occurred recently and how far this  ...  view the full minutes text for item PLA/99/23-24


Tree Preservation Order (TPO) 296/2023 - ECKINGTON pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Proposed Confirmation of Tree Preservation Order 296/2023 of an Ash Tree adjacent to Eckington Friendship Club, Berry Avenue, Eckington.


(Planning Manager - Development Management)


The report to the Committee explained that an application for a TPO had been submitted in respect of a single Ash Tree situated adjacent to Eckington Friendship Club Berry Avenue Eckington.


Members were informed that the Council was required to take into account all ‘Duly Made’ objections and representations which had not been withdrawn, before confirming the Provisional Order. The report explained that one Duly Made objection had to it had been received.


Members considered the report and the assessment of the Council’s Principal Arboriculture Officer that there is a foreseeable threat to the tree if the Order was not confirmed.




That Tree Preservation Oder (TPO) 296/2023 in respect of the single Ash Tree situated adjacent to Eckington Friendship Club Berry Avenue Eckington be approved.


Planning Appeals - Lodged and Determined pdf icon PDF 252 KB

(Planning Manager – Development Management)


The report to the committee explained that one appeal had been lodged and determined.


Matters of Urgency

To consider any other matter which the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency.


Committee was informed of the forthcoming training sessions for Planning Committee Members and Substitute Members.