Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 19th March, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Alan Maher  01246 217391


No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions

To receive any apologies for absence and notices of substitutions from Members.




Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.




Minutes of the Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 239 KB

To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of Planning Committee held on 20 February 2024.     


The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 20 February 2024 were approved as a true record.


NED/23/00565/FL - WESSINGTON pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Residential Development for 9 dwellings (Amended Plans) (Departure from the Development Plan) on land opposite Wistanes Green, Matlock Road, Wessington.


(Planning Manager – Development Management)



The report to Committee explained that an Application had been submitted for a residential development of nine dwellings at land opposite Wistanes Green, Matlock Road, Wessington. The Application had been referred to Planning Committee by Local Ward Member, Councillor C Cupit, who had raised concerns about it.


Committee had deferred consideration of the Application at its meeting on 20 February 2024. Committee had agreed to the deferral so that officers could assess the revised plans which had recently been submitted, and in particular, the addition of a pedestrian access to the proposed scheme.


Members were reminded that the site of the scheme lay outside of the Settlement Development Limit for Wessington. Although officers accepted that this would be contrary to the Development Plan, they believed that there were other material matters that would outweigh this and which would favour approval of the Application In particular, they emphasised that there already was planning permission to construct eight dwellings on the site.  Officers contended that created a strong case for approving the new Application for nine-dwellings, as this would in many respects be superior, with an overall better standard of design and better parking arrangements than the eight-dwellings scheme.


Concerns had been expressed about the impact on road safety of the Development, and especially the lack of a direct public footpath to and from Wessington. Members heard that as part of their assessment of the revised plans, officers had concluded that the proposed footpath would make the Development more sustainable, enable greater highway safety and provide a much greater level of connectivity and amenity for pedestrians. Consequently, they confirmed their original recommendation to Planning Committee, that the Application be approved, subject to conditions. 


Before Committee considered the Application it heard from G Day the Applicant and T Tunnicliffe, the Agent, who both spoke in support of the Application. No one had registered to speak against the Application.


Committee considered the Application. It took into account the site’s location outside of any Settlement Development Limits, within a Primary Area of Multiple Environmental Sensitivity (AMES). It also considered the extant planning permission for an eight-dwelling development on the site, which had been granted before the current Local Plan had been adopted. 


Committee took into account the relevant local and national planning policies. These included Local Plan Policy SS1, on the specific requirements for Sustainable Development, Local Plan Policy SS2, on the spatial distribution of development and Local Plan Policy SS9 on those categories of development that would be permissible in the countryside. It considered Local Plan Policy SDC12, requiring that all new developments be of high-quality design and make a positive contribution to the local environment, Local Plan Policy SDC13 on Environmental Quality and Wessington Neighbourhood Plan Policy 1 on Sustainable Development and the Settlement Limit.


Members discussed the Application. They reflected on the changes which had been made to the proposed Development and especially the inclusion of a pedestrian access to Wessington. They also reflected on what impact the development might have on  ...  view the full minutes text for item PLA/80/23-24


NED/23/00918/FL - SHIRLAND pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Proposed two-storey detached dwelling and garage with creation of new access (Amended Plans) on land north of 14 and between 10 and 18 Birkinstyle Lane, Shirland.


(Planning Manager – Development Management)


The report to Committee explained that an Application had been submitted for a two-storey detached dwelling and garage, with the creation of a new access, at land to the North of 14 and between 10 and 18 Birkinstyle Lane, Shirland. The Application involved amended plans. The Application had been referred to Committee by Local Ward Member, Councillor M Roe, who had raised concerns about it.


Planning Committee was recommended to approve the Application. The report to Committee explained the reasons for this.


Officers contended that the proposed dwelling, located on a vacant site within the Settlement Development Limits for Shirland, would be in line with the overall aims of local and national planning policy - by support sustainable development within an existing settlement. They suggested that this ought to weigh heavily in favour of approving the Application.


Although officers accepted that the proposed dwelling would be large and that it would be of an unusual design to reflect the configuration of the site, they argued that it would, nevertheless, meet the minimum requirements of the Council’s Successful Places Design Guidance Policy with regards to the privacy and amenity of both existing and future occupants. Moreover, it would be located in a mixed street scene, alongside properties with different designs. Similarly, it would be set back from the road and screening would be provided by adjoining buildings. Consequently, the new dwelling would not adversely impact the character of the area.


Before Committee considered the Application it heard from Local Ward Member, Councillor M Roe and J Pilkington, speaking on behalf of J Hardaker, who objected to the Application. No one had registered to speak in support of it.


Committee considered the Application. It took into account the location of the site within the Settlement Development Limits for Shirland. It considered the relevant local and national planning policies. These included Local Plan Policy SS2 on the distribution of Development, Local Plan Policy SS7, on the use of Unallocated Land within those settlement with defined Settlement Limits, Local Plan Policy SDC12, requiring all new developments to be of high quality design and to make a positive contribution to the quality of the local environment.  It also considered the relevant policies being prepared for the still draft Neighbourhood Plan for Shirland and Higham and the Council’s Successful Places Design Guidance Policy.


Members discussed the Application. Some Members felt that the siting, scale design and massing of the development would be inappropriate. Other Members felt that the proposed design was innovative and that the dwelling would be an appropriate use for the site. In this context Members discussed whether the proposed development would comply with all aspects of the Council’s Successful Places Design Guidance Policy and how the design of the building would be tailored to make best use of the specific vacant land site on which it would be constructed.


Some Members expressed concern that the proposed dwelling would have and adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties.  Some Members felt that appropriate  ...  view the full minutes text for item PLA/81/23-24


Planning Appeals - Lodged and Determined pdf icon PDF 254 KB

(Planning Manager – Development Management)


The report to Committee explained that two Appeals had been lodged, one Appeal had been allowed and four Appeals had been dismissed. Officers were thanked for the efforts on this.


Matters of Urgency

To consider any other matter which the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency.

