Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Thursday, 13th June, 2019 4.30 pm

Venue: Executive Meeting Room

Contact: Alan Maher 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor A Powell.


Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


Members were requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


Councillor B Lewis declared an interest in Item 5 on the Agenda – Referendum and Making of the Wessington Neighbourhood Plan.  He made clear that he would neither participate in the discussion nor be party to Cabinet’s decision on this item.  



Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 243 KB

To note the Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 10 April 2019


RESOLVED – That Cabinet notes the Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on    10 April 2019. 




Homelessness Update

To receive a presentation from the Acting Joint Head of Economic Development




Cabinet received a presentation from the Acting Joint Head of Economic Development and the Housing Options Team Leader on the Council’s Homelessness Prevention Service. 

The presentation covered a wide range of issues, including what forms homelessness can take, the reasons why people are homeless and who are most likely to be affected. 


Cabinet heard about the ways in which the service has responded to homelessness and in particular, how it had responded to the new duties placed on it by the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017.  A range of successes were highlighted.  In this context, specific mention was made of grant funding which had been secured from central government to support homelessness initiatives and how this would be used. 


Cabinet thanked the officers for their presentation.  Members then discussed the information.  What became clear from the discussion was that Council had worked extensively to prevent homelessness.  Concern was expressed, however, that the full extent of the Council’s financial support for homeless people, including support in kind, may not always be understood.  Cabinet felt it important that the extent of this support be captured in its entirety and communicated effectively to the District’s residents. 


RESOLVED – That the Homelessness Update be noted. 



Referendum and Making of the Wessington Neighbourhood Plan (Ref: WP) pdf icon PDF 296 KB

Report of Councillor C Cupit, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change




(1)       That Cabinet notes that as the Chief Executive’s delegated decision is that the Examiner’s report on the Wessington Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) be accepted with no amendments, the Examiners’ recommended modifications are now ‘made’ and that the Plan will proceed to referendum on 18 July 2019.


(2)       That Cabinet notes that the Chief Executive has existing delegated powers to make the Plan, if more than half of those voting in the referendum vote in favour of the Wessington Neighbourhood Plan.



REASON FOR DECISION – To keep Cabinet informed of arrangements for the Wessington Neighbourhood Plan in the event of an affirmative vote in the forthcoming referendum. 



OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED - There were no feasible alternative options as the action of ‘making’ the Plan is required by legislation. 



Cabinet considered a report of Councillor C Cupit, Portfolio Holder for Environment.  This explained that as the Chief Executive had taken a delegated decision to accept the Examiner’s Report on the Wessington Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) with no amendments, the recommended modifications had now been made and the Plan would proceed to referendum on 18 July. 


  Members were reminded that in the event of a successful referendum result in favour of the Wessington Neighbourhood Plan, the Chief Executive had been given the delegated power to then formally bring the Neighbourhood Plan into effect (‘Made’). 


  Cabinet welcomed progress which had been achieved and the forthcoming referendum on the Wessington Neighbourhood Plan.  There was a consensus that Neighbourhood Plans were an effective mechanism for local people to help shape the future of their areas and should be encouraged. 




(1)          That Cabinet notes that as the Chief Executive’s delegated decision is that the Examiner’s report on the Wessington Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) be accepted with no amendments, the Examiners’ recommended modifications are now ‘made’ and that the Plan will proceed to referendum on 18 July 2019.


(2)          That Cabinet notes that the Chief Executive has existing delegated powers to make the Plan, if more than half of those voting in the referendum vote in favour of the Wessington Neighbourhood Plan.



REASON FOR DECISION – To keep Cabinet informed of arrangements for the Wessington Neighbourhood Plan in the event of an affirmative vote in the forthcoming referendum. 



OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED - There were no feasible alternative options as the action of ‘making’ the Plan is required by legislation. 



Corporate Plan Targets Performance Update (Ref: KH) pdf icon PDF 637 KB

Report of the Joint Strategic Director - Place

Additional documents:




(1)    That Cabinet notes the progress against the Corporate Plan 2015/2019 targets.


(2)    That Cabinet notes the arrangements for the development of a new Council Plan and Growth Strategy to be recommended for adoption by Council. 



REASON FOR DECISION – To enable Cabinet to monitor progress against the Corporate Plan targets and to identify any areas of concern.



OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – This was not applicable as the report provided an overview of performance against agreed targets.   




Cabinet considered a report of the Joint Strategic Director – Place on the Quarter 4 outturns for the Corporate Plan 2015-2019 targets and to update Members on the arrangements to develop a new Council Plan and Growth Strategy.


Cabinet was reminded that now the Corporate Plan had come to an end work was underway to develop a new Corporate Plan, which would be known as “The Council Plan”.  This new Plan will have clear objectives, new targets and a revised Performance Framework. 


The Council Plan, it was explained, would be presented to both Cabinet and the Audit & Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee before being recommended for approval and adoption by Council in due course.  Members noted that as part of the approval process, Cabinet would have the opportunity to consider the new Performance Framework for the Council Plan. 


  Cabinet was informed that the development of the next Growth Strategy would take place alongside that of the Council Plan and would also be presented to Council for approval.  Members were informed that performance against the new Growth Strategy would be reported alongside the new Council Plan.  Cabinet welcomed this.  






(1)          That Cabinet notes the progress against the Corporate Plan 2015/2019 targets.


(2)          That Cabinet notes the arrangements for the development of a new Council Plan and Growth Strategy to be recommended for adoption by Council. 



REASON FOR DECISION – To enable Cabinet to monitor progress against the Corporate Plan targets and to identify any areas of concern.



OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – This was not applicable as the report provided an overview of performance against agreed targets.   



Medium Term Financial Plan - Financial Outturn 2018-19 (Ref: JD) pdf icon PDF 460 KB

Report of Councillor P Parkin, Porfolio Holder for Finance

Additional documents:




(1)        Cabinet notes the outturn position in respect of the 2018/19 financial year.


(2)        The Strategic Director – People, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, develops proposals for a base budget review of the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account.


(3)        Cabinet approves the proposed carry-forward of revenue budgets, as detailed in the report, totalling £0.016m.


(4)        Cabinet approves the proposed carry-forward of capital budgets as detailed in Appendix 4 to the report, totalling £3.087m.


(5)        Cabinet considers a report setting out future Investment Strategy options for the Council at its next meeting.



REASON FOR DECISION – To inform Cabinet of the financial outturn for 2018/19, to carry-forward specific          budgets and to enable a base budget review of the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account to now take place. 



OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – The financial outturn report for 2018/19 was primarily a factual report detailing the position compared to previously approved budgets, Consequently, there were no alternative options that needed to be considered. 



Cabinet considered a report of Councillor P Parkin, Portfolio Holder for Finance, which informed Members of the outturn position of the Council for the 2018/19 financial year. 


The report explained that the Council had successfully achieved in full the saving targets for the authority, which had been set in February 2018.  Members also learned that a further £0.505m of further efficiencies had been identified at outturn, which had been transferred to the ‘Invest to Save’ Reserve. 


  Members discussed the use of the ‘Invest to Save’ Reserve.  It was generally felt that Cabinet should consider the options for using these funds in a prudent way to achieve higher rates of return and to benefit the local community and economy. 





(1)          Cabinet notes the outturn position in respect of the 2018/19 financial year.


(2)          The Strategic Director – People, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, develops proposals for a base budget review of the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account.


(3)          Cabinet approves the proposed carry-forward of revenue budgets, as detailed in the report, totalling £0.016m.


(4)          Cabinet approves the proposed carry-forward of capital budgets as detailed in Appendix 4 to the report, totalling £3.087m.


(5)          Cabinet considers a report setting out future Investment Strategy options for the Council at its next meeting.



REASON FOR DECISION – To inform Cabinet of the financial outturn for 2018/19, to carry-forward specific          budgets and to enable a base budget review of the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account to now take place. 



OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – The financial outturn report for 2018/19 was primarily a factual report detailing the position compared to previously approved budgets, Consequently, there were no alternative options that needed to be considered. 



Urgent Items

To consider any other matter which the Leader is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with the provisions of Statutory Instrument 2012 No 2089, Regulations 5 and 11.


There was no urgent business to be considered in the public session at this meeting of Cabinet.