Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Thursday, 3rd October, 2019 4.30 pm

Venue: Executive Meeting Room

Contact: Alan Maher 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence for this meeting of Cabinet.  


Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


Members were requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 307 KB

To approve as a correct record and the Leader to sign the attached Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 5 September 2019


RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 5 September 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Leader.


Voluntary and Community Organisations

To receive presentations from the following organisations:-


(a)  Links CVS – James Lee

(b)  Rural Action Derbyshire – Bev Parker


RESOLVED – That Cabinet notes the presentations.


REASON FOR DECISION – To ensure that the Council maximises efficiencies and outcomes when commissioning voluntary sector organisations to help achieve corporate priorities. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – No alternative options were considered as the presentations were intended to increase the accountability of services which had already been commissioned by the Council. 



Cabinet received a presentation from James Lee of (CVS) and Bev Parker, Rural Action Derbyshire. 


James Lee explained the role of CVS and especially how it provides the legal, financial, project management, human resources and other organisational support which enable them to operate. Members heard about some of the ways in which they have assisted voluntary groups and the wide range of voluntary groups across the District who have benefited either directly or indirectly from CVS support.


Cabinet thanked Mr Lee for his presentation and discussed the role of the CVS with him. In particular, Members explained that the substantial resources which the Council uses to support outside organisations had recently been re-purposed to help maximise its impact in terms of supporting local groups and communities throughout the District. In this context, Cabinet welcomed the information about the scope and scale of the support provided by CVS, but felt that additional monitoring data to illustrate what they had done to support local groups and what this had achieved would be helpful.  Mr Lee made it clear that this information is collated by CVS and agreed to provide it to Members. 


Cabinet then received a presentation from Bev Parker, the Chief Executive of Rural Action Derbyshire (RAD). She explained how the organisation had sought to generate more earned income, in order to help reduce the amount of grant aid which it requires.  Members heard about the objectives of Rural Action Derbyshire in supporting community development, as well as addressing rural disadvantages and improving access to services for people living in the countryside.


Members thanked Ms Parker for her presentation and discussed the role of Rural Action Derbyshire with her. In particular, they discussed the range of initiatives which RAD had carried out to help tackle rural poverty and to mitigate the impact of social isolation. This included suicide awareness courses, which had trained over 200 people and hopefully prevented further deaths from occurring.       




RESOLVED – That Cabinet notes the presentations.


REASON FOR DECISION – To ensure that the Council maximises efficiencies and outcomes when commissioning voluntary sector organisations to help achieve corporate priorities. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – No alternative options were considered as the presentations were intended to increase the accountability of services which had already been commissioned by the Council. 



Future High Street Fund - (Ref: KA) pdf icon PDF 296 KB

Report of Councillor J Kenyon, Portfolio Holder for Business Strategy, Commerce and Assets




(1)   That Cabinet agrees that an Expression of Interest (EoI) bid in respect of Eckington be submitted to the Future High Street Fund (FHSF) in 2020 and that work be now started on assembling the evidence base required. 


(2)   That Cabinet agrees a budget of £25,000 be allocated to support the Eckington bid funded from the Invest to Save Reserve.            


REASON FOR DECISION – To maximise the Council’s opportunity for securing an invitation to proceed to the full application stage. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – All four towns in the District were considered as potential bids, but it was determined that Eckington currently presented the best opportunity for a successful bid.  



Cabinet considered a report of Councillor Jeremy Kenyon, Portfolio Holder for Business Strategy, Commerce and Assets proposing that an Expression of Interest for Future High Street (FHSF) grant aid be prepared.  Members heard that the aim of the fund aims was to support local authorities with declining town centres and high streets, by co-funding ‘transformative and structural changes’ to help meet the challenges facing them. Cabinet was reminded that an application for FHSF grant aid for Clay Cross had been successful. Members discussed the economic and other reasons why it would now be appropriate to seek similar grant aid for Eckington Town Centre. 




(1)   That Cabinet agrees that an Expression of Interest (EoI) bid in respect of Eckington be submitted to the Future High Street Fund (FHSF) in 2020 and that work be now started on assembling the evidence base required. 


(2)   That Cabinet agrees a budget of £25,000 be allocated to support the Eckington bid funded from the Invest to Save Reserve.            


REASON FOR DECISION – To maximise the Council’s opportunity for securing an invitation to proceed to the full application stage. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – All four towns in the District were considered as potential bids, but it was determined that Eckington currently presented the best opportunity for a successful bid.  



Anti Social Behaviour Policy (Ref: VD) pdf icon PDF 795 KB

Report of Councillor B Lewis, Portfolio Holder for Housing


RESOLVED – That Cabinet approves and adopts the updated Anti-Social Behaviour Policy.  


REASON FOR DECISION – To comply with the legal requirements that the Council should have an Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, setting out the procedures which it has in place for dealing with anti-social behaviour.  


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – The Council has a legal requirement to publish an Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, referring to its procedures, current legislation and Home Office guidance. 



Cabinet considered a report of Councillor Barry Lewis, Portfolio Holder for Partnerships and Transformation, on anti-social behaviour. The report proposed that the Council now adopt an Anti-Social Behaviour Policy.  A copy of the proposed policy was appended to the report. The new policy would, it was explained, make clear the Council’s roles and responsibilities, take into account the most recent legislative changes and reflect the new tools and powers which are now available to help tackle the problem. 


Members discussed the proposed policy. There was a consensus that it would provide an important basis for the Council to work more effectively with its partners in tackling anti-social behaviour and so should be adopted.


RESOLVED – That Cabinet approves and adopts the updated Anti-Social Behaviour Policy.  


REASON FOR DECISION – To comply with the legal requirements that the Council should have an Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, setting out the procedures which it has in place for dealing with anti-social behaviour.  


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – The Council has a legal requirement to publish an Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, referring to its procedures, current legislation and Home Office guidance. 



Urgent Items

To consider any other matter which the Leader is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with the provisions of Statutory Instrument 2012 No 2089, Regulation 11.


There was no urgent business to be considered in the public session at this meeting of Cabinet.



Exclusion of Public

The Leader to move:-


That the public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion of the following items of business to avoid the disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, (as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006).  [The category of exempt information is stated after each item].


Private Session


RESOLVED - That the public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion of the following items of business to avoid the disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 & 5 Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information)(Variation) Order 2006).  [The category of exempt information is stated after each Minute].



Change of Order of Agenda Items



The Chair, in agreement with other Members of Cabinet changed the order of the agenda items as set out within these Minutes.



Environmental Health & Enforcement Review - (Ref: KH) (Paragraph 3)

Report of Councillor C Cupit, Portfolio Holder for Environment & Climate Change


RESOLVED – That Cabinet agrees to a review of the Environmental Health Service on the terms specified within the report.  


REASON FOR DECISION – A full review of the service is required to ensure that it can operate in a modern, efficient and effective way. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED - The options of not reviewing the service was considered but rejected as not sustainable.  




Cabinet considered a report of Councillor Charlotte Cupit, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate change, which outlined the current challenges within the Joint Environmental Health Service.  It proposed that an Environmental Health and Enforcement Review be carried out. 


Members discussed the operational difficulties facing the Joint Environmental Health Service, the ways that these difficulties had been managed to date and the need to ensure that the service was able to meet the challenges that it would face in the future. Cabinet felt that the proposed Environmental Health Service review would be an appropriate way forward and that it should be supported.


RESOLVED – That Cabinet agrees to a review of the Environmental Health Service on the terms specified within the report. 


REASON FOR DECISION – A full review of the service is required to ensure that it can operate in a modern, efficient and effective way. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED - The options of not reviewing the service was considered but rejected as not sustainable.  




Strategic Alliance Management Team Structure Proposals - (Ref DS) (Paragraph 1)

Report of Councillor M E Thacker MBE, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Overall Strategic Leadership




(1)   That Cabinet supports the proposed new structure for the Strategic Alliance Management Team (SAMT) on the terms specified within the report. 


(2)   That Cabinet requests that the Joint Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, finalises the consultation process and recruitment timeline and commences this with immediate effect.


(3)   That the Joint Chief Executive reports to a future Cabinet meeting, so that Cabinet can endorse any specific changes within the Strategic Alliance Management Team. 


REASON FOR DECISION – To meet the changing management requirement of the Council. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – No alternative options were considered at this stage, but they may emerge during the consultation process.   


Cabinet considered a report of Councillor Martin Thacker MBE, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Overall Strategic Leadership, on the proposed new structure for the Strategic Alliance Management Team (SAMT).  The report sought approval to commence the necessary formal consultation.  


Cabinet discussed the value of the Strategic Alliance, to both North East Derbyshire and Bolsover District Councils and how the proposed restructure would benefit both councils and the continued operation of the Strategic Alliance Members concluded that the proposed restructure would be an appropriate way forward and should be supported.




(1)   That Cabinet supports the proposed new structure for the Strategic Alliance Management Team (SAMT) on the terms specified within the report. 


(2)   That Cabinet requests that the Joint Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, finalises the consultation process and recruitment timeline and commences this with immediate effect.


(3)   That the Joint Chief Executive reports to a future Cabinet meeting, so that Cabinet can endorse any specific changes within the Strategic Alliance Management Team. 


REASON FOR DECISION – To meet the changing management requirement of the Council. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – No alternative options were considered at this stage, but they may emerge during the consultation process.   


Proposed Changes to the Establishment - Governance Team - (Ref NC) (Paragraphs 1,2 and 3)

Report of Councillor A Dale, Deputy Leader of the Council




(1)   That Cabinet endorses the proposed changes to the Governance Team on the terms specified in the report.  


(2)   That Cabinet agrees that formal consultation with the affected staff and Trade Unions now takes place.   


(3)   That Cabinet requests that the Chief Executive use his delegated authority, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Governance, to make the necessary changes to the establishment following formal consultation with staff. 


REASON FOR DECISION – To provide more effective support to the Council’s governance arrangements and to elected Members.  


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – The option not reviewing the Team was considered, but rejected as not sustainable. 



Cabinet considered a report of Councillor Alex Dale, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Governance, setting out proposals to reorganise the Council’s Governance Team.  Members considered the proposals, which they felt to be an appropriate way forward and which should be supported.




(1)   That Cabinet endorses the proposed changes to the Governance Team on the terms specified in the report.  


(2)   That Cabinet agrees that formal consultation with the affected staff and Trade Unions now takes place.   


(3)   That Cabinet requests that the Chief Executive use his delegated authority, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Governance, to make the necessary changes to the establishment following formal consultation with staff. 


REASON FOR DECISION – To provide more effective support to the Council’s governance arrangements and to elected Members.  


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED – The option not reviewing the Team was considered, but rejected as not sustainable.  



Proposed Restructure of the Communications, Marketing and Design Team (Ref MB) Paragraphs 1 and 3

Report of Councillor A Powell, Portfolio Holder for Communications


RESOLVED – That Cabinet endorses the proposed restructure of the Communications, Marketing and Design Team on the terms specified within the report, subject to no substantial changes or issues raised through formal consultation with staff and Trade Unions, as specified in the report.   


REASON FOR DECISION – To provide a more effective and resilient Communications service to the Council. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED - The option of not reviewing the service was considered, but rejected in terms of not meeting the communication needs of the Council. 



Cabinet considered a report of Councillor Alan Powell, Portfolio Holder for Communications, which sought approval for restructuring the Communications, Marketing and Design Team (CMD).


Members discussed the proposals. As part of this, they discussed the functions carried out by the Team, the communications challenges facing the Council and how the proposed arrangements would enable the Council to more effectively meet these challenges.


RESOLVED – That Cabinet endorses the proposed restructure of the Communications, Marketing and Design Team on the terms specified within the report, subject to no substantial changes or issues raised through formal consultation with staff and Trade Unions, as specified in the report.   


REASON FOR DECISION – To provide a more effective and resilient Communications service to the Council. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED - The option of not reviewing the service was considered, but rejected in terms of not meeting the communication needs of the Council. 



Proposal for the Development of 70 New Homes at Whiteleas Avenue, North Wingfield (Paragraphs 3 and 5)

Report of Councillor R Welton, Portfolio Holder for Housing




(1)  That Cabinet approves in principle the proposal to develop 70 new mixed tenure homes on the vacant Council owned land at Whiteleas Avenue, North Wingfield on the terms specified in the report.  


(2)  That Cabinet receives a report in December 2019 updating progress on the project and associated issues. 


REASON FOR DECISION – The development would support the delivery of new high quality, mixed tenure, homes in the District. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED - The option of leaving the land vacant was considered but rejected as not appropriate. 



Cabinet considered a report of Councillor Richard Welton, Portfolio Holder for Housing, which sought approval to progress with the proposed development of 70 mixed tenure new build homes on vacant Council owned land at Whiteleas Avenue, North Wingfield. 


  Members discussed the proposals, which were seen as an appropriate way forward, which would support the delivery of new high quality, mixed tenure, homes in the District. 




(1)  That Cabinet approves in principle the proposal to develop 70 new mixed tenure homes on the vacant Council owned land at Whiteleas Avenue, North Wingfield on the terms specified in the report.  


(2)  That Cabinet receives a report in December 2019 updating progress on the project and associated issues. 


REASON FOR DECISION – The development would support the delivery of new high quality, mixed tenure, homes in the District. 


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED & REJECTED - The option of leaving the land vacant was considered but rejected as not appropriate. 



Urgent Items

To consider any other matter which the Leader is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with the provisions of Statutory Instrument 2012 No 2089, Regulations 5 and 11.


There was no urgent business to be considered in the private session at this meeting of Cabinet.