Meeting attendance

Thursday, 17th December, 2020 4.30 pm, Cabinet

Venue:   By Conference Call. Access credentials will be sent to Members separately. The public parts of the meeting will be streamed from the Council's website on its 'You Tube' channel.

Contact:    Alan Maher
01246 217391

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Alex Dale Chair Present
Councillor Charlotte Cupit Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Mark Foster Committee Member Present
Councillor Jeremy Kenyon Committee Member Present
Councillor Paul Parkin Committee Member Present
Councillor Alan Powell Committee Member Present
Councillor Carolyn Renwick Committee Member Present
Gill Callingham Officer In attendance
Karen Hanson Officer In attendance
Lee Hickin Officer In attendance
Jayne Dethick Officer In attendance
Sarah Sternberg Officer In attendance
Matthew Broughton Officer In attendance
Kath Drury Officer In attendance
Nicola Calver Officer In attendance
Martin Edward Derbyshire Officer In attendance
Alan Maher Officer In attendance