Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/05/2023
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - View reasons
Decision due: 7 Mar 2023 by Managing Director
Contact: Jayne Dethick, Director of Finance and Resources & (Section 151 Officer) Email:
Unique Reference Number: DD/020/23/JD
Authority for Decision: Council’s Constitution and Delegation Scheme: Delegation Scheme in the Constitution Delegation of the Managing Director and Head of Paid Service: 10.18 To determine all staffing matters including but not limited to: Determining matters relating to structure (additions, reductions, post title changes and other changes to the establishment) within existing budgets. 12.10 To authorise small increases in individual budgets of up to £10k per budget on one occasion in any corporate year subject