Issue - decisions

NEDDC Climate Change Strategy 2024-2030

28/03/2024 - NEDDC Climate Change Strategy 2024-2030 - NOW PUBLISHED



(1)            That Cabinet agreed that the Climate Change Strategy reflects the current Council Plan’s vision and priorities in a concise and clear manner.


(2)            That Cabinet agreed the updated Climate Change Strategy title ‘Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ better reflects the Council’s commitment to sustainable thinking.


(3)            Cabinet noted that the monitoring approach on Climate Change now aligns with Government guidelines to aid transparency and cohesiveness.


(4)            That Cabinet approved the updated Climate Change Strategy and agreed for it to be published on the Council’s website.


REASONS FOR DECISION – To display the Council’s approach on tackling Climate Change and enable the Council to be more sustainable.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - Alternative options were not considered appropriate as the aim of the refresh was to align the Strategy with the Council Plan 2023/27.


Please note that this was not a Key Decision and so can be implemented with immediate effect by officers.