Proposed development of 50 dwellings with associated roads, sewers, gardens, parking and garages, (Major Development) (Departure from the Development Plan) (Amended Plans), at and between the Old Canal and North Side of Primrose Lane, Killamarsh
(Planning Manager – Development Management)
The report to Committee explained that an Application had been submitted for the development of fifty dwellings, along with associated roads, parking and garages at land between the old canal and the north side of Primrose Lane in Killamarsh. This would be a major development and a departure from the Development Plan. The Application was a re-submission of an earlier Application for the proposed development of fifty dwellings (NED/20/00919/FL), which had been refused.
The Application had been referred to Committee by Local Ward Member, Councillor S Clough, who had raised concerns about it.
Committee was recommended to approve the Application, subject to the conditions set out in the report and a Section 106 Agreement – or an agreement, reached between the Council as Planning Authority and the developer in order to help offset the impact on local people.
The report to Committee explained why Members were asked to agree the recommendations. Officers considered the site a sustainable location for additional housing. It lay within the defined Settlement Development Limits for Killamarsh and had been designated for housing by the Local Plan. The officers contended that, on the whole, the proposed development was of good design and would be in keeping with the character and appearance of the surrounding area. They had concluded that the development would not be detrimental to the amenity or privacy of neighbouring residents. They had also concluded that there would be no unacceptable impact on highway safety.
Before Members discussed the Application those registered to speak were asked to address the Committee. Cllr T Lacey, speaking as Local Ward Member, E Cookson and D Grzona objected to the Application. The Planning Agent, M Edgar, spoke in support of it.
Committee considered the Application. It took into account the relevant Planning issues. It considered the Principle of Development, the location of the site within the Settlement Development Limits for Killamarsh and its designation as a housing site by the Local Plan. Committee also took into account environmental issues, including the relative proximity of the site to a hazardous installation. It considered the Design and Layout of the proposed development and in particular, the density of buildings to be constructed on the site. It considered the potential impact on neighbours, as well as ground stability, drainage and the impact on ecology. It took into account the provision of affordable housing and what health and other infrastructure improvements might be required.
Members discussed the Application. They reflected on the reasons why the original development proposal had been rejected and whether it would now be appropriate to approve the development. They discussed car parking on the site and the concerns which had been raised about traffic congestion. Members heard about the traffic assessment which had now taken place. Committee was reminded that the absence of a traffic assessment had been highlighted previously as an issue of concern.
Members discussed the number of properties to be built on the site. Concern was expressed by some Members that this was higher than the housing allocation figure set out in the Local Plan. Officers explained how this was only an indicative figure, reflecting a previous decision to grant permission to build 30 properties on the site. It was not intended to be a prescribed maximum number of properties that could be built there.
Some Members felt that the proposed number of properties in the development would be too high. They considered the case made for maximising the use of the available land by constructing a larger number of properties on the site. They also considered the concerns which had been expressed about the sustainability of the development and the adverse impact this might have on the local area.
At the conclusion of the discussion Councillor M Foster and Councillor W Armitage moved and seconded a motion to refuse the Application, contrary to officer recommendations. The motion was put to the vote and was approved
That application for planning permission is refused, contrary to officer recommendations.
1. The application is considered unacceptable as it represents the development of a greenfield site and the proposals for a development of 50 dwellings would exceed the 30 dwellings set out in the North East Derbyshire Local Plan 2014-2034 housing allocation. It would therefore constitute development that is not sustainable and which would adversely affect the character of the area and so to grant permission would be contrary to policies SS1 and LC1 of the North East Derbyshire Local Plan 2014-2034
2. The development of the site for 50 dwellings would introduce additional vehicles movements that would be severely harmful to and impact on highway safety. To grant permission would, therefore, be contrary to policy ID3 (of the North East Derbyshire Local Plan 2014-2034
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