Agenda item


Application for the demolition of former public house and erection of 4 no.  3-bedroom dwellings at Butchers Arms, Main Road, Marsh Lane, Sheffield


(Planning Manager  Development Management)


The report to Committee explained that an application had been submitted for the demolition of the former Public House, the Butcher’s Arms and the erection of four 3-bedroom dwellings with associated off street parking and garden area. It would also involve the closure of a footpath in the Moss Valley Conservation area. The application had been referred to the Committee by local Ward Member, Councillor Carolyn Renwick who had raised concerns about it.


Before Members discussed the application, those registered to speak were asked to address the Committee.   Councillor C Renwick, Ward Member for Eckington spoke against the application.  Eckington Town Team Member, P Wheelhouse, and C Gare, representing the Tenants and Residents Association, spoke against it.   The Agent, J Lomas spoke in support of the application.


Committee was recommended to grant permission for the application, subject to the conditions set out in the report.


The report to Committee explained why Members were recommended to approve the application. In particular, the report contended that it would represent a sustainable development. The site was within the settlement limit for Marsh Lane, with access to services by a range of transport means.  It was explained that the proposal was considered to comply with the Development Plan and that no other matters outweighed this conclusion.


Committee considered the application. It took into account the relevant Planning Issues. In particular, Committee considered the principles set out in the Development Plan. Committee took into account concerns that the loss of the former public house building would be harmful to the character of the area and whether the development would be in keeping with surrounding buildings in the Moss Valley Conservation Area. They also reflected on whether the parking would be satisfactory and the implications of this for road safety.


Members discussed the application. They discussed the impact of the proposal on the local area. Concern was expressed about the implications for the heritage and the character of the Conservation Area. Members heard that the former Public House building had been on the site since the mid to late nineteenth century and was a well-established part of the local streetscape. Members considered the design of the properties and whether the materials used and the design of the properties could be improved in order to help mitigate the impact on the streetscape of the loss of the building.


Some Members queried whether the properties might really have four bedrooms rather than three, given that the rooms designated as offices could be used as bedrooms. Concern was expressed that this could mean that a greater number of people might live there than projected and the potential impact which this might have on parking at the site and traffic safety at the road junction; especially if the development resulted in additional street parking close to it.


At the conclusion of the discussion Councillor W Armitage and H Liggett moved and seconded a motion to reject the application against officer recommendations because of detrimental impact which the development would have on the Moss Valley Conservation Area.


The motion was put to the vote and was approved




(1)  That the application is rejected contrary to officer recommendations because of the unacceptable impact it would have on the character of the local area and the Moss Valley Conservation Area.


(2)  That the final wording of the Committee’s decision be determined by the Planning Manager (Planning Development) in consultation with the Chair of the Committee.




The application is considered unacceptable as the demolition of the existing building on the site, The Butcher's Arms, a non-designated heritage asset that contributes positively to the character of the area generally and the Moss Valley Conservation Area in particular, and its replacement with a new building whose design is not considered compatible with the simple character of the area, would unacceptably and adversely impact on the character of the area and fail to either preserve or enhance the Moss Valley Conservation Area.


As such, the proposal is contrary to policies GS1, GS5, BE1 BE11 and BE12 of the North East Derbyshire Local Plan and policies SS1, SS7, SDC5, SDC9 and SDC12 of the North East Derbyshire Local Plan (Publication Draft) 2014-2034.


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