Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any items on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.
Members were reminded that at Item 7 on the Agenda Council would be asked to consider the budget. In this context, the Monitoring Officer explained the circumstances in which Members should make declarations of interest.
The Monitoring Officer informed Council that anyone who was two months or more in arrears with their Council Tax payments would not be able to participate in votes to determine any aspect of the budget. They would also have to declare that they were in arrears at the start of the meeting.
Council was informed that any Members holding tenancies of Council owned properties ought to declare an Interest. It was confirmed that they would still be allowed to participate in the discussion and determination of any aspect of the budget.
The Monitoring Officer explained that those Members who served as Killamarsh Parish Councillors would be required to declare a Significant Interest and withdraw from the meeting during Council’s consideration and determination of the budget proposals relating to the Killamarsh Leisure Centre. Finally, Members appointed to serve on the Board of Rykneld Homes Limited would be required to declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and withdraw from the meeting during Council’s consideration and determination of the Housing Revenue Account.
Councillor J Lilley declared an Interest as the holder of a tenancy of a Council owned property.
Councillors S Pickering declared an Interest as the holder of a tenancy of a Council owned property.
Councillor R Hall declared an Interest as the holder of a tenancy of a Council owned property.
Councillor J Kenyon declared an Interest as a Director on the Board of the Northwood Joint Venture Company.
Councillor N Whitehead declared an Interest as a Director of the Board of the Northwood Joint Venture Company and indicated that he would remain for the consideration and determination of those parts of the the budget in which he did not have a Significant Interest.
Councillor K Bone declared a Significant Interest as a Killamarsh Parish Councillor and indicated that he would withdraw during Council’s consideration and determination of the budget proposals for Killamarsh Leisure Centre.
Councillor P Bone declared a Significant Interest as a Killamarsh Parish Councillor and indicated that she would withdraw during Council’s consideration and determination of the budget proposals for Killamarsh Leisure Centre.
Councillor S Clough declared a Significant Interest as a Killamarsh Parish Councillor and indicated that he would withdraw during Council’s consideration and determination of the budget proposals for Killamarsh Leisure Centre.
Councillor M Potts declared a Significant Interest as a Killamarsh Parish Councillor and indicated that she would withdraw during Council’s consideration and determination of the budget proposals for Killamarsh Leisure Centre.
Councillor N Whitehead declared a Significant Interest as a Killamarsh Parish Councillor and indicated that he would withdraw during Council’s consideration and determination of the budget proposals for Killamarsh Leisure Centre.
Councillor S Clough declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest as a Director of Rykneld Homes Limited and indicated that he would withdraw from the meeting during Council’s consideration and determination of the Housing Revenue Account.
Councillor O Gomez Reaney declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest as a Director of Rykneld Homes Limited and indicated that he would withdraw from the meeting during Council’s consideration and determination of the Housing Revenue Account.
Councillor D Ruff declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest as a Director of Rykneld Homes Limited and indicated that she would withdraw from the meeting during Council’s consideration and determination of the Housing Revenue Account.