Agenda item

NED/19/01174FL - Fleur De Lys Hotel, Main Road, Unstone, Dronfield S18 4AB


The report to Committee explained that an application had been submitted for the erection of a two storey building, comprising four 2 bedroom flats, with parking for six cars and associated landscaping, all within the curtilage of the former public house, Fleur De Lys Hotel, Main Road, Unstone, Dronfield S18 4A for Crispfine Limited Nick Stoddard and Daly.


The application had been referred to Committee by the ward Member, who had raised concerns about it.


One Objector, Councillor A. Dale the Ward Councillor spoke against the application. No one spoke in support of the application.


Committee considered the application. In particular, it took into account the relevant Planning issues in reaching its determination on the application.  These included the potential impact on the Greenbelt, its location outside the Settlement Development Limits and whether it would have an impact on the countryside and character of the area. Committee also considered the possible impact on neighbouring properties, drainage and the proposed access to parking.


Members discussed the application. In particular, they heard of concerns that had been raised about the possible environmental impact of the development including the risk of surface water affecting neighbouring properties. They also discussed the location of the proposed development within the Greenbelt and concerns about the potential road safety implications of the development, especially if it resulted in greater on-street parking.




(a)  That the application be rejected, contrary to officer recommendations.


(b)  That the ground for rejection focus on the following grounds:


1.    The application is considered unacceptable, as by reason of its location on the site close to the highway, the proposed building would cause substantial harm to the openness of this Green Belt location. It would therefore represent inappropriate development which is, by definition, harmful and which should not be approved except in very special circumstances. In this case, the provision of affordable housing is not considered to represent very special circumstances to override the substantial harm that would be caused. As such, the proposal would be contrary to policies GS2 and H9 of the North East Derbyshire Local Plan, policies SS10 and LC3 of the North East Derbyshire Local Plan (2014-20343) Publication Draft and the National Planning Policy Framework when read as a whole.


2.    The application is considered unacceptable as the level of car parking, when taken cumulatively with that catering for the approved scheme for the conversion of the Fleur de Lys building itself, is insufficient to cater for demand for such a facility and would result in parking being displaced onto the public highway. This would have an unacceptable impact on highway safety contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework when read as whole.


3.    The application is considered unacceptable as the proposed building would be located only 3 metres from the culvert that passes through the site. This minimal distance is considered insufficient to ensure the ongoing and proper operation of the culvert and so compromise the surface water drainage of the site and surrounding land. As such, it is considered contrary to policy CSU4 of North East Derbyshire Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework when read as whole.  


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