Agenda item

NED/20-00285 - Town End, Shirland


The report to Committee explained that Change of use from a manège to commercial sale of vehicles (Affecting Setting of a Listed Building/Amended Title/Amended Plans) at Town End, Shirland, for Mr Oughton - Rightvan Ltd.


The application had been referred to the Committee by a ward Member, who had had raised concerns about it.


One objector, Councillor Heather Liggett, as a local ward Member, spoke against the application. No one spoke in support of the application.


Members were directed to the recent late comments report which had been issued the afternoon prior to the meeting.


Committee considered the application. It took into account the relevant planning policies in reaching its determination on the application. These included highways access, the street scene and landscaping implications, and the impact on the setting of a listed building.


Members discussed the application. They noted the concerns which had been raised about the possible implications of the change of use for local residents, the visual impact and the possible road safety implications. They also heard of concerns about the potential impact on wildlife. Members discussed he imposition of appropriate conditions on the size and type of vehicles accessing the site. They also discussed how additional landscaping and screening might reduce the visual impact and help to protect wildlife.


RESOLVED - That application NED/20/00285/FL be approved in line with the Officer recommendations.


1        The development hereby permitted shall be started within 3 years from the date of this permission.


2        The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted plan drawing numbers:

          o             2204-2 (Site Layout Plan, date scanned 17th March 2020)

          o             2204-3 (Location Plan, date scanned 17th March 2020)

          o             2204-3 (Location Plan with Passing Place annotated, date scanned 24th June 2020)

          unless otherwise specifically agreed through a formal submission under the Non Material Amendment procedures and unless otherwise required by any other condition in this decision notice.


3        The site subject of this application shall be used for the storage and sale of campervan vehicles with a maximum axle weight of no more than 7.5 tonnes only.


4        The area for the storage and sales of vehicles shall be surfaced with crushed limestone, and retained as such thereafter.


5        Prior to the change of use the subject of the application, the existing access track onto Main Road shall be widened, generally in accordance with drawing 2204-3-3, with the additional removal of the first section of hedge (marked in green for the first 21m into the site and including the 'passing place') located between the highway and proposed passing place, so as to provide space within the site to vehicles to pass should they meet.


6        Notwithstanding the submitted details, prior to the change of use taking place, a plan to show vehicle parking, customer parking, manoeuvring areas and revised access track surfacing shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented in full prior to the first use of the site. Thereafter the customer parking and turning areas shall be kept clear at all time and not used for any other purpose other than parking and manoeuvring.


7        There shall be no vehicular gates or other barriers located within 10m of the highway boundary and any gates shall be designed as to open inwards only.


8        The business hereby approved shall be operated by the owner of 2 Town End, Shirland only and there shall be no other persons employed at the site.


9        There shall be no more than 5 vehicle deliveries per week.


10      Customer appointments to the site shall be limited to a maximum of 6 customer visits per week, with a maximum of 3 on any one day. These shall be made strictly by appointment only and not overlap. A log shall be retained of appointments and submitted to the Local Planning Authority on an annual basis, on or within 28 days of the anniversary of the permission hereby approved being granted.


11      No power tools, equipment or machinery shall be used on site, other than the use of portable hand tools is permitted. Manual cleaning and polishing of vehicles is allowed.


12      Appointments and deliveries to site shall only take place between the hours of 08:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday, and 08:00 and 13:00 on Saturdays. There shall be no appointments or deliveries on Sundays or Public Holidays.


13      Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme of replacement native landscape planting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall seek to mitigate the loss of landscaping on site and include new native landscape planting. The approved landscaping scheme shall be implemented in full prior to the first use of the site and retained as such for the lifetime of the development.


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