Agenda item

NED/19-00786 - Cartledge Hall Farm - Dronfield


The Committee considered Report No PM/01/20-21 of the Planning Manager – Development Management.  


The report to Committee explained that an application had been submitted to demolish a range of existing buildings (formerly used in association with the livery business and riding school) at Cartledge Hall Farm, Cartledge Lane, Holmesfield, Dronfield for Mr Matthew Jacques c/o Crowley Associates Ltd.  Existing buildings (formerly used in association with the livery business and riding school) would be converted to form a single dwelling and ancillary buildings would be restored and retained. The application also proposed the erection of four new dwellings with associated landscaping, parking and access (conservation area/affecting a public right of way).


                               The application had been referred to the Committee by Councillor C Huckerby, who had raised concerns about it.


                               The ward Member, Councillor C Huckerby, spoke against the application. She subsequently did not take part in the Committee’s discussion on this matter nor vote on the application.


                               Six objectors spoke against the application.


                               The Applicant spoke in favour of the application.


                               The Architect and Heritage Consultant for the proposed scheme spoke in favour of the application.


                               No supporters spoke in favour of the application.


                               Committee was directed to the recent late comments/update reports which had been issued the afternoon prior to the meeting. 


                               Members were reminded that the application had been considered at the Committee’s meeting, on 10 March 2020. Committee had resolved to defer consideration of the application, so that the applicant could reflect on the application and determine whether he wished to amend it as a result of the comments made by Members at the meeting.


                               Planning Committee considered the application. It was confirmed that this had not been amended from that submitted to the Committee in March 2020. Committee took into account the suitability of the proposal in the location in policy terms, its effect on the character of the site and the surrounding area and its impact on the Green Belt. The Committee also considered the impact on heritage assets, the privacy and amenity of neighbours, and highway safety issues. 


                               Members discussed the application. They heard about the contribution which the scheme could make to restoring historic buildings, dating from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They also heard about the comparatively modern buildings that would be removed and the new buildings that would be constructed on the site, which lay within a conservation area.


                               Members sought clarification on the details of the scheme and the opportunities for local people to express their views on the proposed development. They discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the scheme and in particular, whether the benefits of the development in terms of renovating the older buildings, would offset possible damage the environment and whether it would be an appropriate development for the greenbelt and a conservation area.


                               RESOLVED -


(a)       That application NED/19-00786 be refused, contrary to Officer Recommendations.


(b)       That the reasons for refusal, focused on inappropriate development in the Greenbelt and the impact on the local conservation area, be finalised by officers in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee.


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