The Leader of the Council will update Members on the Council’s response to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
The Leader advised Council on the latest position regarding Covid-19. Covid-19 had presented significant challenges for the people of North East Derbyshire but it had also highlighted the resilience of local residents and outstanding community spirit. The Leader stated that North East Derbyshire placed on record sincere appreciation for the many unsung heroes who truly were saving lives and safeguarding our way of life.
The Leader reported that to date the Community Support Team created by the Council, had:-
· Telephoned 5450 people to offer assistance;
· Delivered over 4000 medical supplies;
· Provided 82 food boxes;
· Delivered 700 local newspapers and magazines to those most isolated;
· Contacted over 1800 businesses to help them access financial support;
· Provided 1584 grants to businesses totaling almost £18m;
· Awarded 350 business 100% business rates relief;
· Addressed 78 environmental concerns from residents;
· Received 20,188 calls and emails from residents and businesses requesting support and advice with Council Tax and Business Rates;
· Had over 31,500 views of the Covid-19 information section on the Council’s website;
· Received £8,265 in donations to support the District’s work for others;
· Launched the #Newskillschallenge to promote and teach British Sign Language;
· Sent over 220 Tweets and 220 Facebook posts reaching an audience of 360,000 views.
The Environmental Health Team had provided support to local businesses and were also working alongside officers in Economic Development to identify high street businesses that needed support.
The Council had led on a county-wide project to get homeless people off the streets. Providing urgent accommodation for some of the most vulnerable and now ensuring that this work had a positive and sustainable legacy with the objective that these people did not end up homeless again.
As the lockdown has progressed, concerns about the mental health and wellbeing of people had increased. The Council was working with The Derbyshire Times to ensure weekly delivery of the newspaper to help the isolated stay connected locally.
The Council had placed stickers on all residents’ bins to keep them updated with waste collection arrangements and to ensure every household had the Council’s contact details for support and advice.
The Leader spoke about the joint working between the Council and Rykneld Homes and gave examples of the work that had been done to help vulnerable residents.
There had been regular meetings to ensure a cross-party approach to supporting the District’s residents and businesses. The Leader extended his sincere thanks to Councillors Barker, Cupit, Dale, Funnell, Powell and Shipman for their valued contributions to the meetings and working collaboratively. The Leader said that he appreciated the support and encouragement from Councillors across the Chamber and that many Councillors had demonstrated community leadership and were achieving so much for the people they represented. Town and Parish Councils were also playing their part and there had been fantastic engagement with the Council to share information and provide essential services.
The Leader concluded that all this evidenced a huge, collective effect which should leave all with a lasting sense of pride that local communities had tackled coronavirus head on and North East Derbyshire had shown unity through adversity. The Council remained steadfast in its resolve to put the welfare of every residents first and foremost.
Councillor N Barker thanked Councillor C Huckerby for her year as Chair of the Council and congratulated Councillor P Antcliff on being elected Chair of the Council for 2020/21. Councillor N Barker also thanked Councillor M E Thacker MBE for his updates and staff for their work during the unprecedented times.
Councillor R Shipman thanked the Leader of the Council for invitations to the Council’s emergency response meetings and to the staff.
Councillor J Funnell commented that the Council had communicated well throughout.