In accordance with Council Procedure Rule No 10 to consider Motions on notice from Members. Motions must be received in writing or by email to the Monitoring Officer by 12 noon seven clear working days before the meeting.
The following Motions have been submitted under Council Procedure Rule No 10 for this meeting.
(a) Motion proposed by Cllr Ross Shipman and seconded by Cllr David Hancock
“Council notes with some concern the complaints received regarding the inconsistencies in the approval of planning application 18/00056/FL – Erection of 193 dwellings and associated infrastructure (Major Development) (Departure from Development Plan) (Further Amended Plans)(Amended Title) Land to the North and West of the Poplars, Ankerbold Road, Old Tupton.
Council also notes the concerns raised by the Liberal Democrats regarding the proposed financial arrangements to fund the proposed development by loaning money to the Northwood Group (a private company with no trading history) to purchase and develop Council owned land; with that same land acting as security.
The Council believes that such a decision offers no legitimate protection to the council tax payers of North East Derbyshire and is not a commercially sound proposition.
Council therefore resolves to withdraw the proposed sale of the greenfield land to the North and West of the Poplars, Ankerbold Road, Old Tupton and further resolves to undertake an independent investigation into the inconsistencies within the planning decision”.
(b) Motion proposed by Cllr David Hancock and seconded by Cllr Pamela Windley
“Council notes that residents in all parts of the District experience daily problems over the lack of residential parking; particularly where private driveways are difficult or impossible to site.
Council resolves to undertake a strategic review of residential parking problems around the District, prioritising areas where concerns have been raised by residents, and report on practical solutions – such as allocation of parking spaces and development of unused Council owned land to provide off road parking”.
(c) Motion proposed by Cllr Pamela Windley and seconded by Cllr Ross Shipman
“North East Derbyshire District Council notes:-
(i) That Members of the public have the right to be able to scrutinise the business of the Council and this should be made as easy as possible.
(ii) That all Members are elected to represent the electorate and should remain transparent and accountable to them at all times.
(iii) The United Kingdom has a population of 64.1 million (2013) and 89% of this population are active internet users. 38 million people actively use social media and a further 50% of the total population actively use their mobile telephones to access their social media (source:
(iv) Since January 2014, there has been a 4% growth in active internet users, 6% growth in social media users and 7% growth in mobile users accessing social media (
North East Derbyshire Council resolves that all public meetings and sub-committees (excluding those items held in exemption) are live streamed through all supported media outlets that it currently manages, as well as any future social media platforms it may use.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule No 10 to consider Motions on notice from Members. Motions must be received in writing or by email to the Monitoring Officer by 12 noon seven clear working days before the meeting.
The following Motions had been submitted:-
(a) Motion proposed by Councillor R Shipman and seconded by Councillor D Hancock
“Council notes with some concern the complaints received regarding the inconsistencies in the approval of planning application 18/00056/FL - Erection of 193 dwellings and associated infrastructure (Major Development) (Departure From Development Plan) (Further Amended Plans)(Amended Title) Land To The North And West Of The Poplars Ankerbold Road Old Tupton
Council also notes the concerns raised by the Liberal Democrats regarding the proposed financial arrangements to fund the proposed development by loaning money to the Northwood Group (a private company with no trading history) to purchase and develop Council owned land; with that same land acting as security.
The council believes that such a decision offers no legitimate protection to the council tax payers of North East Derbyshire and is not a commercially sound proposition.
Council therefore resolves to withdraw the proposed sale of the greenfield land to the North and West of the Poplars, Ankerbold Road, Old Tupton and further resolves to undertake an independent investigation into the inconsistencies within the planning decision.”
Councillor R Shipman moved his Motion, duly seconded by Councillor D Hancock, who took the opportunity to express his congratulations to those newly appointed to positions on the Council.
Councillor M E Thacker MBE welcomed the Motion put before the meeting, and conveyed the Conservatives’ agreement to the content therein. In offering amendments to the Motion (as set out below), he pledged to commence a review of the planning decision, but without understanding the implications of withdrawal of the sale of the land, it would be remiss to agree for this to happen prior to the investigation.
“Council notes OBJECTIONS received regarding the ALLEDGED inconsistencies in the approval of planning application 18/00056/FL - Erection of 193 dwellings and associated infrastructure (Major Development) (Departure From Development Plan) (Further Amended Plans)(Amended Title) Land To The North And West Of The Poplars Ankerbold Road Old Tupton
Council also notes the concerns raised by the Liberal Democrats regarding the proposed financial arrangements to fund the proposed development by loaning money to the Northwood Group (a private company with no trading history) to purchase and develop Council owned land; with that same land acting as security.
THE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS believe that such a decision offers no legitimate protection to the council tax payers of North East Derbyshire and is not a commercially sound proposition.
Council therefore resolves to REVIEW the proposed sale of the greenfield land to the North and West of the Poplars, Ankerbold Road, Old Tupton and further resolves to undertake an independent investigation into the inconsistencies within the planning decision.”
Councillor N Barker spoke on behalf of the Labour Group to give assurance that due diligence was given to decisions made around the sale of land, and an internal review had found no issue with the process undertaken. Further, Councillor P Kerry had found that, on consideration, the sale had been a viable venture.
The amendments were supported by all present to become the substantive Motion and the Leader confirmed that no further progress would be made in regard to the sale until the review had taken place.
1) Council notes objections received regarding the alleged inconsistencies in the approval of planning application 18/00056/FL - Erection of 193 dwellings and associated infrastructure (Major Development) (Departure From Development Plan) (Further Amended Plans)(Amended Title) Land To The North And West Of The Poplars Ankerbold Road Old Tupton
2) Council notes the concerns raised by the Liberal Democrats regarding the proposed financial arrangements to fund the proposed development by loaning money to the Northwood Group (a private company with no trading history) to purchase and develop Council owned land; with that same land acting as security.
3) That it be noted that the Liberal Democrats believe that such a decision offers no legitimate protection to the council tax payers of North East Derbyshire and is not a commercially sound proposition.
4) A review of the proposed sale of the greenfield land to the North and West of the Poplars, Ankerbold Road, Old Tupton be commenced and an independent investigation into the inconsistencies within the planning decision be undertaken.
(b) Motion proposed by Councillor D Hancock and seconded by Councillor P Windley
“Council notes that residents in all parts of the District experience daily problems over the lack of residential parking; particularly where private driveways are difficult or impossible to site.
Council resolves to undertake a strategic review of residential parking problems around the District, prioritising areas where concerns have been raised by residents, and report on practical solutions – such as allocation of parking spaces and development of unused Council owned land to provide off road parking”.
Councillor D Hancock proposed his Motion as submitted, which was duly seconded by Councillor P Windley.
Councillor A Dale spoke in support the principle of the Motion put and agreed that parking provision within the District was not adequate. A proposed amendment to the Motion was a “SCRUTINY Review of residential parking problems”. This would enable the Council to maintain oversight of the review. Councillor B Lewis duly seconded the amendment put.
A further amendment was proposed by Councillor N Barker to delete the following wording:
“Prioritising areas where concerns had been raised by residents, and report on practical solutions, such as allocation of parking spaces in development of unused Council owned land to provide off-road parking”.
The amendment was to help identify where the demand would be the greatest, not necessarily where residents have had the opportunity to raise their concerns. Discussion of Councillor N Barker’s amendment took place.
A further amendment was suggested by Cllr A Dale to replace the deletion suggested by Councillor N Barker with “consider the concerns raised by residents and explore all possible solutions”.
This further amendment was seconded by Councillor D Hancock and on being put to the vote was agreed as the substantive Motion.
On being put to the vote the Motion was agreed as amended to amend ‘Strategic’ with ‘Scrutiny’ and replace Cllr Barker’s deletion with Cllr Dale’s addition.
(1) It be noted that North East Derbyshire residents experience daily problems over the lack of residential parking, particularly where private driveways are difficult or impossible to site.
(2) A Scrutiny Review of residential parking problems around the District be undertaken, giving consideration to the concerns raised by residents and exploring all possible solutions.
(c) Motion proposed by Councillor P Windley and seconded by Councillor R Shipman
“North East Derbyshire District Council notes:-
(i) That Members of the public have the right to be able to scrutinise the business of the Council and this should be made as easy as possible.
(ii) That all Members are elected to represent the electorate and should remain transparent and accountable to them at all times.
(iii) The United Kingdom has a population of 64.1 million (2013) and 89% of this population are active internet users. 38 million people actively use social media and a further 50% of the total population actively use their mobile telephones to access their social media (source:
(iv) Since January 2014, there has been a 4% growth in active internet users, 6% growth in social media users and 7% growth in mobile users accessing social media (
North East Derbyshire Council resolves that all public meetings and sub-committees (excluding those items held in exemption) are live streamed through all supported media outlets that it currently manages, as well as any future social media platforms it may use”.
Clarification was given that the meeting was being live streamed, not just recorded.
Councillor P Windley explained that the Motion was being put to invite a formal resolution for all Council meetings to be accessible and to make Members accountable for decisions in the public interest.
Seconding the Motion, Councillor R Shipman, referenced to decisions at previous meetings of Council where he had been able to record and live stream meetings.
Councillor C Cupit thanked Councillor P Windley for her Motion and clarified that the Conservative Group were in favour of improving access to meetings and decision making, and this was demonstrated by a live stream of the Council meeting. An amendment to the Motion was proposed by Councillor C Cupit, “that North East Derbyshire District Council ‘believes’ rather than “notes”. The amendment was seconded by Councillor A Dale.
Councillor T Reader, on behalf of the Labour Group gave support to this Motion which improved transparency going forward. Councillor A Cooper also spoke on behalf of the Independent Group to show support for the Motion as amended.
Councillor M E Thacker MBE proposed an additional amendment to the last paragraph: “Council notes the immediate implementation of all recording for Council meetings and will evaluate ifall public meetings and sub-committees (excluding those items held in exemption) are live streamed through all supported media outlets that it currently manages as well as any future social media platforms it may use”.
Being duly seconded by Councillor A Dale the amendments as put were agreed as the Substantive Motion. On a further vote the Motion was carried as amended.
(1) The Council believes that members of the public have the right to be able to scrutinise the business of the Council and this should be made as easy as possible.
(2) It further believes that all Members are elected to represent the electorate and should remain transparent and accountable to them at all times.
(3) The immediate implementation of recording full Council meetings be noted and evaluation take place of all public meetings and sub-committee meetings (excluding those items held in exemption) streamed through all supported media outlets that it currently manages as well as any future social media platforms it may use.