10.30 am - Principal Solicitor
11.00 am - Rotherham Borough Council – Licensing Manager
Principal Solicitor
The Principal Solicitor attended the meeting first to discuss CCTV in taxis.
Members heard that the Principal Solicitor had held meetings with the Portfolio Holder for Environment, the Licensing Committee Chair, the Environmental Health Manager and the Licensing Team Leader. It was stated that a timetable had been drafted and that information was currently being gathered, as well as discussions on the proposed policy with other local authorities.
The Officer agreed that it was a policy that could be used to protect both the public and drivers. Members heard, however, that the Officer had some legal reservations and was awaiting the outcome of a recent case.
Members discussed the potential problems of CCTV installation, which included who took control of the footage and the ability of drivers to obtain a licence at a different authority and still operate in North East Derbyshire. It was stated that the Information Commissioner had raised concerns with some aspects of the CCTV policies in other authorities, and the Principal Solicitor did not want North East Derbyshire District Council to be drawn into an expensive court case.
The Officer concluded that there needed to be a strong evidence base to support those policies.
The Committee felt and agreed that it was in the public interest to install CCTV and that it could be crucial in preventing serious crimes. Members were reminded that there had been a previous Scrutiny review on Safeguarding where CCTV installation in taxis had been recommended.
Members thanked the Officer for attending the meeting.
The Officer then left the meeting.
RESOLVED – That the update be noted.
Licensing Manager – Rotherham Borough Council
The Rotherham Borough Council (RBC) Licensing Manager attended to discuss CCTV in taxis, and informed Members of the policy that was currently in place at RBC.
The Committee heard that there had been an initial resistance from the trade to the installation of CCTV in taxis, however, it had proved a success in Rotherham. The Officer used a number of examples where CCTV had proved beneficial, and stated that there was now an understanding that the cameras were there to protect both the passenger and driver. The RBC Licensing Manager informed Members that there had been a change in attitude towards CCTV within his Council’s area and that the public now expected it to be installed in taxis. The Officer hoped that similar policies could be put in place in local authorities around the country.
Members noted that there had been some technical issues with the cameras, and if a similar policy was to be enforced by NEDDC it would be beneficial to identify a single supplier. The Committee had a wide ranging discussion on the CCTV arrangements, which included the visual cameras being turned off when the vehicle was being used for personal use, and the ability of the passenger and driver to turn audio sound on. The Officer stated that the Council controlled the data, and was kept for up to 14 days.
Members heard that the Information Commissioner had problems with the initial policy, however, following consultation this had now been resolved and the policy in place at RBC was working well.
The RBC Licensing Manager informed Members that in his view the public felt safer, and had restored some trust in the profession following the child exploitation scandals. It was stated that the authority was able to revoke licences if there was any issue, as there was real evidence to draw on.
Members noted that the use of cameras needed to be proportionate and justified as to why they were necessary.
The Overview and Scrutiny Manager reminded the Committee of the role and remit of Scrutiny, and Members discussed the merits of a Special Meeting to further discuss CCTV in taxis.
Members thanked the Officer for attending the meeting.
The Officer then left the meeting.
(1) That a Special Meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee be arranged to further discuss CCTV in taxis.
(2) That the update be noted.