Agenda item

Scrutiny Review

To consider the comments received on Residential Parking from representatives of the Parish/Town Councils.




10.30 am – Killamarsh Parish Council – Councillor S Clough

11.00 am – Eckington Town Council – Councillor C Renwick

11.30 am – Dronfield Town Council – Councillor M Foster


Killamarsh Parish Council - Councillor P Bone  


The Committee welcomed Councillor Pat Bone to the meeting as a representative of Killamarsh Parish Council to discuss residential parking in Killamarsh. 


Councillor Bone detailed a number of concerning incidents in Killamarsh, which included irresponsible and illegal parking.  The Committee heard that Killamarsh had seen an increasing volume of vehicles, and this, combined with a reduction in the local bus service had contributed to busy traffic.  The traffic was increasingly becoming a problem, especially during rush hour and at school times. 


Members agreed that a culture had developed where irresponsible and sometimes illegal parking had become acceptable to some residents.  There was also a consensus that villages like Killamarsh had outgrown itself, and Members were concerned to how continued and future developments would impact on the health and wellbeing of residents. 


The Committee discussed enforcement and the use of Civil Enforcement Officers to target problem areas in the District.  Members agreed that the use of Enforcement Officers could be a positive solution to the parking problems in the area. 


Members thanked Councillor P Bone for attending the meeting. 


Councillor P Bone then left the meeting.


Eckington Town Council - Councillor C Renwick


The Committee welcomed Councillor Carolyn Renwick to the meeting as a representative of Eckington Parish Council to discuss residential parking in Eckington. 


The Committee heard how residential parking was becoming an increasing problem in Eckington, with inconsiderable and sometimes illegal parking becoming normalised.  Councillor Renwick commented that many of the estates in Eckington had not been built for modern car use, and as such the village had become over-whelmed with the increase in traffic. 


Members noted that there was little enforcement in Eckington, and that an effective deterrent could improve the situation.  It was stated that there had been a number of near accidents, and that it was only a matter of time before a serious incident was likely to occur. 


The Committee heard that there had been concerning incidents involving verbal arguments and violence at schools, and that the Police had been involved at Eckington precinct. 


Councillor Renwick informed the Committee that Derbyshire County Council had agreed to a Traffic Enforcement Scheme, and it was hoped that this would make Eckington safer for both road users and pedestrians, especially in areas around the local schools.  The Committee heard that a number of schools had now introduced phased start times for different age groups in order to ease the congestion. 


Members had a wide ranging discussion on the merits of offering financial support to residents who wished to create off-street parking themselves.  The Committee agreed that the Council should be looking to make greater use of Civil Enforcement Officers, and that they would like further information on their powers and remit to be presented to the Committee at the next meeting.


Members also discussed by-laws, and the potential they had to improve the District’s residential parking issues. 


Members thanked Councillor Renwick for attending the meeting. 


Councillor Renwick then left the meeting.


Dronfield Town Council - Councillor M Foster


As a representative of Dronfield Town Council, Councillor Mark Foster updated the Committee on residential parking issues in Dronfield. 


Councillor Foster reiterated that Dronfield was experiencing many of the issues that other Parish Councils were having to deal with, and stated that in his view greater enforcement was needed.  Members heard about a number of parking issues in Dronfield, including at the Civic Centre car park, and how the congestion was impacting on the health and wellbeing of residents.  Free parking facilities had also been removed at Dronfield Train Station, resulting in rail users parking in surrounding residential areas. 


The Committee noted that a planning application had been approved with little consideration to appropriate numbers of parking spaces, and that some developments were making residential parking worse. 


The Committee had a wide ranging discussion on the powers and resources available to the Police in dealing with residential parking issues.  Members agreed that greater enforcement, traffic calming measures and by-laws could be effective solutions to the District’s residential parking issues.