Standard time
Development in
complete accordance with the amended plans –
Block Plan
Bungalow Type 1 2021-711-1-02D
Bungalow Type 2 2021-711-1-03D
M4(3) Bungalow 2021-711-1-04E
Swept Path Analysis for refuse
vehicle – 12444-TRCK/01 A
and specifications,
subject to the following conditions or modifications.
During the phases of site clearance and construction there
should be no clearance of vegetation by burning, or disposal of
other materials by burning owing to the proximity of neighbouring
sensitive receptors.
- To protect the amenity of the locality, especially for people
living and/or
working nearby.
Development other than that required to
be carried out as part of an approved scheme of remediation shall
not commence until:
A Phase I contaminated land assessment
(desk-study) shall be undertaken and approved in writing by the
local planning authority.
The contaminated land assessment shall
include a desk-study with details of the history of the site use
the likely presence of potentially hazardous
materials and substances,
their likely nature, extent and scale,
whether or not they originated from the
a conceptual model of pollutant-receptor
an assessment of the potential risks to human
health, property (existing or proposed) including buildings, crops,
livestock, pets, woodland and service lines and pipes, adjoining
land, ground waters and surface waters, ecological systems,
archaeological sites and ancient monuments,
details of a site investigation strategy (if
potential contamination is identified) to effectively characterise
the site based on the relevant information discovered by the desk
study and justification for the use or not of appropriate guidance.
The site investigation strategy shall, where necessary, include
relevant soil, ground gas, surface and groundwater
sampling/monitoring as identified by the desk-study
site investigation shall be carried out by a competent person in
accordance with the current U.K. requirements for sampling and
analysis. A report of the site investigation
shall be submitted to the local planning authority
for approval.
– To ensure the development adequately deals with any
potential contamination of the site and To protect future occupiers
of the development, buildings, structures/services, ecosystems and
controlled waters, including deep and shallow ground
Before the commencement of the development hereby
Where the site investigation identifies unacceptable levels of
contamination, a detailed remediation scheme to bring the site to a
condition suitable for the intended use by removing unacceptable
risks to human health, buildings and other property and the natural
and historical environment shall be submitted to and approved in
writing by the local planning authority. The submitted scheme shall
have regard to relevant current guidance. The approved scheme shall
include all works to be undertaken, proposed remediation objectives
and remediation criteria and site management procedures. The scheme
shall ensure that the site will not qualify as contaminated land
under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in relation
to the intended use of the land after remediation.
developer shall give at least 14 days
notice to the Local Planning Authority (Environmental Health
Division) prior to commencing works in connection with the
remediation scheme.
– To ensure the development
adequately deals with any potential contamination of the site and
To protect future occupiers of the development, buildings,
structures/services, ecosystems and controlled waters, including
deep and shallow ground water.
No dwellings hereby
approved shall be occupied until:
The approved remediation works required
by 7 above have been carried out in full in compliance with the
approved methodology and best practice.
If during the construction and/or
demolition works associated with the development hereby approved
any suspected areas of contamination are discovered, which have not
previously been identified, then all works shall be suspended until
the nature and extent of the contamination is assessed and a report
submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority
and the local planning authority shall be notified as soon as is
reasonably practicable of the discovery of any suspected areas of
contamination. The suspect material shall be re-evaluated through
the process described in 6b to 7 above and satisfy 8a
Upon completion of the remediation works
required by 7 and 8a above a validation report prepared by a
competent person shall be submitted to and approved in writing by
the local planning authority. The validation report shall include
details of the remediation works and Quality Assurance/Quality
Control results to show that the works have been carried out in
full and in accordance with the approved methodology. Details of
any validation sampling and analysis to show the site has achieved
the approved remediation standard, together with the necessary
waste management documentation shall be included.
– To ensure the development
adequately deals with any potential contamination of the site and
To protect future occupiers of the development, buildings,
structures/services, ecosystems and controlled waters, including
deep and shallow ground water.
Construction works on the site
and deliveries to the site shall be undertaken only between the
hours of 07.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 7.30am to 1pm on
Saturday. There shall be no work undertaken on site or
deliveries to the site on any Sunday or public holiday.
Before the commencement of
construction works including any demolition in connection with the
development hereby approved, a programme of measures to minimise
the spread of airborne dust from the site during construction and
demolition periods, shall be submitted to and approved in writing
by the Local Planning Authority and include a dust risk assessment.
The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved
Nesting Birds
No building demolition or tree,
scrub or hedgerow clearance shall take place between 1st March and
31st August inclusive, unless preceded by a nesting bird survey
undertaken by a competent ecologist no more than 48 hours prior to
clearance. If nesting birds are present, an appropriate exclusion
zone will be implemented and monitored until the chicks have
fledged. No works shall be undertaken within exclusion zones whilst
nesting birds are present.
DWT - The applicant is reminded
that, under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, as amended
(section 1), it is an offence to remove, damage or destroy the nest
of any wild bird while that nest is in use or being built. Planning
consent for a development does not provide a defence against
prosecution under this act. (Trees and scrub are likely to contain
nesting birds between 1st March and 31st August inclusive. Trees
and scrub are present on the application site and are to be assumed
to contain nesting birds between the above dates, unless a recent
survey has been undertaken by a competent ecologist to assess the
nesting bird activity on site during this period and has shown it
is certain that nesting birds are not present).
Prior to the installation of
any external lighting fixtures, a detailed lighting plan and
strategy, including a timetable for its implementation, shall be
submitted to and be approved in writing by the LPA. This should
provide details of the chosen luminaires, their locations and any
mitigating features such as dimmers, PIR sensors and timers.
Dependent on the scale of the proposed lighting, a lux contour plan
may be required to demonstrate acceptable levels of lightspill to any sensitive ecological
zones/features. Guidelines can be found in Guidance Note 08/23 -
Bats and Artificial Lighting at Night (BCT and ILP, 2023). The
approved plan and strategy shall then be implemented in full as
such, retained as agreed thereafter and no other external light
features shall be installed, placed or erected on the
DWT - In the
interests of the biodiversity of the site.
The Reasonable Avoidance
Measures outlined within section 6.7 of the Preliminary Ecological
Appraisal (JM Ecology, July 2024) shall be adhered to and
implemented in full to safeguard common herptiles during the course
of site clearance and development works.
Badger / Hedgehog
The Reasonable Avoidance
Measures outlined within section 6.8 of the Preliminary Ecological
Appraisal (JM Ecology, July 2024) shall be adhered to and
implemented in full to safeguard common herptiles during the course
of site clearance and development works.
Habitat Management and
Monitoring Plan
A Habitat Management and
Monitoring Plan (HMMP) shall be submitted to, and be approved in
writing by, the LPA prior to the commencement of the development.
This shall identify the habitats to be retained, created and / or
enhanced on the site and specify the appropriate management
prescriptions to secure the predicted condition targets, as per the
approved biodiversity metric for the application. The HMMP shall
also set out a monitoring schedule to ensure targets are met and
remedial actions to take if not. Guidance on producing a HMMP can
be found here:
The approved HMMP
shall then be implemented as agreed and be delivered as approved
Species Enhancement
Prior to building works
commencing above foundation level, a Species Enhancement Plan shall
be submitted to and be approved in writing by the Local Planning
Authority. The approved measures shall then be implemented in full
as agreed and be maintained as such thereafter. The Plan shall
clearly show the positions, specifications and numbers of features,
which will include (but are not limited to) the following: •
universal nest boxes at ratio of 1:1, in line with British Standard
42021:2022. • integrated bat boxes in 30% of dwellings. •
insect bricks in 30% dwellings and / or towers in public open
space. • fencing gaps 130 mm x 130 mm to maintain connectivity
for hedgehogs in all gardens. A statement of good practice
including photographs should be submitted to the local planning
authority prior to the discharge of this condition, demonstrating
that the enhancements have been selected and installed in
accordance with the above. The enhancements should be implemented
in accordance with the approved details and all features retained
in that manner thereafter.
The solar panels
shall be inset into the roof (so they are flush with the roof
covering), be of black panels, with black frames, non-reflective
and be installed prior to the first occupation of the dwelling to
which they relate be permanently so maintained
Before the development hereby approved starts, a
scheme for mitigating climate change through sustainable design,
including (but not limited to) the provision of sources of
renewable energy, EV charging points, etc. including a timetable
for its implementation, shall be submitted to and be approved in
writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the approved
climate change scheme shall be implemented in full as agreed and be
retained as such thereafter.
Prior to any above
ground works commencing precise specifications (including the
manufacturer, range and colour details where applicable) or samples
of the walling and roofing materials to be used, shall be made
available on site for inspection, and subsequent written approval,
by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall then be
carried out in accordance with the approved details.
Prior to the completion or first occupation of
the development hereby approved, whichever is the sooner; full
details of all proposed tree planting shall be submitted to and be
approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This will
include planting and maintenance specifications, including
cross-section drawings, use of guards or other protective measures
and confirmation of location, species and sizes, nursery stock
type, supplier and defect period. All tree planting shall be
carried out in accordance with those details and at those
Any trees that are found to be dead, dying,
severely damaged or diseased within five years of the completion of
the building works OR five years of the carrying out of the
landscaping scheme (whichever is later), shall be replaced in the
next planting season by specimens of similar size and species in
the first suitable planting season.
To comply with the duties indicated in Section
197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to safeguard and
enhance the amenity of the area, to maximise the quality and
usability of open spaces within the development, and to enhance its
setting within the immediate locality in accordance with NEDDC
Policy SDC2: Trees, Woodland and Hedgerows
Before development
starts, the following shall be submitted to and approved in writing
by the Local Planning Authority:
a scheme of landscaping, which shall include
indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the
the details of any trees and hedgerows to be
retained, together with measures for their protection during
a schedule of proposed plant species, size and
density and planting locations and
an implementation programme.
All planting, seeding
or turfing in the approved scheme of landscaping shall be carried
out in the first planting and seeding season following the
occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development,
whichever is the sooner. Any trees or plants which within a period
of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed
or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the
next planting season with others of similar size and species,
unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any
In the interests of
the appearance of the area and in accordance with policies of the
North East Derbyshire Local Plan and the Neighbourhood
No development shall commence until full details
of the ground floor level of the proposed dwelling in relation to
existing and finished ground levels and relative to a fixed datum
have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local
planning authority. The development shall be carried out in
accordance with the approved levels.
In the interests of the appearance of the area
and in accordance with Policies SDC12 of the North East Derbyshire
Local Plan
The Development hereby approved shall not be
occupied until the access, parking and turning facilities have been
provided as shown on Site Block Plan, drawing no.
To ensure conformity with submitted details.
The development hereby approved shall not be
occupied until visibility splays are provided from a point 0.6m
above carriageway level at the centre of the access to the
application site and 2.4 metres back from the near side edge of the
adjoining carriageway, (measured perpendicularly), for a distance
of 10 metres to the right (toward the end of the road) and a
distance of 17 metres to the left measured along the nearside edge
of the adjoining carriageway and offset a distance of 0.6 metres
from the edge of the carriageway. These splays shall thereafter be
permanently kept free of all obstructions to visibility over 0.6m
in height above carriageway level.
In the interests of highway safety.
No individual dwelling in the development hereby
approved shall not be occupied until sheltered, secure and
accessible bicycle parking has been provided in accordance with
details which shall first be submitted to and approved in writing
by the Local Planning Authority. The storage area shall be
maintained for this purpose thereafter.
To promote sustainable travel and healthy
Prior to commencement of the development hereby
permitted details of a construction management plan shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning
Authority. The approved plan shall be adhered to throughout the
demolition/construction period. The plan/statement shall include
but not be restricted to:
Parking of vehicle of site operatives and visitors (including
measures taken to ensure satisfactory access and movement for
existing occupiers of neighbouring properties during
Advisory routes for construction traffic;
Any temporary access to the site;
Locations for loading/unloading and storage of plant, waste and
construction materials;
Method of preventing mud and dust being carried onto the
Arrangements for turning vehicles;
Arrangements to receive abnormal loads or unusually large
Methods of communicating the Construction Management Plan to staff,
visitors and neighbouring residents and businesses.
In the interests of safe operation of the
adopted highway in the lead into development both during the
demolition and construction phase of the development.
In the interests of safe operation of the
adopted highway in the lead into development both during the
demolition and construction phase of the development.
Foul drainage shall
connect to the mains.
To secure the detail
submitted and ensure the proposal is in accordance with the