Residential development of 64 dwellings (bungalows, two-storey flats and 2, 3 & 4 bed two-storey houses) with associated parking, landscaping and Sustainable Urban Drainage system (SUDs). Community sports pavilion, outdoor seating areas, storage and parking provision. Community play equipment and outdoor gym equipment, 3 full size football pitches, new Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) & skate-park. Landscaping and tree planting to recreational green space (Major Development) (Amended Plans) (Further Amended Plans) at Land to the South of 38 Chesterfield Road, North Wingfield.
(Planning Manager – Development Management)
The report to Committee explained that an Application had been submitted for the residential development of 64 dwellings with associated parking, landscaping and Sustainable Urban Drainage system, Community sports pavilion, outdoor seating areas, storage and parking provision. Community play equipment and outdoor gym equipment, 3 full size football pitches, new Multi-Use Games Area & skate-park. Landscaping and tree planting to recreational green space. At land south of 38 Chesterfield Road, North Wingfield. The Application had been referred to committee by Local Ward Member, Councillor N Barker, due to the significance of the site.
Planning Committee was recommended to refuse the Application. The report to Committee explained the reasons for this.
Officers accepted that there was a proven need for the proposed affordable accommodation in the local area. They also accepted that the design of the scheme would be broadly acceptable and would, with suitable conditions, adequately protect the amenity of both existing and future occupants.
However, the Application also included proposals to improve the quality of the recreation facilities, with the construction of a new sports pavilion, football pitches and car park. The funding for this construction had not yet been secured by the Parish Council, who are proposing to provide this. Officers were concerned that unless this funding was secured there could be no guarantee that these facilities would ever come forward. Without this guarantee they determined that the Development would result in the loss of 2 hectares of recreation space contrary to the Local Plan. The loss of recreation space was also objected to by Sports England. Additionally, the viability of the proposal to make the financial contributions sought under a Section 106 agreement was seen as insufficient. This meant that the development would be unable to mitigate for the harm caused to existing infrastructure and facilities.
Officers concluded that the loss of recreation provision and social mitigation deficit would outweigh the benefits arising from the provision of 64 affordable housing units. They recommended, therefore, that the application be refused.
Before the Committee considered the application it heard from the Chair of North Wingfield Parish Council, Councillor N Barker, who spoke in favour of the Application and H Watton who spoke against it. It also heard from the Applicant, A Hutton, and the Agent, M Jermy.
Committee considered the application. It took into account the need for affordable housing for rent in the area, as well as the proportion of the development on brownfield land. It considered the relevant Local and National Planning Policies. These included Local Plan Policy LC3 concerning affordable housing development in the countryside, Local Plan Policy ID10 concerning the provision of recreational space, and Local Plan Policy ID1 concerning the mitigation of harm caused to infrastructure and facilities. Committee also considered the extent to which the current recreational space is ‘out of service’.
Members discussed the application. Committee welcomed the proposed quality of affordable housing, especially due the current demand in the North Wingfield area. Some Members supported the proposed improvements to the recreational facilities but regretted that the funding for these facilities had not been secured.
Some Members felt that it might be appropriate to defer the Application for an additional period, so that further discussions could take place to address the funding issues. Officers explained that considerable discussion had already taken place around this, but that no further progress had been possible at that time. With the agreement of the Chair, Committee recessed for a short break so that the Applicant (GEDA, Guinness Homes and Parish Council representative) and planning agent could discuss possible amendments to the delivery of the scheme which would enable the outstanding issues around the Application to be addressed or whether there would be grounds for deferral. When the Committee resumed the Assistant Director of Planning reported that the position of the Applicant remained unchanged. Consequently, there would be no grounds for a deferral.
At the conclusion of the discussion Councillor D Hancock and Councillor S Clough moved and seconded a Motion to approve the application. The motion was put to a vote and agreed.
That the Application be approved, contrary to officer recommendations.
That the final wording of the conditions and legal agreement be delegated to the Planning Manager (Development Management).
The benefit to the area of the additional affordable Housing that would be provided under the application.
The improved recreational facilities that would be provided for the area under the application.
Supporting documents: