Agenda item

Policy Development

To consider the motion submitted by Councillor F Adlington-Stringer on Plant Based Council at Council on 29 January 2024 which Members referred to the Committee for consideration – motion can be found at Agenda item - To consider any Motions from Members under Procedure Rule No 10 - North East Derbyshire District Council ( 


Leisure Services (Mark Rocca and Cheryl Tooby) will be in attendance to provide an overview of current position and future options


The Chair explained that at the Council meeting on 9 January 2024, Council agreed to refer the following motion to Environment Scrutiny Committee for consideration:


North East Derbyshire District Council, in line with its Climate Emergency declaration and in reflection of the local emissions reported in its own Climate Change Strategy, commits to: 1. Ensuring food and drink provided at all Council meetings and events is 100% plant-based. 2. Prioritising plant-based menu options wherever the Council has influence, for example in leisure centres. 3. Promoting and encouraging plant-based eating to residents through methods such as public awareness campaigns and the removal of meat and dairy advertising.”


Two officers from Leisure Services were welcomed to the meeting. The Chair explained that the Committee would have the opportunity to ask questions about the food options currently offered at the place both officers represented, which was Dronfield Sports Centre.


The Leisure Services officers explained that Dronfield Sports Centre had offered low-fat options and some of the butter used on its sandwiches was plant butter. The Centre had also fulfilled a request by someone for oat milk.


Members asked them about the vegan food alternatives the Centre offered and the possibility for more. The Leisure Services officers explained that the users of all of the Centres were given a customer Satisfaction survey, which could be used to gauge whether there was a demand for vegan or vegetarian options.


Some Members of the Committee felt that there was an untapped demand for vegan and vegetarian options, and making the shift described in the motion would have benefits to the health of residents. Other Members of the Committee believed that the motion’s wording was too harsh for those who were not vegan.


The Committee came to a consensus that the part of the motion about “Prioritising plant-based menu options wherever the Council has influence, for example in leisure centres” might not be possible based on what the Leisure officers told them, but a survey carried out at Leisure Centres would be able to  measure the exact demand. Members felt that the survey would ask centre users actively using the cafés if they would buy vegetarian and vegan options. The survey would also include questions about buying food that was healthier, local and non-processed.


Members discussed in detail the part of the motion that stated “Ensuring food and drink provided at all Council meetings and events is 100% plant-based”. Some Members were concerned that setting the percentage at 100% would exclude those who were not vegan, and it would also be too demanding on Council staff to provide this at every meeting and event.


Following the discussion, a motion was moved by Councillor F Adlington-Stringer and seconded by Councillor F Petersen to amend the wording of " Ensuring food and drink provided at all Council meetings and events is 100% plant-based” and then recommend it back to Council. The amended version was: “Ensuring food and drink provided at all Council meetings and events is made of half meat and fish and half vegetarian (with vegetarian having a slight majority).”


A vote was taken to accept this amendment and recommend the section of the motion back to Council. The amendment and the recommendation both fell.


RESOLVED – That the Environment Scrutiny Committee recommend that a survey be carried out at the Council’s Leisure Centres to measure the demand for vegan and vegetarian options. That as part of this, the survey should ask centre users actively using the cafés if they would wish to buy vegetarian and vegan options. The survey should also include questions about buying food that was healthier, local and non-processed.

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