Agenda item


Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of one replacement two storey dwelling at Woodlands, Harewood Road, Holymoorside.


(Planning Manager – Development Management)



The report to Committee explained that an Application had been submitted for the demolition of an existing dwelling and the erection of a replacement two-storey dwelling at ‘Woodlands’ Harewood Road, Holymoorside. The Application had been referred to Committee by Local Ward Member, Councillor M Thacker, who had raised issues about it.


Planning Committee was recommended to reject the Application. The report to Committee explained the reasons for this.


Officers contended that the proposed dwelling would represent an inappropriate development in the Green Belt. In particular, it would have a significantly greater impact on the character and appearance of the rural landscape than the existing dwelling that it would replace. Officers had concluded that there were no special or exceptional reasons that would justify the proposed development or outweigh the identified harm to the Green Belt. To grant planning permission would be contrary to the policies of the Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), when read as whole.


Before the Committee considered the Application it heard from the Applicant, B Logan and the Agent for Application, C Stainton, who spoke in support of it. No one had registered to speak against the Application.


Committee considered the Application. It took into account the site’s location in the Green Belt and the policy towards the protection of the Green Belt expressed in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), including Paragraph 154 of the NPPF, making clear that local planning authorities should regard the construction of new buildings in the Green Belt as inappropriate, unless they could be justified on clearly identified exceptional grounds. In this context, Committee considered Local Plan Policy SS10, setting out a closed list of types of developments that would not be inappropriate within the North East Derbyshire Green Belt.


Members discussed the report. They reflected on the location of the site within the Green Belt and what impact the proposed new dwelling might have on it.  Members also reflected on how Paragraph 153 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) required planning authorities to ensure that substantial weight was given to any harm to the Green Belt when determining on planning applications.


Members considered the ‘Very Special Circumstances’ which the Application contended would justify the proposed development. During the discussion some Members felt that the suggested Very Special Circumstances were not sufficient to justify the proposed new building and that they would not outweigh the damage that the development would do to the Green Belt. At the conclusion of the discussion Councillor T Lacey and D Cheetham moved and seconded a Motion to reject the Application. The Motion was put the vote and was approved.




That the Application be refused, in line with officer recommendations.


That the final wording for the refusal be delegated to the Planning Manager (Development Management)




1        The application seeks construct a replacement dwelling within an area of land designated as Green Belt. By reason its design, scale and character it is concluded that the new building would be materially larger than the existing building that it would replace.


Therefore, the new building would represent inappropriate development which is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances. In addition, the proposed replacement building would result in a loss of Green Belt openness, in spatial and visual terms.  The impact on spatial and visual openness is considered to be moderate.


The identified Green Belt harm is not clearly outweighed by other considerations. Therefore, Very Special Circumstances do not exist.


As such, the application is considered unacceptable and contrary to policies SS1, SS10 of the North East Derbyshire Local Plan and Policy S2 of the Holymoorside and Walton Neighbourhood Plan and the NPPF when read as a whole.


2.              The application seeks to construct a 2 storey dwelling in an area identified as an Area of Multiple Environmental Sensitivity wherein new development should contribute to the conservation and enhancement of the local landscape.


By reason of its design and scale, it is considered the dwelling would adversely impact on the character of the area and harm the quality and distinctiveness of the landscape.


Consequently the application is considered unacceptable and contrary to policies SDC3 and SS9 of the North East Derbyshire Local Plan and policy NE1 of the Holymoorside and Walton neighbourhood Plan and the NPPF when read as a whole.

Supporting documents: