Agenda item

Establishment of a Local Plan Review Working Group

Report Councillor S Pickering, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Place


The report to Council set out proposals for the establishment of a Local Plan Review Group.


Councillor S Pickering, the Portfolio Holder for Environment & Place and the Leader of the Council, Councillor N Barker, moved and seconded a motion to approve Officer recommendations, as contained within the report, to establish a Local Plan Review Working Group. Councillor N Barker reserved his right to speak.


Councillor S Pickering contended that it was important to establish the Group and for it to begin its work as soon as possible. He explained that by comprising the membership of the Group of the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Scrutiny and Planning Committees, as well as one Liberal Democrat and one Independent Group representative, the group would have a broad political representation across the Council and that its Members would be able to feedback to their Committees and Groups and update them on the process.


Councillors R Shipman, A Dale, M Foster and C Cupit argued that each Political Group should be able to nominate their own representatives to the Group.


Councillors C Cupit, A Dale and R Welton expressed their concerns about the proposed composition of the Group and in particular, that all areas of the District and all Political Groups should be adequately represented on it and that the different Groups ought to choose their representatives on it. They also raised concerns that the Minutes of the Group would not be published.


Councillor D Hancock moved an amendment to the motion that membership to the Local Plan Review Group should be based on proportionality, the motion would also ensure that each political group was represented in the Group and would enable each political group to appoint their own Members to the Group. Councillor R Shipman seconded the motion.


Councillor A Dale proposed that the meetings of the Group should take place in public session unless there were any specific reasons that would allow for certain items to be taken in exempt session. Councillor D Hancock agreed that this provision be included in the amendment to the Motion.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor N Barker, reminded Council that the proposed composition would ensure that all of the political groups were represented on the Review Group. The inclusion of the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Planning Committee and of the four Scrutiny Committees would enable them to contribute and then by provide feedback to their respective Committees. He indicated that he would not support the amendment but that he would consider ways of keeping Members and the public aware of the work carried out by the Group.


Councillor H Wetherall indicated her support for the amendment to the Motion.


Councillors A Dale, C Cupit and D Hancock asked that a recorded vote be taken on the amendment.


The amendment was put to the vote and was defeated.


For: 17


Councillors N Baker, S Clough, A Cooper, C Cupit, A Dale, P Elliott, M Foster, D Hancock, P Jones, W Jones, H Liggett, R Shipman, R Spooner, M E Thacker MBE, R Welton, H Wetherall and P Windley.


Against: 25


Councillors N Barker, J Barry, G Baxter MBE, R Beech, D Cheetham, K Clegg, S Cornwell, S Fawcett, C M Fletcher, C Gare, K Gillott, L Hartshorne, D Higgon, P Kerry, C Lacey, T Lacey, G Morley, F Petersen, S Pickering, K Rouse, D Skinner, Caroline Smith, Christine Smith, M Smith, L Stone


Abstentions: 0


Council then voted on the substantial motion.


Councillors M Foster, A Dale, C Cupit and D Hancock asked for a recorded vote to be taken.


For: 26


Councillors N Barker, J Barry, G Baxter MBE, R Beech, D Cheetham, K Clegg, S Cornwell, S Fawcett, C M Fletcher, C Gare, K Gillott, L Hartshorne, D Higgon, P Kerry, C Lacey, T Lacey, G Morley, F Petersen, S Pickering, K Rouse, D Skinner, Caroline Smith, Christine Smith, M Smith, L Stone and H Wetherall.


Against: 15


Councillors N Baker, S Clough, C Cupit, A Dale, P Elliott, M Foster, D Hancock, P Jones, W Jones, H Liggett, R Shipman, R Spooner, M E Thacker MBE, R Welton and P Windley.


Abstentions: 1


Councillor A Cooper


The motion was approved.






1.              That Council approved the establishment of the Local Plan Review Working Group in accordance with the structure and terms of reference detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, consisting of: the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees, the Planning Committee Chair and Vice Chair, One Liberal Democrat Group Member and one Independent Group Member.


2.              That Council appointed Cllr D Hancock from the Liberal Democrat Group and Cllr A Cooper from the Independent Group to serve on the Local Plan Review Working Group.


3.              That the Review Working Group be chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Place.

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