Agenda item

NED/23/00154/FL - PILSLEY

Change of use of existing building to 3 supported living units (Amended Plans/Additional Information) at Garden House, Station Road, Pilsley.


(Planning Manager – Development Management)


The report to Committee explained that an Application had been submitted for the change of use of an existing building to three Supported Living Units at Garden House, Station Road, Pilsley. The Application involved Amended Plans and Additional Information. The Application had been referred to the Committee by Local Ward Member, Councillor A Cooper, who had raised concerns about it.


Planning Committee was recommended to refuse the Application. The report to Committee explained the reasons for this. Officers were concerned about the likely impact of the development on the surrounding area. The greater activity on the site which the change of use would generate, including the increased number of care workers travelling to and from the units to provide 24-hour care, as well as visits from friends and relatives of those living in the units, would affect neighbouring residents and adversely impact on the standard of amenity which they currently enjoy. The officers had concluded that there were no other material matters that would outweigh this conclusion in favour of the change of use. Consequently, they felt that the Application should be refused.


Before the Committee considered the Application it heard from H Staton, K Goodwin, D Beresford, L Booth and A Walker, who spoke against the Application. It also heard from the Applicant, A Rickett and the Agent for the Application, J Hughes, who spoke in support of it.


Committee considered the Application. It took into account the site’s location within Pilsley.  It considered the relevant national and local planning policies.  These included Local Plan Policy, SS1, on Sustainable Development, Local Plan Policy SS7, on the development of unallocated land within Settlement Development Limits, Local Plan Policy LC4, on the type and mixture of housing. It considered Local Plan Policy SDC12, requiring new developments to respond positively to local character and preserve or enhance the quality and local identity of existing communities and their surroundings. It also took into account the National Planning Policy Framework, when read as a whole.  


Members discussed the Application. They reflected on whether consultation on the proposed development with local people had been adequate. They considered the concerns which had been raised about the volume of additional traffic using the private road, what impact this would have on the neighbouring residents and whether the change of use would be detrimental to the surrounding area.


Members were reminded of the need to determine the Application on Planning grounds. In this context they heard of how one person requiring care had already moved on to the site and the reasons for this. Committee was informed that this action should carry no weight in determining the Application, which ought be judged on its merits.


At the conclusion of the discussion, Councillor K Rouse and A Cooper moved and seconded a motion to refuse the Application. The motion was approved. 




That the Application be refused, in line with officer recommendations.




The application is considered to be unacceptable as it would result in 3 supported living units being formed with care provided on a 24-hour basis by up to two carers per unit. This level of activity, the associated comings and goings and infrastructure required to support the new uses would result in a change in the character and use of the site/property that would be incompatible with, detrimental to, and not sympathetic with the area and which would lead to a lower standard of amenity for existing residents.


As such, the proposal would be contrary to policies SS1, SS7 and SDC12 of the North East Derbyshire Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework when read as a whole.

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