Agenda item

To answer any questions from Members asked under Procedure Rule No 9.2

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule No 9.2 to allow Members to ask questions about Council activities.  The replies to any such questions will be given by the Chair of the Council or relevant Committee or the appropriate Cabinet Member.  Questions must be received in writing or by email to the Monitoring Officer by 12 noon twelve clear working days before the meeting. 


The following questions have been submitted. 


Question ‘A’ – Cllr H Liggett to Cllr S Pickering, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Place


Are the Labour Group going to honour The Conservative groups commitment to carry on the emptying of the Green Bins on throughout the winter period i.e. 12 months of the year straight through?


Question ‘B’ – Cllr C Cupit to Cllr N Barker, Leader of the Council


Could you confirm your commitment to continuing the previous administration’s pledged replacement of The Bungalows in Stonebroom with new bungalows in line with the agreed timeframes and plans?


Question ‘C’ – Cllr M Foster to Cllr J Barry, Portfolio Holder for Growth and Assets


Will the Portfolio Holder confirm that the new administration will honour the financial commitments already made by the Council in relation to its allocation of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Investment Plan?


Question ‘D’ Cllr A Dale to Cllr N Barker, Leader of the Council


On 22 May, the Leader of the Council announced his new administration would, as a key priority, be looking at what other measures could be introduced to support residents with the cost of living challenges.  Could he confirm what steps the administration has so far taken and meaningful progress made in this endeavour, other than appointing to the Community Outreach Worker posts which were created under the last administration?


Question ‘E’ Cllr W Jones to Cllr S Pickering, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Place


With the increasing focus on climate change driven by the demonstrable change in the weather profile across the UK, including NE Derbyshire, and given the previous administration had committed to SPDs and other measures to support them, what pragmatic sustainability steps utilising the current planning legislation plus the Local Plan, do you intend to take to ensure all new build homes are environmentally sustainable and how will this be satisfactorily demonstrated to our residents ?


The Chairman of the Council confirmed that five questions have been received.


Question ‘A’ from Councillor H Liggett to Councillor S Pickering, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Place


A question had been submitted by Councillor H Liggett to Councillor S Pickering, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Place on whether the Council would empty green waste bins throughout the winter period. The full text of the question from Councillor H Liggett, marked as Question ‘A’, was set out in the Agenda for the meeting.


The Portfolio Holder thanked Cllr H Liggett for her question. He questioned whether the previous administration had fully thought through or understood the implications of the issues involved.  He informed her that residents had been consulted through the Citizens Panel and that following on from this the period when Green Bin Collections were suspended had been reduced by three weeks. Councillor S Pickering stressed that the Council was committed to providing an effective and efficient green waste collection service and that an investigation would be undertaken to determine whether the amount of green waste collected from a further reduction in the suspension period could be justified in terms of the additional Carbon emissions that would be generated in order to collect it.


Councillor H Liggett expressed her disappointment with the response, given the impact which Climate Change has had on growing seasons during the winter months.


Question ‘B’ from Councillor C Cupit to Councillor N Barker, Leader of the Council


A question had been submitted by Councillor C Cupit to Councillor N Barker, the Leader of the Council on whether the Council would commit to continuing to replace the Bungalows in Stonebroom with new bungalows in line with agreed timeframes and plans. The full text of the question from Cllr C Cupit, marked as question ‘B’, was set out in the Agenda for the meeting.


The Leader of the Council responded by confirming the Administration’s commitment to this and that the project would form part of the Council’s plans for increasing affordable housing in the District.


Cllr C Cupit asked a supplementary question about whether the Leader would commit to working with herself, Cllr H Liggett and Cllr M Roe on the replacement scheme.


Cllr N Barker responded that he would commit to do so.


Question ‘C’ from Councillor M Foster to Councillor J Barry, Portfolio Holder for Growth & Assets


A question had been submitted by Councillor M Foster to Councillor J Barry, the Portfolio Holder for Growth & Assets on whether the Council would honour its financial commitments in relation to its allocation of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Investment Plan. The full text of the question from Cllr M Foster, marked as question ‘C’, was set out in the Agenda for the meeting.


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Assets responded that the Council would be honouring and delivering the NEDDC Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan.


Cllr M Foster asked a supplementary question asking for assurance that the town centre and landscape improvements for Eckington, Lansbury Park and Dronfield Town Centre would continue to be supported as part of the Investment Plan.


The Portfolio Holder confirmed this.


Question ‘D’ from Councillor A Dale to Councillor N Barker, the Leader of the Council


A question had been submitted by Councillor A Dale to Councillor N Barker, the Leader of the Council on what steps had been taken to assist residents with the cost of living challenges. The full text of the question from Cllr A Dale, marked as question ‘D’, was set out in the Agenda for the meeting.


The Leader of the Council explained that the grant to the Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre had been reinstated, that new and existing businesses would be supported to maintain new and existing jobs, that the Council would look at further community led support through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund which would focus on financial inclusion. Members also heard that Rykneld Homes Limited were working with tenants to help with any cost of living issues experienced.


Cllr A Dale asked a supplementary question on what additional action would be taken in order to support residents through the cost of living crisis.


Cllr N Barker explained that the Council was committed to helping as many people as possible and would continue to action the points already mentioned as well as signpost residents to the appropriate organisations and services. He also highlighted the limitations on what could be done as a District Council.


Question ‘E’ from Councillor W Jones to Councillor S Pickering, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Place


A question had been submitted by Cllr W Jones to Cllr S Pickering, the Portfolio Holder for Environment & Place on what steps would be taken to ensure that all new build homes were environmentally sustainable and how this would be satisfactorily demonstrated to residents. The full text of the question from Cllr W Jones, marked as question ‘E’, was set out in the Agenda for the meeting.


The Portfolio Holder responded that the Local Development Scheme would be updated later this year and would outline the timetable for the review process of updating the Local Plan. He explained that the new Council Plan included commitments to encouraging sustainable places, as well as to build and acquire sustainable and affordable homes. He also notified Members that the Council’s Climate Change Strategy would be reviewed.


Cllr W Jones asked a supplementary question around whether the Council would insist on developers to future proof their new build constructions.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Place, Councillor S Pickering, explained that the commitment within the Council Plan would ensure that climate change adaption was a key consideration in the design process.