Agenda item


Application to install a 4 metre high acoustic fence to air source heat pump compound and to install acoustic wall lining to internal brick work elevations of compound at Eckington Swimming Pool, Gosber Street, Eckington.


(Planning Manager – Development Management)



The report to Committee explained that a Planning Application had been submitted to install a 4 Metre high Acoustic Fence to the Air Source Heat Pump compound and to install an acoustic wall lining to internal brick work elevations of the compound at Eckington Swimming Pool, Gosber Street, Eckington. Under the Council’s Constitution Planning Committee was required to consider and determine on the Application, as an objection to the proposed development at this Council owned facility had been received.


Planning Committee was recommended to approve the Application, subject to conditions. The report to Committee explained the reasons for this.


Members were informed that the proposed 4 metre high fence was intended to ameliorate the impact noise coming from the Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) installed at the Swimming Pool. The Council’s Environmental Health officers were confident that the Acoustic Fence would achieve this. However, they had suggested that a condition requiring that the impact should be tested once the fence was in place ought to be imposed.


In addition, Member heard that a Noise Report had been submitted. This report was subject to a public consultation period, which would only conclude after the Committee had met. Officers recommended, therefore, that if the Committee approved the Application then this should remain subject to the consultation period expiry date.


Before Committee considered the Application it heard from P Vardywho objected to the proposal. No one spoke in support of it.


Committee considered the Application. It took into account of the Principle of Development and the site’s location within the settlement development limits for Eckington. It considered the relevant local and national planning policies. These included Local Plan Policy SS7, supporting appropriate development within settlements and in particular, the specific provision of Local Plan Policy SS7(c) requiring that developments be compatible with and not prejudice any intended use of adjacent sites and land uses. Committee also took into account Local Plan Policy SDC12, on the need for developments to protect the amenity of existing occupiers in relation to privacy.


Members discussed the Application. Some Members sought clarification on whether the proposed Fence would reduce the noise impact on the neighbouring property. Committee was reminded that the Council’s Environmental Health Officers had advised that it would do so.

At the conclusion of the discussion Councillor R Hall and A Armitage moved a motion to approve the Application in line with officer recommendations. The motion was put to the vote and was agreed.




That the Application be conditionally approved, in line with officer recommendations, subject to expiry of the consultation date with any late matters relating to the noise report delegated to the Planning Manager in consultation with Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee.




1.    (Full Condition)


The development hereby permitted shall be started within three years from the date of this permission.


T1R Reason - To comply with the provision of Section 91 (as amended) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.    (Submitted Plans)


The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on drawing numbers:


   CS8593 - 101 REV B  Plan

CS8593-102 Elevations

CS8593-102  Sections

CS8593-104 REV B Non acoustic Discharges

received 6th January 2023

G1071/019 REV P1 Proposed Compound Fence line layout

received 2nd March 2023;

AS12321 Eckington Leisure Centre ASHP Sound Impact Assessment

Uploaded 8th March 2023


unless otherwise subsequently agreed through a formal submission under the Non Material Amendment procedures.


T5R Reason- For clarity and the avoidance of doubt.


3.    The Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) shall not be brought into use unless and until the scheme of acoustic mitigation is installed as described in the Clarke Saunders Acoustics report ref: AS12312.211021.NIA.V1.2.  The scheme, as approved, shall be implemented in full and validated by a competent person. The scheme, as validated, shall be retained thereafter. The assessment shall demonstrate that the rating level of the sound, corrected for acoustic features, measured at or calculated to, a position representing any residential receptor (LT1-4) which may suffer a loss of aural amenity from sound associated with the development, does not exceed the referenced levels within the aforementioned report.


Reason – In the interest of the aural amenity of surrounding dwellings and in accordance with Policies of the North East Derbyshire Local Plan.

Supporting documents: