Agenda item

NED/22/01164/FL - ASHOVER

Conversion and extension of existing barn to form a single residential dwelling and erection of new storage barn at Alice Head Farm, Alicehead Road, Ashover.  (Revised scheme of 21/00713/FL) (Private Drainage System)


(Planning Manager – Development Management)



The report to Committee explained that an Application had been submitted for the conversion and extension of an existing barn to form a single residential dwelling and the erection of a new storage barn at Alice Head Farm, Ashover. The Application had been referred to Committee by Ward Member, Councillor W Armitage, who had raised concerns about it.


Planning Committee was recommended to refuse the Application. The report to Committee explained the reasons for this. 


The report contended that although both Local and National Planning Policy supported the appropriate conversion of buildings within the countryside, this would not be possible in this instance. One of the buildings covered by the conversion plans had actually been demolished. Consequently, this aspect of the Application would have to be considered as an extension rather than a conversion.  The officers felt the Application would result in an over large extension to the existing stone barn, which would be clearly visible from publicly accessible areas. They had concluded that because of its size and design of the proposed development the Application would fail to meet the requirements of the relevant Planning Policies. The development would not respect the host building and would not be sympathetic to the landscape.


Before Committee considered the Application it heard from Local Ward Member, W Armitage, who spoke in support of the Application. No one had registered to speak against the Application.


Committee considered the Application. It took into account the Principle of Development and in particular, the site’s countryside location outside of any Settlement Development Limits, but within the District’s most valued and important landscape. It considered the relevant Planning Policies. These included Local Plan Policy SDC1 on Sustainable Development, Local Plan Policy SDC3, requiring new developments not to cause significant harm to the landscape, Local Plan Policy SD12 requiring new developments to preserve and where possible enhance the quality and local identity of existing communities and their surroundings. Committee also took into account the relevant Ashover Neighbourhood Plan Policies.


Members discussed the Application. They reflected on whether it would be in line with relevant Planning Policies. In this context, they considered whether the new storage building proposed by the Application would be appropriate. Some Members noted the potential benefits of creating an additional home, but recognised that Committee would need to determine the Application in terms of whether it was in line with the appropriate planning policies.


At the conclusion of the discussion Councillor R Hall and Councillor D Ruff moved and seconded a Motion to approve officer recommendations and refuse the Application. The motion was put to the vote and was approved.




That the Application be refused in line with officer recommendations.




1.       The application is considered unacceptable as, by reason of the size, scale and design of the extension put forward, the proposal would result in major alterations and adaptations taking place to the building in a manner that is not in keeping with its surroundings and be detrimental to the character of the building exacerbated by the prominent and visually prominent location of the building close to the local public right network.


As such, it is contrary to policies SS1, SS9, SDC1, SDC3 and SDC12 of North East Derbyshire Local Plan and policies AP2, AP11 and AP12 of the Ashover Neighbourhood Plan and there are no other material factors that outweigh that consideration.


2.       The application is considered unacceptable as, by reason of the size, scale and design of the new storage building proposed and its location away from other built development it would unacceptably impact on the character of the area. 


As such, it is contrary to policies SS1, SS9, SDC1, SDC3 and SDC12 of North East Derbyshire Local Plan and policies AP2, AP11 and AP12 of the Ashover Neighbourhood Plan and there are no other material factors that outweigh that consideration.


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