Agenda item

To consider any Motions from Members under Procedure Rule No 10

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule No 10 to consider Motions on notice from Members.  Motions must be received in writing or by email to the Monitoring Officer by 12pm (Noon), twelve clear working days before the meeting.


Motion ‘A’


Moved by Councillor P Windley, Seconded by Cllr R Shipman


Council notes:


Lionesses won England their first major footballing trophy since the men’s team won the World Cup in 1966.


The winning England Football team had players who are from within the district.


Football clubs have seen a massive influx of girls playing football across the district since the lionesses’ victory.


The FA provides some limited funding support for the Wildcats Football programme for girls aged 5-11


Some teams are having to leave district for training facilities due to availability and cost.


FA states in its guidance that Football Clubs should have separate changing rooms in mixed gender sporting facilities for children.


There is a disparity in costs for things like their kit and the facilities they use for boys and girls going to larger football clubs.


Council resolves:


Explore ways to support football clubs with installing changing room facilities with funding and/or the planning department policies.


Assess pricing and availability at Council facilities, and see how these can be better utilised to provide facilities for girls teams.


To produce a plan to encourage and fund women and girls access to football, and present it to Council.


Motion ‘B’


Moved by Councillor D Hancock, Seconded by Councillor P Windley


Council notes:


North East Derbyshire Community First Responders play a vital role in reaching North East Derbyshire residents before ambulance are able to arrive on the scene If an incident.


North East Derbyshire Community First Responders are made up of 14 volunteers


The organisation is self-funding by applying for money through national lottery grants, raffles and donations


Some consumables for the volunteers to use are provided through EMAS


North East Derbyshire Community First Responders have purchased an electric vehicle to carry out their duties across the district. 


Council resolves:


To issue a grant of £9,300 to North East Derbyshire Community First Responders towards a year vehicle upkeep and a kit bag for one of the responders.


Motion ‘C’


Moved by Cllr L Hartshorne, Seconded by Cllr N Barker


That many people in North East Derbyshire continue to struggle financially with the cost-of-living crisis and are living with the fear of things getting much worse during the course of this year and next.


Council believes that any refusal by government to offer more support over rising energy bills and to just focus on tax cuts would be nothing less than a holiday from reality. Council agrees that the answer to this cost-of-living crisis cannot be simply to reject further “handouts” and make tax cuts that would favour the wealthy and big businesses.


Council would oppose any government policy that safeguards the stock options of FTSE 100 executives over supporting the poorest in our society.


Council believes that much more must be done to help residents in North East Derbyshire this winter.


Council resolves to: -


1.     Work with the voluntary sector to help and support families during this cost-of-living crisis.

2.     By working with Parish Council and other community groups explore the possibility of establishing ‘warm zones’ around the district for the use of residents throughout the winter.

3.     Write to the new Prime Minister calling on him/her to freeze the energy price cap and to ensure that people on prepayment meters do not have to pay more for their energy than others.




Members considered a motion submitted by Councillor R Shipman, in the absence of the original proposer, Councillor P Windley, which called on the Council to provide support for Women’s football in the District. The full text of Councillor R Shipman’s motion, set out as Motion ‘A’, was included on the Agenda for the meeting.


Councillor R Shipman praised the achievements of the England Women’s Football Team and their recent European Championship victory.  He welcomed the growth of Women’s Football which had taken place and highlighted how popular it had become in the District. He felt it important that the Council support initiatives to promote the take-up of the game and commit to the specific actions suggested in the Motion to achieve this.


The Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor C Cupit, responded to the Motion. She expressed her congratulations to the England Women’s Football Team on winning the European Championship. Councillor C Cupit emphasised the Council’s commitment to improving the opportunities for everyone to take part in all sports. She highlighted the improvements to the Killamarsh Sports Centre which had been made and those planned for the Sharley Park Sports Centre that would help to achieve this goal.  Councillor C Cupit felt that the Motion had failed to recognise the Council’s overall objective to make sport accessible to all, and so for that reason she could not support it.


Councillor N Barker indicated that he would support the Motion. He informed Members of the progress made by North Wingfield Parish Council in providing purpose built changing facilities which could be used by Women football players.


Councillor D Hancock then seconded the motion. He emphasised the need to invest in facilities for Women’s football, which would be in line with the Government’s Levelling-Up Agenda. Councillor J Kenyon also felt that the focus of the Motion would be too narrow and would not be in accord with the Council’s overall objective, of trying to promote access to sport as a whole. The Leader of the Council, A Dale, referred to discussions which had taken place between Council officers and the Football Association to improve changing rooms so that they could be used by males and females.


Councillor R Shipman exercised his right to reply as the mover of the Motion. He expressed disappointment that the Majority Group had not supported it, nor suggested amendments that would address their concerns.


At the conclusion discussion Councillor R Shipman and D Hancock moved and seconded the Motion. The Motion was put to the vote and defeated.


With the agreement of the Chair Council then recessed for a short break. Following the break the Chair of the Council clarified the voting figures on the defeated Motion.





Members considered a motion submitted by Councillor D Hancock, which called on the Council to provide grant aid to the North East Derbyshire ‘First Responders’, who seek to provide assistance at the scene of an incident before the arrival of an ambulance. The full text of Councillor Hancock’s motion, set out as Motion ‘B’, was included on the Agenda for the meeting.


Councillor Hancock praised the work of the First Responders charity, the role which it plays and its value to the District and its Communities. He explained in general terms what the proposed grant aid would be used for.


Councillor A Dale responded to the Motion. He emphasised his strong support for the Charity and its work. He made clear that he would welcome meetings with the Charity to understand further their requirements, and on that basis it could then make a formal application for grant aid. He asked that the Motion be now withdrawn so that discussions between the Council and the First Responder Charity could take place. Councillor N Barker endorsed this approach, which would enable due process to be followed in determining the grant application.


Following the discussion Councillor D Hancock as mover of the motion and Councillor R Shipman as seconder agreed to withdraw the Motion so that the discussions with the Charity could now take place.




Members considered a motion submitted by Councillor L Hartshorne, which called on the Council to take specific actions to help and support families during the Cost of Living crisis. It also called on the Government to ensure that people with pre-payment meters did not have to pay more for their energy than others. The full text of Councillor Hartshorne’s Motion, set out as Motion ‘C’, was included on the Agenda for the meeting.


Councillor Hartshorne reminded Council that the Motion had been deferred from its 12 September 2022 meeting. He explained that although some changes had occurred at a national level, it remained appropriate for Council to consider and approve it, given the ongoing Cost of Living Crisis facing many people in the District. Councillor N Barker seconded the Motion, but reserved his right to speak.


The Vice-Chair of the Council, Councillor M E Thacker MBE, highlighted the serious Cost of Living problems facing many people in the District and stressed how important it would be for the Council to take effective action to help them. He felt that in order to achieve this goal, the political groups should work together through the Group Leader Meetings (Viper) mechanism to identify and implement specific actions. He suggested that Motion be amended to recommend this.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor A Dale, responded to the Motion. He stressed the serious impact which the Cost of Living Crisis was having on all of the District’s residents. He argued that the Motion was unnecessarily political and felt that it should go further in offering practical help and assistance locally.


Councillor A Dale then moved an amendment to the Motion, setting out a range of additional action to be taken. This Amended Motion was circulated to Members. He also indicated that he would support the use of future Group Leaders (Viper) meetings as a forum for cross party work along the lines suggested by the Vice Chair of the Council, Councillor M E Thacker MBE and agreed that the Amended Motion make clear that the Council ought to explore on a Cross-Party basis new opportunities and ways of assisting residents and businesses.  J Kenyon then seconded the Amended Motion, reserving his right to speak.


Councillor N Barker addressed Council. He welcomed many of the actions which the Council had already taken and the proposed future measures set out in the Amended Motion to address the Cost of Living Crisis. Nevertheless, he felt that aspects of the Amendment were unnecessarily political and, as such, the Labour Group would not be prepared to support it. However, the Labour Group would participate in the suggested Cross Party working to find ways of addressing the Cost of Living Crisis.


Councillor D Hancock and Councillor J Barry, both indicated that they could not support the proposal in the Amended Motion that the Council support the Government’s Energy Price Cap. S Cornwell explained her concerns about political aspects of the Amended Motion, especially around the use of the Shared Prosperity Fund, as did Councillor J Birkin.  Councillor Birkin expressed regret that the suggested amendments had not been discussed with the Labour Group in advance.


Councillor C Renwick contended that the UK Energy Price Cap compared favourably to that offered in Europe. She also highlighted the warm place opportunities that the Council would provide at the reopened Killamarsh Leisure Centre, which now also houses the public library. Councillor R Shipman expressed his concern about the need to make progress and indicated that the Liberal Democrat Group would be prepared to endorse the Amended Motion, subject to removal of the statement of support for the Government’s Price Cap. Councillor Dale agreed to change the proposed action to ‘noting’ rather than supporting the Price Cap. Councillor J Kenyon made clear that he supported the action which the Council had already taken on this issue, as well as the action which he proposed to take. He seconded the Amended Motion.


At the conclusion of the discussion Council voted on whether to accept the Amendment to the Motion as the substantive Motion. Three Members indicated that they wished this to be by Recorded Vote. The Motion was put the vote and was approved.



For:  Councillors P Wright, R Welton, M E Thacker MBE, R Shipman, D Ruff, M Roe, C Renwick, A Platts, H Liggett, J Kenyon, A Hutchinson, D Hancock, O Gomez Reaney, P Elliot, L Deighton, A Dale, C Cupit, S Clough, W Armitage, P Antcliff (20)


Against: Councillors B Wright, K Rouse, T Reader, S Pickering, G Morley, J Lilley, T Lacey, P Kerry, M Jones, L Hartshorne, C Cornwell, J Birkin, J Barry, N Barker (14)


Abstained: Councillor R Hall (1)




That the substantive Motion be amended, as specified at the meeting.


The Amended Substantive Motion was then put to the vote and was approved.




That Council: -


(a)            Work with the voluntary sector to help and support families during this cost-of living crisis.

(b)            Support Derbyshire County Council’s efforts to progress and help fund a network of “warm hubs” around the District, as well as those Parish Councils and community groups offering to provide them.

(c)            Note the new Prime Minister’s energy price cap but urge the Government to go further to support residents and businesses, including trying to ensure equity for those on prepayment meters. 

(d)            Take urgent steps to reduce our own energy use as a Council, to mitigate against the financial impact on the Council itself so that we can ensure we continue to deliver essential services to our residents. This includes undertaking energy audits in all council buildings and implementing all recommendations to ensure we are as efficient as we can be.

(e)            Produce and distributes comprehensive and practical energy saving advice to our residents and businesses using all available communication channels, including our website, social media platforms and our NEWS magazine and ensure these communications are regularly repeated to give the best possible dissemination of the information.

(f)             Ensure that relevant staff receive appropriate training to be able to provide the right advice to residents

(g)            Work with our housing partner to deliver targeted practical support, via Home Energy Assessments, for our most vulnerable tenants in the District to help them keep their homes warm over the winter, while being as efficient as possible

(h)            Use information previously accumulated during the Covid pandemic, to identify our most vulnerable residents in private rented or privately owned homes and contact them to ensure they too can access practical support and advice to help manage their energy usage

(i)              Direct our newly appointed Home Assistance Coordinator to provide residents with advice and guidance on issues related to energy efficiency and affordable warmth

(j)              Continue our successful retrofit External Wall Insulation programme, recognised by Friends of the Earth as having delivered significant improvements to over 400 homes so far, so that more residents can benefit from warmer homes and reduced energy usage

(k)            Refocus our UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Inclusive Communities Theme so that there is greater focus on commissioning third-sector led Cost of Living Crisis and energy efficiency support

(l)              Works with other Councils to try to ensure the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Business Advice and Guidance theme has a clear focus on energy efficiency support, advice and guidance at this extremely challenging time for our businesses

(m)          Broaden our UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Shop Front Scheme to allow for energy efficiency measures such as double glazed windows and doors

(n)            Develop a business-focused energy efficiency pack to inform SME businesses (based on our successful Parish Climate Pack approach)

(o)            Take a pragmatic approach and work with businesses who are in NNDR arrears to develop repayment plans to help them manage their finances at this difficult time

(p)            Use our UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Village Halls theme to ensure Parish Councils and community groups can access funding to help them make their halls more energy efficient

(q)            Continue to work with a wide range of third sector and other local authority partners, maintaining regular dialogue, to ensure that we support and signpost our most vulnerable residents to be able to access the appropriate welfare benefits, food, financial support and energy efficiency advice.

(r)             Continue to regularly review and evaluate what we are doing and keep exploring new opportunities for ways we can assist our residents and businesses through Cross-Party working, using the mechanism of the Group Leaders Meetings, and keeping Council updated regularly along the way.