Agenda and minutes

Special, General Licensing Committee - Thursday, 16th December, 2021 1.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, District Council Offices, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield S42 6NG

Contact: Damon Stanton  01246 217011

No. Item


Election of Chair


In the absence of a Chair, Members were requested to elect a Chair for the meeting.


RESOLVED – That Councillor M E Thacker MBE be elected Chair for this meeting of the Special General Licensing Committee.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors P Antcliff, A Hutchinson, H Liggett, S Pickering, T Reader and M Roe.  


Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time. 


There were no Declarations of Interest.


Taxi & Private Hire Policy Review pdf icon PDF 400 KB

Report of the Environmental Health Service Manager.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Environmental Health Team Manager which asked Members to consider the responses to the Taxi and Private Hire Policy Consultation and approve the Draft Taxi and Private Hire Policy for adoption at Full Council.


Members raised concerns in regards to wording discrepancies within the policy guidance on offences, specifically, a possession of a weapon. The Committee wished for the wording to match other offences listed in the Policy.




(1)            The General Licensing Committee note the outcome of the Public Consultation on the proposed amendments to the Taxi and Private Hire Policies and the feelings expressed by respondents to the consultation.


(2)            The General Licensing Committee note the subsequent amendments to the Taxi and Private Hire Policies outlined in the report.


(3)            The Joint Assistant Director (Environmental Health) be required to make a report to the next full Council meeting to consider a recommendation to adopt the draft policies.


Matters of Urgency

To consider any other matter which the Chair of the Committee is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency.


There were no matters of urgency discussed at this meeting.