Agenda and minutes

General Licensing Committee - Thursday, 22nd October, 2020 1.00 pm

Contact: Damon Stanton  01246 217011

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors P Antcliff and M Emmens.


Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


Members were requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.

No interests were declared at this meeting. 



Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the General Licensing Committee held on 12 March 2020.


RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the last meeting of the General Licensing Committee held on 12 March 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 


Hackney Carriage Tariff Increase Request pdf icon PDF 540 KB

Additional documents:


The Licensing Team Leader presented a report that outlined representations received during the statutory consultation regarding the proposed increase to the Hackney Carriage Tariff for hackney carriages in North East Derbyshire.


Members heard that at the last meeting of the General Licensing Committee, the Committee approved a proposed variation to the Hackney Carriage Tariff, subject to the publishing of a statutory notice in a local newspaper and any objection received being considered by the Committee prior to the implementation of the revised tariff.


Members were informed that the statutory consultation had been completed, and three representations had been received in respect of the proposals. The Committee heard that the representations received included a number of comments such as the increase being unsuitable due to recent falls in fuel prices and the current economic climate. There had also been a request to bring the tariff increase in line with that of the tariff rate at Chesterfield Borough Council (CBC), as well as other comments that related to hackney carriages licensed with CBC.


To assist the Committee in their consideration of the representations received, a table was provided which outlined the percentage increase between the current and proposed tariffs for NEDDC and also included the current tariff at CBC.


Members discussed the general increase in expenses that drivers had faced in recent years, and even more so due to the pandemic. There was a consensus that an increase to the Hackney Carriage Tariff would still be appropriate.


The Committee heard that there was relatively few hackney carriages in the District, and that there was significantly more private hire vehicles licensed in North East Derbyshire. The Licensing Team Leader reminded Members that the legislation allowed the Authority to set a maximum fare for hackney carriages, but could not set a maximum fare for private hire vehicles.


The Committee agreed that it would therefore be logical to align the Hackney Carriage Tariff in line with the tariff rate at Chesterfield Borough Council.


RESOLVED – That the North East Derbyshire District Council Hackney Carriage Tariff Fares be brought in line with the Hackney Carriage Tariff Fares at Chesterfield Borough Council.



Policy on CCTV in Taxis - TO FOLLOW pdf icon PDF 317 KB

Additional documents:


The Council’s Solicitor presented a report that outlined amendments to the Council’s Taxi Licensing Policy so that mandatory CCTV in taxis could be introduced in North East Derbyshire.


Members heard that the introduction of mandatory CCTV in taxis had faced some legal obstacles in the past, however, in July 2020 the government had published guidance which stated that local authorities were expected to introduce mandatory CCTV in taxis unless there was a compelling local reason not to.


The Committee was asked to consider the Policy amendments and approve for public consultation, unless Members determined that there was a compelling local reason not to proceed with the Policy changes.


Members noted that if approved, the Policy amendments would be sent out for public consultation, and then any comments received would be reported back to the General Licensing Committee. The Solicitor informed the Committee that the Policy amendments would then need to be given final approval by the Committee before then being submitted to a meeting of Council.


The Committee discussed a number of issues surrounding the introduction of CCTV in taxis including data protection, privacy and installation costs. The Solicitor clarified that the Council would be the data controller, and that a recording device would be installed in each vehicle where the footage would be encrypted and only accessed by Council officers if absolutely necessary. Members noted that the installation costs would fall solely on the driver.


The Committee heard that the system would be installed by drivers through an approved system and supplier, and the recording device would be regularly inspected as part of the vehicles MOT. It was stated that the use of the recording software would form part of the driver’s license conditions when working, and that they would be expected to activate the software at the start of their shift.


The Committee agreed that there was considerable benefits to mandatory CCTV in the District’s taxis, and that it was a good preventative measure to protect both drivers and passengers.


RESOLVED – That the Draft Policy amendments be approved, and the proposals be taken forward to public consultation with the taxi trade and stakeholders.



Matters of Urgency

To consider any other matter which the Chair of the Committee is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency.


There were no matters of urgency discussed at the meeting.