Agenda and minutes

Growth Scrutiny Committee 2019-2023 - Thursday, 27th February, 2020 1.00 pm

Venue: Chamber 1

Contact: Thomas Scott  01246 217045

No. Item


Election of Chair

That Councillor A Hutchinson be elected Chair for the remainder of the Municipal Year.


RESOLVED – That Councillor A Hutchinson be elected as Chair for the remainder of the Municipal Year.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Ruff and S Cornwell.


Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


Members were requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


Councillor N Whitehead declared an interest an item 6 – HS2.



Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 248 KB

To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of the Growth Scrutiny Committee held on 16 January 2020.


            RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meeting of the Growth Scrutiny Committee held on 16 January 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 



Partnership Activities in Support of Growth pdf icon PDF 476 KB

To consider an update on the Partnership Team activities in support of growth – Partnership Co-ordinator


            The Committee welcomed Steve Lee, the Strategic Partnership Co-ordinator, who provided an update on the Partnership Team’s activities in support of Growth.


            Members heard that the Partnership Team employed 9 staff, or 7.5 FTE (full time equivalent).  The Officer provided an overview of the Partnership’s remit, which included the armed forces and community development.


            It was stated that the 2014-2020 Bolsover North East Derbyshire (BNED) LEADER Programme was coming to an end, with the process becoming closed to applicants on 30 September 2020.  Overall, North East Derbyshire had received £707,329.77 in funding, which had created 27.07 FTE jobs.  Across North East Derbyshire and Bolsover the programme had contracted £1,248.695.88 with 37 projects, to deliver 69.82 jobs.


            The Officer informed the Committee that there was a contract monitoring period to ensure that those who had benefitted from the programme honoured their commitments.  Members noted that the cost per FTE job created was £18,144, whilst the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) target was around £25,000 per job. 


            The Committee discussed the success of the BNED LEADER Programme and agreed that whilst the jobs created were important, the secondary lift in economic value from those investments had promoted vitality and sustainable development within North East Derbyshire communities.    Members praised the positive impact the investment in Killamarsh Gym had on the community. 


            The Strategic Partnership Co-ordinator invited the Chair to a project tour around the District scheduled for 30 March 2020. 


            Members discussed the importance of locality when delivering good programmes, and agreed that continuity in funding would help the Partnership’s Team to provide further good and ambitious programmes.  There was a consensus that a recommendation could be put forward to assist the Partnership’s Team, in particular, in regards to the Council’s work with the D2N2 LEP. 


            Members thanked the Officer for attending the meeting. 


            The Officer then left the meeting.




To receive an update from the Engagement Manager - HS2, Marcus King


            The Committee welcomed Marcus King and Jack Day from HS2, to receive a presentation on the project and how it would be affecting the District.  The Committee also welcomed Councillor C Renwick – Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth. 


            The presentation outlined a number of important topics in relation to HS2.  These included a project re-cap; the Phase 2B timeline; the HS2 route in North East Derbyshire; benefits; hotspots; property schemes; recent announcements; and what was next in the project.


            The Committee noted that HS2 would be upgrading existing rail lines in the District, and that the Midland Rail line would become electric.  It was stated that HS2 representatives had over 20 technical meetings with surrounding authorities, and that over 2,600 people had been seen in consultation events in the area. 


            Members were informed of the opportunities that HS2 presented to the District, which included reduced journey times for passengers, a major upgrade to the railway, a significant investment in infrastructure, an overall increased network capacity, more jobs and more investment.  The Committee heard that each new freight train with access to the rail network was equivalent to 76 heavy goods vehicles from our roads.  Research by the East Midlands Growth Strategy concluded that HS2 could create 74,000 jobs and generate £4 billion a year for the East Midlands region.


            The HS2 Officers highlighted a number of case studies in which local businesses and people would benefit from increased business and employment opportunities.    The presentation was concluded by updating Members on Property Payment Zones and what was next in the project. The Committee discussed the Birmingham to Leeds Phase, and its importance for the District.


            Members thanked Marcus King and Jack Day from HS2 for their attendance, who then left the meeting.



Council Plan - Growth pdf icon PDF 11 MB

Discussion with the Director of Place and the Portfolio Holder for Business Strategy, Commerce and Assets (CR)


            Councillor C Renwick – Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, and Ged Lucas – Interim Director of Economic Growth were present to discuss the Council Plan and its implication on growth in the District. 


            The Committee discussed the Growth Strategy and what was being done specifically to focus on continued growth in the District.  Members heard that the Growth Strategy sought to deliver on the priorities that were laid out in the Council Plan, such as skills and tourism.  The Officer commented that the Authority was working with a number of colleges and universities to promote, research and develop the District’s skill base. 


            Members were updated on the Clay Cross Town Deal Board and other town centre regeneration projects.  The Committee discussed the capacity of the Economic Development Team, and that a realistic approach was needed in regards to the scope and size of the economic growth projects they were able to undertake.  Subsequently, Members agreed that they would like to see the Authority work closer with large regional organisations such as D2N2, and that the Council should seek to take advantage when resources were made available. 


            The Committee heard that the newly appointed Director of Growth was due to commence their role in May, and that the Director would not be joint and would focus on NEDDC only.


            The Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth outlined her vision for the District, and informed Members of the One Public Estate Projects in Eckington and Killamarsh.  Members noted that the Council intended to conduct an Asset Review on the Council’s stock. 


            The Committee had a wide ranging discussion on industrial investment and manufacturing in the District, and Members expressed concern in regards to the limited growth in the Council’s National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR).  The Interim Director of Economic Growth explained that the Council was looking at a number of sites with a view to increasing the Council’s supply of quality business units, so that there was a portfolio of different sized premises and locations that tailored to a variety of business needs. 


            The Committee concluded the discussion by reiterating their desire to see greater growth in the District, which would require more high skilled jobs, better connectivity through infrastructure, investment and tourism.


            Members thanked the Officer and the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth for attending the meeting.



List of Key Decisions - Issue No 93 pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To consider the list of Key Decisions – Issue No 93


AGREED – That the List of Key Decisions – Issue No 93 be noted.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 178 KB

To consider the Work Programme for the Growth Scrutiny Committee 2019/20 and review the proposed workload.


AGREED – That the Work Programme be noted.



Additional Urgent Items

To consider any other matter which the Chair of the Committee is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items to be discussed at the meeting.



Date of Next Meeting


The next meeting of the Growth Scrutiny Committee is scheduled to take place on Thursday 9 April 2020 at 1.00 pm.