Agenda and minutes

Growth Scrutiny Committee 2019-2023 - Thursday, 16th January, 2020 1.00 pm

Venue: Chamber 1

Contact: Damon Stanton  01246 217011

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor S Cornwell.



Declarations of Interest

Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.


Members were requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.

Councillor N Whitehead declared an interest in Minute No 473 (the D2N2 presentation).



Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 229 KB

To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of the Growth Scrutiny Committee held on the 14 November 2019.


The Chair wished to amend an inaccurate sentence in Min No 362 which stated “at this point Councillors S Cornwell and S Clough left the meeting”, to instead read “at this point Councillors S Cornwell and A Hutchinson left the meeting.”


RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meeting (with an amendment) of the Growth Scrutiny Committee held on 14 November 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.




Discussion with the Chief Executive Officer D2N2.


                                                                                                                                            Members received a presentation from the D2N2 Chief Executive Officer that provided an update on how the D2N2 LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) operated and recent progress it had made. This included:


·                LEP review – strengthened purpose to drive economic growth with stronger private sector engagement

·                Investment to support growth – over £250M capital investment and over £200M of European funds to support business and skills

·                D2N2 structure

·                Statistics for the area covered by D2N2

·                Vision 2030 (‘A Green Heart Powering Energetic Minds’) and its guiding principles – enhance the capacity and capability of our people and businesses to prosper and innovate, lead the most ambitious carbon turn-around in the country, and deliver connectivity-led growth

·                D2N2 Capital Programme

·                Local Growth Fund projects – former Coalite site, Seymour Link Road and A61 Corridor

·                European Structural and Investment Fund 2014-2020

·                European Structural and Investment Fund Priorities 2014-2020

·                What the European Structural and Investment Fund will buy in D2N2

·                D2N2 Growth Hub – model and service

·                D2N2 Enterprise Adviser Network

·                North Derbyshire Careers Hub

·                North Derbyshire Manufacturing Zone


                                                                                                                                            Members were informed that D2N2 had an updated management restructure with the Leader of the Council as a Member of the D2N2 Board.


Members discussed how D2N2 could sometimes be seen as city centric. The D2N2 Chief Executive Officer explained that this was because cities were quicker to request funding.


Members requested that the D2N2 presentation be circulated to them after the meeting.


The D2N2 Chief Executive Officer referred to the “enhance the capacity and capability of our people” guiding principle, and how this responded to individuals in the area not upskilling. The Chair felt it was a difficult situation, because large businesses coming into the area would increase the workforce’s skill, but businesses didn’t want to enter an area with an unskilled workforce.

                                                                                                                                            Councillor N Whitehead believed that public transport and autonomous driving in rural areas needed to be considered as part of D2N2’s connectivity ambition. The D2N2 Chief Executive Officer explained that D2N2 were undertaking a rural mobility review.

                                                                                                                                            Members discussed the upcoming HS2 railway project and were concerned that it would only bring money into cities. The D2N2 Chief Executive Officer explained that D2N2 would work with Midlands Connect (a partnership of LEPs and Councils from across the Midlands) to ensure the connectivity of the project. The D2N2 Head of Strategy and Policy added that the HS2 railway lines would open up capacity for freight trains and reduce carbon emissions.


                                                                                                                                            The Chair referred to the ESIF (European Structural and Investment Fund) in the presentation and asked if the UK’s exit from the European Union would impact this. The D2N2 Chief Executive Officer explained that the ESIF would be tied into the exit deal by the Government.


Members discussed the (ERDF) European Regional Development Fund and asked what the deadline to spend it was, and if the deadline was still in place. The D2N2 Chief Executive Officer explained that the deadline to spend it was 2023, and D2N2 were confident the funding would still  ...  view the full minutes text for item 473.


Discussion with Strategic Director - Place

Discussion with the Strategic Director – Place on her service in relation to Growth


The Strategic Director – Place informed the Committee of ongoing issues within her remit.


Members were informed that for the Government’s Town Fund Deal and its inclusion of Clay Cross, the Council had set up the Clay Cross Town Board to build an Investment Plan.


The Chair enquired what the Director’s remit would be when the new Director for Economic Growth was appointed. The Strategic Director – Place explained that the Director’s remit would be related to skills, and the person appointed would ideally have experience in inward investment and international involvement.


The Chair requested that an update be given to the Committee once the new Director for Economic Growth was appointed.


Karen Hanson left the meeting.




(1)     The update from the Strategic Director – Place be noted.


(2)     The new Director for Economic Growth be invited to give an update to the Committee once they were in post.


(Governance Officer/Strategic Director – Place) 



List of Key Decisions - Issue No 91 pdf icon PDF 165 KB

To consider the list of Key Decisions – Issue No 91


The Committee considered Issue No 91 of the List of Key Decisions, which set out the major decisions being taken over the next few months.


RESOLVED – That the List of Key Decisions No 91 be noted.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To consider the Work Programme for the Growth Scrutiny Committee 2019/20 and review the proposed workload.


Members considered the Growth Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2019/2020.


The Chair advised that the Growth Scrutiny Committee had not yet reviewed anything in the current administration, although work had been done to investigate the possibility of reviewing Business Support Units. She added that managers of the Business Support Units would be invited to attend Growth Scrutiny Committee in the near future.


Members agreed that in considering topics to review, it would be useful for the Committee to receive information on how scrutiny reviews and topics operate at other local authorities. The Monitoring Officer agreed to pass this request on to the Overview & Scrutiny Manager.


Members agreed that the Committee should schedule Councillor J Kenyon (Portfolio Holder for Business Strategy, Commerce and Assets) to attend Growth Scrutiny Committee meeting regularly. The Chair also requested that the Chief Executive Officer of Chesterfield College Group should be invited to attend Committee meetings where skills were discussed when appropriate.


The Monitoring Officer advised that the Strategic Director – Place would attend the next scheduled Committee meeting to present the Council Plan.




                     (1)     The Work Programme 2019/2020 be noted.


(2)     The Committee schedules Councillor J Kenyon (Portfolio Holder for Business Strategy, Commerce and Assets) regularly to attend Growth Scrutiny Committee meeting.


(3)     The Chief Executive Officer of Chesterfield College Group be invited to attend Committee meetings where appropriate because skills were being discussed.


(Governance Officer/Overview & Scrutiny Officer) 



Additional Urgent Items

To consider any other matter which the Chair of the Committee is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items to be discussed at the meeting.



Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Growth Scrutiny Committee is scheduled to take place on Thursday 27 February 2020 at 1.00pm.


The next meeting of the Growth Scrutiny Committee is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 27 February 2020 at 1.00 pm in Chamber 1.