Venue: Chamber 1, District Council Offices, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield S42 6NG
Contact: Tom Scott 01246 217045
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor P Windley. |
Declarations of Interest Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time. Minutes: Members were requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.
There were no interests declared at this meeting. |
Minutes of Last Meeting To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of the Communities Scrutiny Committee held on 22 July 2022. Minutes: The Chair wished to clarify that for the second to last paragraph of the CCTV in Taxis item, the part that stated “Members suggested that the Council should clearly mark its taxis with CCTV inside” should end with “inside and outside”, and the part that stated Members “suggested that the Communications department should advertise the scheme once it was ready to begin” should add “and work with a Cabinet Member to discuss publicising the scheme.”
RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the Communities Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 22 July 2022 (subject to clarification) were approved and signed as a correct record by the Chair. |
CCTV in Taxis To receive a final report prior to the implementation of the CCTV in Taxis Policy – Ken Eastwood, Assistant Director – Environmental Health. Minutes: The Joint Assistant Director - Environmental Health Service delivered a verbal update on the progress of the CCTV in Taxis scheme. Members heard that the company who had been awarded the contract had been informed that the Council would underwrite the costs of setting up the contract.
Members enquired if the company had a similar contract with Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. The Joint Assistant Director - Environmental Health Service explained that Licensing officers believed they did, but later found that a contact had not been put in place.
The Joint Assistant Director - Environmental Health Service informed Members that Licensing had requested Legal officers to check the first draft of the contract. The Chair requested that in an effort to help along the legal process, the Senior Scrutiny Officer should invite the Legal Team Manager who was looking at the contract alongside the Joint Assistant Director - Environmental Health Service to the next meeting of the Committee.
RESOLVED – That Committee noted the update. |
Scrutiny Review 2022/23 Scoping and Scene Setting for the 2022/23 Scrutiny Review – Leisure and wellbeing provision for older residents – Chris Mills, Assistant Director of Leisure. Minutes: The Committee undertook a Scoping and Scene Setting exercise for the 2022/23 Scrutiny Review – Leisure and wellbeing provision for older residents.
The Assistant Director of Leisure gave Members a presentation which explained in detail the following areas:
Members asked what the percentage was of visitors to the Council’s leisure facilities that were older people. The Assistant Director of Leisure said it was difficult to measure exactly, but estimated that older people made up approximately 10% of total visitors.
Members discussed ways of measuring this percentage more accurately. The Assistant Director of Leisure advised that numbers of signed up leisure members could be utilised, and the proportion of this that were older people would be investigated.
Members asked what kind of activities were in place for people with spinal injuries. The Assistant Director of Leisure explained that Aquasize was currently being offered, and in the future, Leisure could form closer links between the Sharley Park leisure centre and hospitals nearby for physiotherapy.
Members enquired if there was assistance for people who had been told to go to the gym for health reasons but could not afford it. The Assistant Director of Leisure explained that there was an officer in the Leisure department who liaised with people to help them attend the gym.
Members discussed leisure membership and the prices on offer. The Assistant Director of Leisure explained that membership used to be free, but not many people used it. Currently, there were ‘super saver’ membership offers for concessions, and a number of other different offer types. The Chair requested that the Senior Scrutiny Officer investigate exercise referral, all of the different types of membership offers and costs, and all of the activities offered.
The Chair felt the information on the Council’s website about different membership costs was confusing and amending it should be considered.
Members discussed what specific age groups the review would refer to when the phrase ‘older people’ was used. They agreed that based on the Sport England data in the presentation, ‘older people’ would include the age groups 55 -75 years old and 75+years old.
The Chair requested that for a future Committee meeting, the Senior Scrutiny Officer should invite some of the specific Leisure officers mentioned for interviews, like the officer who assists people to attend the gym.
Forward Plan of Executive Decisions To consider the attached Forward Plan of Executive Decisions dated 15 August to 15 September.
Please note, the most up-to- date Forward Plan of Executive Decisions can be accessed via the following link:- Minutes: RESOLVED – That the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions be noted. |
Additional Urgent Items To consider the Committee’s Work Programme.
Minutes: The Senior Scrutiny Officer explained that the interviews for the Leisure provisions for older people review requested by the Chair earlier would be scheduled for the Committee meeting on 13 January 2023.
RESOLVED – That the work programme be noted. |
Additional Urgent Items To consider any other matter which the Chair of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no additional urgent items. |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee is scheduled to take place on Friday 11 November 2022 at 1.30 pm. Minutes: The next meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee would be held on Friday 11 November at 1:30pm. |