Contact: Damon Stanton 01246 217011
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time. Minutes: Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time
There were no interests declared at this meeting. |
Minutes of Last Meeting To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of the Communities Scrutiny Committee held on 14 January 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee held on 14 January 2021 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Healthy Partnership Working To consider progress from the Council’s Partnership Officer on the Healthy North East Derbyshire Approach. Minutes: The Council’s Partnership Officer was present at the meeting to inform the Committee of the progress of the Healthy North East Derbyshire Partnership in the last year.
Members were reminded that the Healthy North East Derbyshire (HNED) Partnership was established in 2015 and was chaired by the Public Health Localities Lead for North East Derbyshire and Bolsover at Derbyshire County Council. The NEDDC Partnership Team was responsible for managing the funding and commissioning the projects of the HNED Partnership.
The Committee noted that the HNED Partnership had been delivering the Public Health Locality Plan since 2015, for which Derbyshire County Council awarded an annual allocation, via NEDDC, to commission projects on its behalf to address health priorities. The Partnership Officer informed Members that since 2018/19 the annual funding awarded had been £69,501, as well as small grants to the voluntary sector.
Members heard that there were a number of priorities in the Plan including building healthy communities, promoting healthy lifestyles, and supporting access to effective health and social care. The Committee was also updated on the progress of a number of projects including the Clay Cross Obesity Group and the NEDDC Older Peoples Strategy.
Members discussed the projects that the HNED Partnership were delivering. The Partnership Officer clarified that Public Health at Derbyshire County Council had moved to a local approach and that the HNED Partnership was part of a partnership between local health organisations, agencies and voluntary sector. The Committee noted, however, that the Partnership reported back to Derbyshire County Council. Members enquired about ‘Vision Derbyshire’ and the Partnership’s plans for the future.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
Scrutiny Review - Parks & Green Spaces To consider further information on Parks and Green Spaces from the Joint Streetscene & Waste Services Manager. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Streetscene and the Joint Streetscene and Waste Services Manager was present at the meeting to discuss the District’s Parks and Green Spaces.
Members were provided with a document which outlined information such as geographic location, play area inspection costs, life span, play value score, and the type of equipment for play areas in North East Derbyshire.
The Officers clarified the process for inspecting the District’s parks, and informed Members of a number of factors that were considered to determine the play area inspection costs, such as the staff hours and size of the site. The Committee noted that play areas were inspected monthly and skate parks were inspected weekly.
Members discussed the maintenance budget and lifespans of the District’s parks and what could be done in the future to improve them, including a dedicated budget. The Committee noted that 5-10 new play areas had been built in the past year, mainly due to 25 new major developments being built in North East Derbyshire. It was stated that section 106 agreements had been used to finance some of these new parks.
The Committee had a wide ranging discussion on section 106 agreements and there was a consensus that the funding could be better utilised. The Overview and Scrutiny Manager agreed to liaise with the Head of Planning in regards to section 106 agreements and provide further information to the Committee.
RESOLVED – That the update be noted. |
Forward Plan of Executive Decisions To consider the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions. Please note, the most up-to- date Forward Plan of Executive Decisions can be accessed via the following link:-
Minutes: AGREED – That the Forward Plan of Executive Decisions be noted. |
Scrutiny Work Programme To consider the Work Programme for the Communities Scrutiny Committee 2020/2021. Minutes: AGREED – That the Work Programme be noted. |
Additional Urgent Items (if any) To consider any other matter which the Chair of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no additional urgent items discussed at this meeting.
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee will be held on Friday, 14 May 2021 at 1.30 pm. Minutes: The next meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee will take place on Friday, 14 May 2021 at 1.30 pm. |
Exclusion of the Public The Chair to move:-
That the public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion of the following items of business to avoid the disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1, Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, (as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006. [The category of exempt information is stated after each item]. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion of the following item(s) of business to avoid the disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1, Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006). [The category of exempt information is stated after each item]. |
Scrutiny Review Triangulation of Evidence (the following previous evidence reviewed is attached as a reminder):
· Minute Extracts from previous meetings; · Briefing Paper from 27 November meeting; · Further information from the Health & Wellbeing Development Officer. (Paragraph 1) Minutes: The Overview and Scrutiny Manager reminded Members that this involved triangulating all the evidence the Committee had heard in connection with the Committee’s Scrutiny Review into Obesity in Younger Residents.
Members discussed the various aspects of the Scrutiny Review and considered what was working well and any potential areas for improvement. There was a consensus that good work was being done to tackle obesity in the District, such as through the HNED Partnership and the Healthy Lifestyles Team. The Committee agreed that projects such as the Physical Activity Lifestyles Support Service (PALS), Walking for Health Project, and the Beat the Street scheme had made a positive impact.
It was stated that leisure services in North East Derbyshire were of good quality, but that the Pandemic had significantly impacted most programmes. It was hoped that some of those provisions could be restarted in the near future. The Committee also agreed that a local approach to public health had brought communities together, and lead to better health initiatives and lifestyles.
The Committee discussed the District’s play areas and parks and agreed that a dedicated budget would help their overall maintenance and desirability and encourage children to use them more frequently. There was a consensus that finance obtained from section 106 agreements could be better utilised and contribute to the maintenance budget. The Committee also agreed that a dedicated Strategy could be developed to help make better use of the District’s Parks and get children more active.
Members hoped that Derbyshire County Council would release information relating to child obesity so that areas could be targeted and be provided with more resources to improve their parks and play areas.
The Committee expressed concern over the long term impacts of the Pandemic, and that lockdown and restrictions could see child obesity increase. Members acknowledged the recent funding announcement by Government to tackle obesity and hoped that more funding would be available to the HNED Partnership and the Healthy Lifestyles Team.