Venue: Chamber 1
Contact: Damon Stanton
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor E A Hill. |
Declarations of Interest Members are requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or other interests, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time. Minutes: Members were requested to declare the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and/or other interest, not already on their register of interests, in any item on the agenda and withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time.
Councillor R Hall declared a significant other interest in Agenda Item No 7 – CCTV Update – and advised that he would withdraw from the meeting at the appropriate time. |
Minutes of Last Meeting To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of the Communities Scrutiny Committee held on 12 July 2019. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee held on 12 July 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Scrutiny Review - Residential Parking - Interview Interview
10.00 am - Joint Head of Streetscene Minutes: The Joint Head of Streetscene attended the meeting to discuss grass verges and refuse vehicle access across the District in connection with the Committee’s Review of Residential Parking. Concerns over access for larger refuse vehicles, when cars parked on streets, had been raised for larger refuse vehicles. The Committee wished to understand the need for the use of larger vehicles.
The Committee heard that following a service review Streetscene had purchased 8 by 32 tonne 8x4) refuse vehicles, which had resulted in an extra 150 tonne pay load capacity per week to assist the increased service demand from housing growth. At the time the review was undertaken, the Council’s recycling rate was approximately 39%, with average black bin weights being 22kg, equivalent to 45 bins per tonne. However, the recycling rate was now currently 47% which had resulted in the average black bin weight being reduced to approximately 18kg equivalent to 55 bins per tonne. It was stated that this further assisted incorporating the District’s housing growth potential over the subsequent years.
Members heard that the refuse vehicles needed to be as efficient as possible, which was achieved through optimising performance through increased pay load and work load capacity, and being able to access areas within the District. The Officer stated that overall, the refuse vehicle workers managed to access all areas of the District fairly well.
The Committee enquired about busy periods during the day in which some areas of the District were hard to access. The Officer explained that collection routes were planned so that areas where there would be a high volume of traffic were instead visited at non peak times.
Members discussed the increased size of the refuse trucks and the housing growth within North East Derbyshire. It was stated that Streetscene would always try to maximise the efficiency of stock. However it would be necessary for a review to take place, especially if there was a need to increase collections in areas within the District where housing growth had increased significantly. The Committee heard that refuse teams were able to achieve effective hourly loading rates of 240 to 270 bins per hour, equivalent to four per minute. The Officer commented that over the past several years housing growth had been averaging around 200 per year, however, over the course of the past six months there had been an increase on that average of around 180 to 200 houses. Members were informed that if this level of increase continued, it would prompt a review of the need for additional vehicles and collection staff.
Members asked about the impact the additional pressure was having on staff, in particular on health and safety standards. The Officer commented that there was an alternate and direct loading pattern to ensure staff and public safety when working on the highway. It was also stated that there was monthly checks in line with risk assessments and method statements and that performance was monitored in order to maintain a cost effective and efficient ... view the full minutes text for item 245. |
Scrutiny Review - Residential Parking - Update Consideration of additional documentation received and discussion on the next steps of the Review.
· Any comments received from Town/Parish Councils · Draft Revised Driveways and Hardstandings · Draft Hardstanding application process Additional documents: Minutes: The Overview and Scrutiny Manager informed the Committee that information from Town and Parish Councils was due to be received in time for the next meeting. Once those comments had been received, Members could consider the next stages in the review.
The Committee also discussed more flexible practices for the dropping of kerbs to allow residents to build driveways. However, Members commented that it was important environmental factors were considered, such as the impact of removing gardens and grass areas, and the impacts of water run-off and drainage.
Anti-Social Behaviour Policy To consider the draft Anti-Social Behaviour Policy from the Contentious (Legal) Team Manager – Solicitor Minutes: The Committee considered the draft Anti-Social Behaviour Policy from the Contentious (Legal) Team Manager that outlined the proposed Anti-Social Behaviour Policy.
It was stated that the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 required local housing authorities to prepare and publish a policy in relation to anti-social behaviour and procedures for dealing with occurrences of anti-social behaviour. Members heard that the policy had been drafted in conjunction with Rykneld Homes Ltd who managed the Council’s housing stock.
Members enquired how the Council worked with the Police in dealing with anti-social behaviour. The Officer commented that whilst the legislation did not require the Policy to be drafted in conjunction with the Police, the Authority did work in partnership with them in dealing with anti-social behaviour.
The Committee discussed the importance of ward members taking up cases from constituents so that anti-social behaviour issues could be communicated to the appropriate departments, such as the Community Safety Partnership. Those committing acts of anti-social behaviour would be given a warning and then a Community Protection Notice. It was stated that the Community Protection Notice would stay on file for 12 months and if there was a failure to comply then the Authority could fine or prosecute offenders.
Members thanked the Officer for attending the meeting.
The Officer then left the meeting.
RESOLVED – That the update be noted.
Councillor R Hall withdrew from the meeting at this point. |
CCTV Further discussion and update on CCTV Minutes: The Overview and Scrutiny Manager informed Members that a proposed timetable for the review of CCTV in taxis had been drafted by the Principal Solicitor.
Members of the Committee had spoken to various officers within other local authorities who had introduced compulsory CCTV facilities in taxi vehicles. The Committee agreed that they would like to invite Licensing Managers from other authorities to speak to the Committee, and this evidence could be used in support of the policy at North East Derbyshire.
Members reiterated that their priority was protecting the public, and that there needed to be consistency across all local Councils.
RESOLVED – That the update be noted.
Councillor R Hall re-entered the meeting at this point.
Healthy North East Derbyshire Partnership To appoint a representative to the Healthy North East Partnership Minutes: The Committee was invited to agree a representative from the Committee to sit on the Healthy North East Derbyshire Partnership.
RESOLVED – That Councillor Oscar Gomez Reaney be appointed as a representative to the Healthy North East Derbyshire Partnership.
List of Key Decisions To consider the List of Key Decisions – Issue No 88 Minutes: The Committee considered Issue No 88 of the List of Key Decisions which set out the major decisions being taken over the next few months.
In relation to Manor Farm – Investment Report, a Ward Member for the Dronfield area commented that Cabinet should consider the thoughts and recommendations of Ward Members.
RESOLVED – That the List of Key Decisions, Issue No 88 be noted.
Scrutiny Work Programme To consider the Work Programme for the Communities Scrutiny Committee 2019/2020 Minutes: Members enquired about the proposals for a policy on sex establishments and whether or not this was a new policy. The Overview and Scrutiny Manager agreed to update the Committee when further information was available.
RESOLVED – That the Communities Scrutiny Work Programme 2019/20 be noted. |
Additional Urgent Items (if any) To consider any other matter which the Chair of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no additional urgent items to be discussed at this meeting. |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee will be held on Friday, 22 November 2019 at 10.00 am in Chamber 1, District Council Offices, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth. Minutes: The next meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee would take place on Friday, 22 November 2019 at 10.00 am in Chamber 1, District Council Offices, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth. |