Venue: Chamber 1
Contact: Damon Stanton 01246 217011
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Minutes of Last Meeting PDF 229 KB To approve as a correct record and the Chair to sign the Minutes of the Communities Scrutiny Committee held on 1 March 2019. Minutes: As none of the Members present had been appointed to the Committee for the previous meeting none were able to confirm the accuracy of content, however, the consensus was to note the content for information and resolved for it to be approved.
RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee held on 1 March 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Minutes: The Overview and Scrutiny Manager outlined the role and remit of Scrutiny and enabled a discussion around effective Scrutiny and selecting Scrutiny Review topics. She further defined her role in supporting the Committees and gave a presentation to Members, which included Principles of an Effective Scrutiny Work Programme, the Methodology used to consider topics for Scrutiny Reviews and the different types of Reviews that could take place.
Members also gave consideration to the Terms of Reference for the Committee and noted how this might work in practice, including Committee crossover. The Overview and Scrutiny Manager advised that officers would regularly be requested to attend meetings of the Committee and offered advice to Members on this process as well as effective questioning and the key things they should be considering. Members were very much in agreement with the advice offered around respect for Officers attending and the confidentiality of the views expressed during the meeting.
In considering examples of previous Reviews, the Overview and Scrutiny Manager pledged to provide Members with a list of these reviews, along with some further information around conducting spotlight reviews. It was noted that issues could be looked at through items on the agenda or by conducting a scrutiny review. Issues could also be considered by more than one Scrutiny Committee when they cut across Committee remits.
Scrutiny Committees could call witnesses to attend Scrutiny meetings and gather evidence. It was noted that Scrutiny had no decision making powers but could seek to influence by undertaking evidence based work.
RESOLVED – That the Communities Scrutiny Committee notes the update on the Remit of the Committee from the Overview and Scrutiny Manager. (Overview and Scrutiny Manager) |
Selection of Scrutiny Review Topic PDF 899 KB To discuss the Committee’s Scrutiny Review.
(a) Following the Motion at Council on 20 May 2019:-
“Council notes that residents in all parts of the District experience daily problems over the lack of residential parking; particularly where private driveways are difficult or impossible to site.
Council resolves to undertake a strategic review of residential parking problems around the District, prioritising areas where concerns have been raised by residents, and report on practical solutions – such as allocation of parking spaces and development of unused Council owned land to provide off road parking”.
Council RESOLVED that Scrutiny undertake this Review.
Council officers will be in attendance to give a briefing on car parking for residents within the District.
(b) To discuss a further review topic – Health and Wellbeing and Child Obesity.
Council officers will be in attendance to provide background information as required and answer any questions.
Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to two topics presented for review by the Committee, with a view to selecting one as their main topic for the forthcoming municipal year. As a result of the meeting of Annual Council held on 20 May 2019 where a Motion was put in regard to a district wide parking review, the Scrutiny Committee had been asked to consider this as one of their topics for the forthcoming year.
(a) Parking Review
The Committee welcomed Tracy Buckland and Victoria Vernon from the Engineering Section to discuss known parking issues within the District.
It was noted that Council was mainly aware of parking issues within Council run car parks and housing estates managed by Rykneld Homes. They were aware of some on-street parking issues where damage to verges was taking place. However, it was noted that this was mostly a Derbyshire County Council matter. The issues made known to Members included:-
· Over-running (refuse vehicles); · Parking on verges (DCC matter); · Parking on open spaces; · Lack of on-street space; · Lack of off-street space; and · Parking areas.
Over the years, the Team had looked at various schemes to address a number of the apparent issues and had put recommendations and bids for money to Rykneld to implement parking solutions within the estates managed on behalf of the Council.
Members noted that no recommendations had been approved by Rykneld Homes within the last year. Recommendations for improvement works at Holmesfield and Pilsley were made through the Asset Management Group and funded through the HRA. The Overview and Scrutiny Manager undertook to provide the Committee with a copy of the decisions taken.
Members reported that they had witnessed a lot of the issues highlighted around lack of on-street space. Some of the solutions and constraints were discussed and the following points were noted:-
· The car park at Eckington Pool was being extended; · Some parking areas set aside for residents only were being used by non-residents (not enforceable); · The budget for remedial works was controlled by Rykneld Homes; · CPOs would be needed to procure land for parking if no NEDDC owned land was available; · Extra bays on NEDDC owned land were the cheapest solution up to £2,000 per space; · Putting in driveways on properties costs between £3,000 and £4,000; · Allocated spaces – not a viable option as can be identified as Right to Buy; · Within 2018/19 no additional spaces were created.
Members were informed that a parking review took place in Dronfield in 2013, to which the response was minimal and did not result in many changes. It was felt that social media as a tool for engaging with the public may help to remove barriers to communications with local residents and the review may be reconsidered.
Enforcement of parking issues was contracted to Derbyshire County Council. Members were advised that the contract was intended to be cost neutral but currently runs at a financial deficit.
Maintenance of parking areas was discussed and Members were advised that a competitive tender took place each ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
Scrutiny Work Programme PDF 193 KB To consider the draft Work Programme for the Communities Scrutiny Committee 2019/2020 and make any suggestions for items. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered its draft Work Programme for 2019/20. In light of the agreement to commence a review in to parking and schedule a review in to child obesity the Work Plan would be amended to accommodate this. Further areas for consideration were identified as One Public Estate, Licensing Policies and Manor Farm.
In connection with the Scrutiny Review, as a result of the discussions, it was agreed that feedback would be sought from Eckington Parish Council, Dronfield Parish Council, Killamarsh Parish Council, Clay Cross Parish Council and Derbyshire Constabulary on parking issues within those areas. Councillor Cupit would also be asked whether she would share the results of a survey she undertook in regard to parking within her constituent area.
RESOLVED – That the Communities Scrutiny Committee draft Work Programme for 2019/20 be agreed as amended. (Overview & Scrutiny Manager)
List of Key Decisions To consider the List of Key Decisions – Issue No 85 Minutes: The Committee considered Issue No 85 of the List of Key Decisions which set out the major decisions being taken over the next few months.
RESOLVED – That the List of Key Decisions, Issue No 85, be noted. |
Additional Urgent Items (if any) To consider any other matter which the Chair of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items to be discussed at this meeting. |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee will be held on Friday, 12 July 2019 at 1.00 pm in Chamber 1, District Council Offices, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield. Minutes: The next meeting of the Communities Scrutiny Committee would take place on Friday, 12 July 2019 at 10.00 am in Chamber 1. Members were asked to note that a Scrutiny Workshop would take place on Wednesday, 12 June 2019 at 2.00 pm.