Outline of Sharley Park Leisure Centre Business Case
Update/Presentation – Matt Broughton, Director of Transformation
The Director of Transformation provided an outline of the Sharley Park Leisure Centre Business case. The Officer outlined the concept and ideas and informed Board that Council had been clear in their desire to establish a community hub.
The Officer informed Members that a procurement route had been agreed and that Strategic Leisure had developed a business case. Sport England had also been advising the Council throughout the project. UK Leisure Framework had helped the Council to acquire the development partner; Alliance Leisure.
Members noted that the Council had a design team comprised of Hadron Consulting, GT3 and, ISG. ISG were identified as a main contractor.
Town Development Board heard that NEDDC would make a decision in January on whether to proceed with the project, as long as costs remained within the budget envelope and the forecast subsidiary was less than the existing on Sharley Park.
Members discussed the business case and heard that it was strong, with an efficient building being designed from a fabric first approach. Discussions would still need to take place on what power source to use for the building.
Town Development Board also considered that the plans would need to be considered through a public consultation but noted that this should not take place until after a design had been agreed upon.