60 Single Equality Scheme 2019-2023 Review Year Two PDF 301 KB
Report of Councillor M Foster, Portfolio Holder for Council Services
Additional documents:
Cabinet noted the progress achieved during the second year of the Council’s Single Equality Scheme 2019-23.
To appraise Cabinet of progress made towards achieving the Council’s Single Equality Scheme objectives
No other options were considered. The Council has a statutory duty to publish information demonstrating with the General Equality Duty.
Please note that this was not a Key Decision and so can be implemented with immediate effect by officers.
Cabinet considered performance information on the Council’s Single Equality Scheme 2019-23. Members heard about the good progress which been made during the second year of the scheme. In particular, it set out the actions that had been taken to help achieve the Council’s equality objectives.
As part of this, the report informed Members about what support had been provided during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. Cabinet was informed about the Community Action Grant (CAG) scheme, and how this had been used successfully to support local groups. Members also heard how the Council had supported the national vaccination programme with over 60,000 people receiving vaccinations at the Sharley Park Leisure Centre.
Cabinet discussed the report. Member welcomed what had been achieved and the important contribution that the Single Equality Scheme had made to the Council.
RESOLVED - Cabinet noted the progress achieved during the second year of the Council’s Single Equality Scheme 2019-23.
REASONS FOR DECISION - To appraise Cabinet of progress made towards achieving the Council’s Single Equality Scheme objectives
OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - No other options were considered. The Council has a statutory duty to publish information demonstrating with the General Equality Duty.