Issue - meetings

Housing Strategy & Economic Development Restructure

Meeting: 20/05/2021 - Cabinet (Item 6)

Housing Strategy and Economic Development Services Restructure

Report of Councillor C Renwick, Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth

(Paragraph 1)




(1)          That Cabinet endorsed the proposed restructure of the Housing Strategy and Economic Development Services within the Growth and Economic Development Directorate.


(2)          That Council be recommended to approve the change and resultant growth required to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), as specified in the report.


REASONS FOR DECISION - The restructure will enable the objectives set out in the Council Plan for improving housing, creating a Business-friendly District and promoting the Visitor Economy to be more effectively delivered. The restructure will also ensure that specialist expertise can be used to carry out regeneration projects across the District’s town centres.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - The option of not restructuring the Housing and Economic Development services was considered but rejected. The current structure cannot provide the capacity to effectively achieve the Council’s Housing and Economic Development objectives.


Please note that this was not a Key Decision and so can be implemented with immediate effect by officers



The report to Cabinet asked Members to endorse the proposed restructure of the Housing Strategy and Economic Development Services within the Growth and Economic Development Directorate.


Cabinet heard how the proposed arrangements would enable the Services to work more effectively, provide better strategic housing management and allow work to take place on regenerating the District’s town centres and promoting Visitor Economy, in line with the Council Plan 2019-23 objectives.


Cabinet discussed and supported the restructure proposals.  Members agreed to recommend to Council that the new arrangements be funded through the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).




(1)          That Cabinet endorsed the proposed restructure of the Housing Strategy and Economic Development Services within the Growth and Economic Development Directorate.


(2)          That Council be recommended to approve the change and resultant growth required to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), as specified in the report.


REASONS FOR DECISION - The restructure will enable the objectives set out in the Council Plan for improving housing, creating a Business-friendly District and promoting the Visitor Economy to be more effectively delivered. The restructure will also ensure that specialist expertise can be used to carry out regeneration projects across the District’s town centres.


OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED - The option of not restructuring the Housing and Economic Development services was considered but rejected. The current structure cannot provide the capacity to effectively achieve the Council’s Housing and Economic Development objectives.


 (Paragraph 1)